Author: Tonye

Weight loss Selfcare Strategies: New Year

Weight loss Selfcare Strategies: New Year

All about that New Year resolution Nothing says New Year like a gym run, right? But knowing how unlikely that is right now, why not make your selfcare that much more powerful? By incorporating your weight goals with selfcare, you can seriously up your game! 

Flaxseed and cornstarch face mask

Flaxseed and cornstarch face mask

My love affair with skincare Y’all already know that I’m a bonafide skincare freak so of course, I have to be on the lookout for awesome ingredients to use in my creations. I don’t apologize for loving skincare because that’s part of my self-care routine. 

Vegan Broccoli cheddar Soup

Vegan Broccoli cheddar Soup

The perfect dish for the season

Cold winter days make me think of cozy fires, a stack of my favorite books in my favorite nook, and the yummy goodness of a rich and savory soup. This vegan broccoli cheddar soup has quickly become a favorite of mine. While I love hearty vegetable soups during cold days in general, I’ve grown much more appreciative of tasty vegan soups and stews.

My philosophy

Over the years I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of each season and more recently, to cherish every moment. The fall and winter months are great opportunities to get creative with your recipes during this time of year. With the unique variety of vegetables during the colder months of the year, I love to select vegetables and spices that nourish and support the body during the cold and flu season.

It turns out, this vegan broccoli cheddar soup recipe is perfect for just that!

More about seasonal vegetables and fruits

I love the challenge of creating yummy and healthy meals using products that are in season and are ethically and sustainably sourced. Fall veggies ring in a new season of goodness and are a great opportunity to learn more about where my food comes from. Are you making the right choices when it comes to what’s on your plate?

Some of my favorites and staples

I love hardy greens with collards and kale being two of my favorites because they’re so versatile in both salad bases and cooked dishes. Unlike spinach, they hold up well for both cold and hot recipes. Obviously, today’s recipe does not include either but instead uses a combination of root vegetables and broccoli (added at the end ).

My basic rule for ALL of my recipes

Nearly every dish I make must have a full-bodied flavor profile and incorporate gut-friendly and anti-inflammatory properties. This is a massive issue for me as I have struggled off and on with digestive maladies and have fully dived into the benefits of using spices and other ingredients that promote gut health. Squash is another Fall favorite of mine. But for this dish, I’m organic carrots, sweet potato, Yukon gold potatoes, onions, herbs, and spices. The oven with a savory blend of fresh garlic and herbs to complete this vegan dish. If you don’t like sweet potatoes, you can omit this ingredient, but I personally think it not only adds more nutrients but rounds out the flavor.

Vegan broccoli cheddar soup pinterest graphic

About the ingredients

All of the ingredients are either organic, locally sourced, or both. I’ve also made it a point to also use gut-friendly spices and herbs to help support healthy gut bacteria and my immune system. With everything that’s going on, using natural herbs and spices to boost the body’s natural defenses is a must. Personally, I’m not a fan of using a lot of pharmaceutical-based remedies for non-acute situations. This is why I tend to view my food more as medicine wrapped in deliciousness!

What you will need for this vegan broccoli cheddar soup

  1. Broccoli (fresh lightly steamed)
  2. 1 medium-large sweet potato
  3. Yukon gold potatoes, 2 medium
  4. yellow or red onion, chopped (1small)
  5. clove garlic (1)
  6. 1 cup unsweetened full-fat organic coconut milk
  7. 1 cup unsweetened plain organic almond milk ( you can use 1/2 cup raw almonds, I prefer almond milk)

More of your ingredients

  1. 1/4 cup mini Bella mushrooms (optional)
  2. chopped green onions, 1/4 cup
  3. Garlic powder, 1 tablespoon
  4. 1 tablespoon Onion powder
  5. turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon
  6. 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  7. 1 tablespoon mustard powder
  8. 1/2 teaspoon of spicy paprika

Bringing it all together

I eliminated some steps to make the recipe more straightforward; no need to add raw cashews or almonds that need to be blended, etc!. Just give me the delicious without all of the drama is what I say! So with that in mind, first boil down the potatoes with the seasoning spices until they are soft (approx 20mins on medium heat). Next, add in your vegetables and let them simmer with the potatoes, creating a soupy mixture. After the mixture has slightly thickened, add in the nutritional yeast and pour your mixture into the blender and blend until it’s smooth. Be sure to lightly chop and steam your fresh broccoli and add it to your soup after it’s fully blended and allow the soup to lightly simmer on low heat for another ten minutes. You can serve your soup with crackers, toast or cornbread and simply enjoy a bowl of this  deliciouness!

