Exfoliating Itchy Scalp Treatment Mask

Exfoliating Itchy Scalp Treatment Mask

As someone who has sensitive skin and scalp, I’m always on the lookout for natural remedies. I’m not a fan of chemicals so I usually look for natural or herbal remedies to address most issues. This exfoliating itchy scalp treatment mask (and scrub), is my 

Selfcare Beyond Valentine’s Day

Selfcare Beyond Valentine’s Day

Let me start by asking, can we normalise selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day? I’m like really! It’s a new year and that tired idea of “treating” yourself and calling it selfcare, is old and pathetic at this point. Not only that, it’s costing women their lives, 

Safety And Security Are Part of Selfcare for Black Women

Safety And Security Are Part of Selfcare for Black Women

Safety and security first I’m always surprised at how many women don’t know safety and security go hand in hand with selfcare. Selfcare is an essential tool for Black women to navigate the unique challenges they face in the world. However, selfcare is often thought 

Healthy Collard Greens Recipe

Healthy Collard Greens Recipe

Holiday cooking season Hello fall and winter holiday cooking season, y’all! Nothing says cozy and yummy in this cold climate like a spicy pot of my healthy collard greens recipe. Collard greens are steeped in the traditions of the black diaspora in the Americas and 

Cheap Winter Selfcare Ideas

Cheap Winter Selfcare Ideas

We are in the last quarter of 2022 and it is time to make the right shift for staying healthy and living your best life! If You’re not there yet, that’s okay because its never too late to improve your life. That being said, there 

Fall Fitness For Women Over 40

Fall Fitness For Women Over 40

Fall fitness time For every season we need to make adjustments in our routines, cycles, etc in every area of our lives. That means when it comes to fitness and working out, it’s good idea to make changes for the season too. This is even 

Recession proof Self care Strategies

Recession proof Self care Strategies

Economic hardships We’re in a recession folks and that means tightening our belts. It also means being resourceful and finding creative ways to self care on a tight budget.  That also means, getting recession proof self care strategies to help you weather the storm! While no 

Summer Vacation Outfit Tips

Summer Vacation Outfit Tips

Summer outfit tips We all get excited for summer getaways this time of the year. But, things can get uncomfortable and ugly if we’re not prepared or fail to pack appropriately.  So, today, I felt it was a good idea to share my summer vacation 

Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Banana Ice Cream Recipe

A Summer Banana Ice Cream treat Nothing screams summer fun like ice cream! Not only is ice cream huge in my family, but we’re all a little addicted to bananas because bananas and mangoes were a staple growing up in the tropics. These days, I’ve 

DIY Moringa Face Mask

A summer favorite moringa face mask  *please note this post may contain affiliate links and I may receive a small percentage of any sales generated from associated links. It’s that time again and that means bring out the diy moringa face mask, y’all! This is