Archives December 2018

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As a fellow skincare freak, you all know how hard it is to try out new skincare products. While I always prefer my organic and all natural skin care lines (i.e. Benu Cosmetics, Coocon Apothecary, etc).
I received a complimentary gift of L’oreal’s hyaluronic and vitamin c serums from Influenster in exchange for an honest product review! (please note, there are also affiliate links located in this post).

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Hello, skincare freaks! It’s your undomesticated African goddess giving you the 411 on the skincare front again! I recently received complimentary full-size samples of L’Oréal’s seem intensive hyaluronic acid and vitamin C serums. While I’m all about clean beauty lines, I still like to keep my finger on the pulse of “conventional” (i.e. department store) beauty brands. I also like to know what’s new on the market. Having said all of that, I refuse to put anything on this melanin rich-skin that’s suspect! 

Now on to my skincare review! 

When I first received this Influenster Voxbox, I was excited. Well, what woman isn’t excited about receiving a surprise gift?! Now, for those of you who don’t know, hyaluronic acid is very hydrating. By virtue of its chemical properties, hyaluronic acid is capable of holding more than 1000x it’s weight in water!

Needless to say, I had no problem slathering on L’Oreal’s hyaluronic acid serum. As for the ingredients, I could not find anything that was particularly a no-go ingredient but I’m still on the fence. I’m never a fan of long ingredient lists nor do I like having to decipher chemical names of ingredients. 

Does it work?

The next question is, was it effective in changing the overall texture and suppleness of my skin? I’m not sure it was enough to justify the hype. While it did give me some much needed extra hydration for the winter, it did not work any miracles. That’s not to say that it won’t do something phenomenal for your skin, but I’m really picky when it comes to skincare!

Since I received both items at the same time, I decided to incorporate L’Oreal’s vitamin C serum into my skincare routine. I must confess to liking the texture and feel of this particular serum. It went on smooth and also provided additional hydration as well as suppleness. After using this for over 2 weeks, I don’t see a significant change in the evening of my skin tone. I do have a little freckling from sun exposure, but I’m still waiting to be wowed by the vitamin C serum.


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My final takeaway on these products

Other than the natural benefits of vitamin C (i.e. anti-oxidant rich, anti-aging, etc), I fail to see what’s so spectacular about it. So, the jury is still out on both of these products in terms of wow-factor! While they do have some beneficial properties as I mentioned above, you’ll have to try it yourself to see if it does more for you.

As for me, I’ll continue to use my all-natural skincare and DIY recipes!


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Influenster L’Oréal Voxbox Review

Making the switch

We all have heard about the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian diet! While it sounds awesome, a lot of people are still clueless about great sources of plant-based proteins to choose from. If that sounds like you, I’ve got an awesome list of my top “10 Great Protein Sources” for vegan diets!

There is no need to feel discouraged or overwhelmed about switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet. Why? Because there are literally so many options out there! I’ve found the challenge is one of knowing what to actually eat. Added to that,  how do you get creative and find affordable food sources?

It’s really not that complicated. Switching to plant-based protein sources simply means more variety in my book. Great sources of plant protein are found in beans (i.e. pinto beans, kidney beans, etc), grains, etc.

About that vegan diet

The real question is not, “ do vegan diets contain enough protein?” But rather, which plant proteins have a high protein content and how can we creatively incorporate them into our diets in a sustainable way? On the surface, a simple yes, is the short answer. However, when one considers how food is currently being sourced and produced, the issue quickly becomes more complex and thought-provoking.

But, let’s answer the first question and save the other for another, more in-depth discussion on food production, insecurity, and commercial agricultural practices! First of all, there are a lot more sources of plant-based proteins than you think! And yes, vegan diets do get enough protein from plant sources!

The hype

Truthfully, the media and marketing have turned veganism/vegetarianism into a “thing” rather than a simple shift to a healthier lifestyle. For anyone who has struggled with yo-yo diets, health issues, etc, making the switch to a plant-based diet will literally change your life! That’s literally why I decided to do a little bit of research in order to find at least 10 great protein sources for vegan diets.

This is also, one of the reasons I created a simple vegan detox program for my peeps to help them get on track with sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle! I wish someone had done that for me a while back but, here you go!

10 vegan protein sources pinterest blog image

To help you lose the overwhelm and cluelessness, here’s my go-to list of top 10 vegan (plant-based) protein sources:


  1. amaranth (it’s one of the few complete protein sources; classified as a “pseudocereal”).
  1. quinoa (also one of the few complete protein sources; classified as a “pseudocereal”).
  2. lentils (high in protein and fiber to promote healthy gut bacteria.)
  1. Organic tempeh, tofu, edamame (these are derived from soybeans are also considered to be complete protein sources).
  1. Seitan  ( also considered to be the highest source of plant protein at 25g per 100g. however, seitan is not an option for those who have issues with gluten because seitan is made from wheat gluten).
  1. Chickpeas and most varieties of beans (i.e. pinto, kidney beans, etc; rich in minerals and complex carbs).
  1. Nutritional yeast (a deactivated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, commercially sold as a yellow powder or flakes and has a flavor similar to cheese).
  1. Hemp seed (10g protein plus fiber and other nutrients).
  1. Spirulina (blue-green algae are a great source of fiber and filled with nutrients).
  1. *Wild rice (contains more protein than conventional rice and contains vitamins and minerals).

*There is cause for concern about arsenic when consuming rice grown in polluted areas, so know where your food is sourced and keep it organic!

Need a nutrient-rich spicy vegan soup? Try my Black bean Afro-fusion recipe!


Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


10 Great Protein Sources For Vegan Diets

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