Another recipe for the fall and winter months

Have you tried any of my other recipes yet? Click here for some awesome tea recipes to help support your body’s natural defenses during the cold and flu seasons! Plus, these recipes are great recovery teas throughout the year.

About the author

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist, Coach, and the founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. Tonye helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. Meaning, she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each her situation. By doing this, she’s better able to help women transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy

DIY Moisturizing Spray For 4C Hair

A hair-strengthening moisturizing spray infused with anti-oxidant-rich essential oils Everyone knows winter can be brutal on your natural locs and that’s even more true for 4C natural hair. When I first moved to the Midwest (I’m in Illinois, USA), the tole that winter takes on 

5 Women’s Fitness and Self-care Tips for this Season

5 Women’s Fitness and Self-care Tips for this Season

Staying fit and healthy through the holiday season

We all know how busy the holiday season can get especially when you’ve got multiple tasks to juggle. Let’s not even talk about trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle! This is why I’ve pulled together 5 women’s fitness and self-care tips to get you through the holidays!

The holidays can be super emotional around this time of year, given what we’re all dealing with globally. But we can’t allow our health and wellbeing to suffer because our bodies need all the support we can give them. This is true particularly for women, with multi-tasking and trying to stay on budget. A lot of us or our neighbors have lost jobs, fallen sick with, lost loved ones, etc.

What can we do to stay healthy (even during a pandemic)?

Even if we feel like we have no control over what’s happening locally and globally, there are a ton of things we can do to not just stay healthy, but make our lives more meaningful and infused with joy this holiday season. You don’t need a lot of money or complicated skills to do a lot of little things that will make a huge difference for the mind-body-soul connection.

With these 5 women’s fitness and self-care tips, you’ll be able to carve out time for yourself without getting overwhelmed. Part of being there for your family means being there for yourself when you give your needs the attention they deserve.


With that in mind here are a few powerful tips you can get and stay in “shape” this season

These are just a few tried and true solutions I’ve used over the years for myself as well as clients. The key takeaway is that you are the only one who can make these changes in your life. No one can or will do this for you so if you want to get healthy and stay that way even in tough times, do the work.

1. Start your day with a 5-10 minute “self-check” session. Lay in bed or sit in a quiet place and just take stock of how your body feels, your mood, and your general mindset. This will help ground you as well as keep you from stressing out at the start of your day.

2. Get your body moving (formal exercise or just a quiet walk). When you get your body in motion it triggers the release of those “feel-good” chemicals in your brain, releases tension, and increases focus. It’s good for your cardiovascular system as well as your mental health.

3.  Take 10-15 mins to meditate and set your intentions for the day. This allows you to focus on the activities that will give positive results rather than the negative. There is a lot of truth to the phrase “create your happy”. When you direct your thoughts and energy to those things that yield “good” outcomes, etc you’re less likely to get stressed out and overwhelmed. You feel more aligned, in control as well as focused on the things you want to achieve.

Now for the internal

4. Drink a cup of daily detox tea, water, or smoothie. If you need a few ideas, start with my super green smoothie right here!  Also, this recovery smoothie is awesome as both a  post-workout and a detox smoothie. The ingredients have anti-inflammatory as well as nutritional benefits. This helps to cleanse the body of harmful toxins, by-products of chemical processes in the body as well as support your body’s natural self-healing abilities.

5. Substitute healthy ingredients for “unhealthy” ingredients in your favorite fall and winter must-have meals. That also includes “detoxing” your fridge and pantry so that you have budget-friendly healthy meal options. If you’re  not sure where to begin, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

Also, for a complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!

Final thoughts

Be grateful for those little things in our lives that create beauty in their simplicity.  Also, stop focusing on the things that are beyond your control and literally choose joy and positivity instead of the negative. This will also help you feel better physically and less drained energetically. Remember, you’ve got this and you are not alone!

About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!


Spiced Elderberry and Echinacea tincture

Spiced Elderberry and Echinacea tincture

Why a spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture? With everything that’s happening today (i.e. global pandemic), this certainly isn’t the time to neglect your health. That’s why I’m pulling out my spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture today!  Fall and winter are usually the seasons when we 

Quick and Easy Dried Fruit Snacks

Quick and Easy Dried Fruit Snacks

Just the time for some dried fruit snacks Quick and easy dried fruit snacks scream holiday to me! These recipes are perfect for this time of year and with the fall and winter seasons just around the corner, I’m all for switching things up with 

Fresh Produce Storage and Preservation

Fresh Produce Storage and Preservation

Staying healthy right now is even more important right now

These uncertain times make it even more important that we become more sustainable and environmentally conscious. Fresh produce storage is one way we can really lessen the impact on our wallets and eat healthily! We also know how expensive groceries can become especially when you move between seasons or making a huge shift in how you feed yourself and your family. So what about finding creative and sustainable ways to lower our grocery bills while at the same time, living a healthy lifestyle?


As I’ve stated in earlier posts, don’t be deceived by marketing gimmicks and misinformation campaigns promoted by both big agribusiness and the processed food industry. You can do a lot better for yourself and your family, by buying fresh and locally sourced meats and produce. Given the state of things globally, it’s safer to stay local and buy from trusted local farms!

A few observations about food and eating well during difficult times

If the pandemic has shown us nothing else, our food systems and supply chain are both vulnerable and sustainable! Plus, remember, labels, and where your food comes from, matters!

Labels on the matter of our food and so do the methods of food production. Foods that have been cultivated using conventional means (i.e. large-scale pesticide and herbicide use, etc) are much more likely to contain damaging levels of these residues. We as consumers can not rely on these industries to “self-regulate” as their track records have shown them to be less than honest when it comes to putting consumer safety and health above their stock portfolios.

Also, while the FDA and USDA have traditionally been the only real advocate for consumers, both agencies have been severely hindered and compromised by lobbying interests as well as well-crafted efforts to defund these agencies in an effort to misinform the public regarding our food sources, what’s in our foods, labeling practices by the processed food industry and big agribusiness.

The reality is this: what food you put in your mouth will either poison or nourish your body, depending on where it comes from. If it comes from a country with no or poorly standardized food safety requirements (i.e. mercury levels in fish, pesticide use in produce, additives in frozen, processed and or packaged foods, etc), YOU need to SERIOUSLY rethink your food choices!!

Part of being able to feed your family with safe nutritious foods means you must adopt a sustainable way of accessing the right foods for your table. In practical terms, that means finding ways to minimize waste and unnecessary costs due to spoilage and improper food storage.

With that in mind here are a few quick tips:

1. Your fresh herbs will last longer and be less likely to spoil when you store them properly. Fresh herbs, like basil, asparagus, and green onions will last a good while if you store them upright in a jar of freshwater. Simply trim the stems, cover them with a piece of plastic wrap, and place them in the refrigerator for storage and use as needed.

2. Be aware of where to store fruits and vegetables. Not all fruits and veggies require refrigeration and in some instances, refrigeration affects the taste quality of some fruits and vegetables. For instance, avocados (yes, technically it’s a fruit because it has a seed y’all), citrus, bananas, nectarines, pears, peaches, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes do best outside of your fridge at room temperature or in your pantry. A quick warning though; don’t store onions and potatoes together due to the ethylene gas which can cause them to spoil each other faster.

Some more quick and easy tips

1. I’ve been doing this for years ( thanks, momma), but did you know it really helps when you wrap your greens in paper towels. They’re great at preventing slimy residue from accumulating and making a science experiment in your bag of lettuce, spinach, or other leafy greens. Simply use paper towels to soak up excess moisture and lightly wrap your green in a few paper towels. This also works for leftover salad greens in food storage containers (minus the salad dressing of course).

Keep your bananas from getting ripe too fast!

2. Cover the crown of your bananas bunches with plastic wrap. It helps slow the release of that ethylene gas which is the meany responsible for breaking (the natural process that causes your produce to spoil) down one of my go-to mid-morning snacks. Doing this is a good way to preserve your bananas if you’re not going to eat them right away.

3. Did you know wrapping your bunches of celery in foil helps it stay fresh and crunchy for up to as much as four weeks?  Yep, wrapping it up in foil and then placing it in your fridge’s crisper drawer will help extend the life of your celery. The foil does this by allowing just the right amount of moisture in, and the ethylene gas out.

4. Stop! Don’t wash all your produce at once. I know it’s counter-intuitive but it’s much better to wash your produce as you go if you want to maximize its shelf life. Unless you plan on freezing your food, you should only be washing things you’re ready to eat right away or soon after. This will reduce the chances of mold growing on damp produce.

Preventing moldy berries!

1.  Another “who’d a thunk it?” If you want to keep those berries mold-free, soak them in vinegar. If you’re not going to consume them all at once, simply soak your berries in a solution of three parts water, one part vinegar in order to kill bacteria and prevent molding. Once you’ve done that, give the berries a thorough pat dry and store in the fridge.

A tried and true preservation technique

2. Another great time saver and a great way to preserve your veggies to simply roast them prior to storage. By roasting vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower,  you can extend their shelf life. Not only that, but it’s also a great meal prep tip to have cooked veggies on hand that you can quickly incorporate into any meal.

Storing dairy products

1. Store dairy products at the back of the fridge. While it may make for easy access, keeping your milk at the front of the fridge makes it more prone to spoilage due to temperature differences. This is because the back of the fridge is colder and will, therefore, give your dairy products are longer shelf life.

Storing meat products

2. Place your meats on the bottom shelf so that their juices do not drip on other food items (i.e. produce, etc) and contaminate them. If space is an issue, place your meat products on a tray or inside a leak-proof container in order to catch any drippings. Better yet, prep and package your meats into manageable portions (i.e. serving sizes for soups, meals, etc) and then store them in the freezer until you’re ready to cook your meals. Also, separate lunch meats from raw meats in order to prevent illness associated with cross-contamination.

Grain storage

1. I can say this enough! Store grains in air-tight containers!! While buying in bulk is a great way to save money when grocery shopping, you want to make sure that you store it correctly so the extra food doesn’t go to waste. Be sure to transfer your grains into an airtight container to maintain freshness, as well as keep those pesky bugs away. Do yourself a favor by labeling your containers with the purchase dates so you’re able to keep track of expiration dates and avoid wasting stored foods.

Just a reminder about fresh produce storage and preservation

Always Double-check your fridge’s temperature especially as the seasons’ change (i.e. summer vs. winter months). You want to make sure that your fridge is set at the correct temperature and that your thermostat is in proper working order to prevent spoilage and reduce the risk of food born illnesses. The recommended temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or 5 degrees Celsius for those of you who are using the mks measurement system.

Final thoughts on fresh produce storage and food preservation ideas

I get it. We now live in scary and difficult times. You might even question whether fresh produce storage, etc is even a priority. But it is. We have to have consistent, sustainable access to fresh foods if we want to keep ourselves healthy and less susceptible to illness (i.e. COVID 19)! You can save a lot of money and still maintain a healthy lifestyle (critical for these times) by using simple and creative ways your perishables. In short, fresh produce storage hacks can literally save your life!

And one more thing!

Want to really 10X a healthy lifestyle? Incorporate radical self-care into your daily routines starting today. You can get some ideas from my article on “14 ways to love your self…” right here!

Before you go

If you’re still not sure where to begin, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

For the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!

Fresh produce storage and preservation Pinterest image
About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

It’s Selfcare weekend again and it’s all about the lovely locks today. This is a time when we’re all looking for ways to save money, but still, keep every part of ourselves healthy. That also includes ensuring that your hair and scalp are well-nourished, balanced,