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My love affair with skincare

Y’all already know that I’m a bonafide skincare freak so of course, I have to be on the lookout for awesome ingredients to use in my creations. I don’t apologize for loving skincare because that’s part of my self-care routine. As I get older, I’m learning to be even more mindful of what my body needs especially when it comes to the largest organ of my body! So yeah, it’s important especially when I want to make sure I’m not using toxic creams and brands on my face! This flaxseed and cornstarch mask hits some major skincare concerns for me. This flaxseed and cornstarch face mask is anti-aging, balances, and soothes all in one go.

*Please note that as an amazon affiliate I make a small percentage as a result of any sales generated from the links in this post!

A word on those department stores and luxury skincare brands

Over the years I’ve spent a lot of money on expensive luxury and department store brands. Like a lot of women, I ended up being mostly, underwhelmed. Short of major plastic surgery, most don’t have any more dramatic results than cheaper store brands or homemade skincare. Granted, some of these luxury brands have good results, but you can also DIY a lot of great all-natural treatments and moisturizers in your own kitchen. My flaxseed and cornstarch face mask is just one example. If you’ve read any of my other skincare posts (and on other lifestyle blogs too), you’ll find easy and effective recipes that work too!

The nitty-gritty of my secret weapon DIY face mask

My mom used to say “ your makeup is only as good as the skin it sits on” and that’s the truth y’all! It doesn’t matter how many breakthroughs we make in makeup r &,d. The truth is, healthy skin is a major factor in a flawless look. That being said, who doesn’t want beautiful healthy skin? That doesn’t need any makeup at all?

Even as the years go by, I strive to support and enhance the health and beautiful my skin. I do this through both diet and my skincare routines. This DIY flaxseed and cornstarch face mask include some of my secret ( no longer secret now, lol) ingredients. As always, consult your healthcare provider if you have any allergies or sensitivities before applying any of these recipes.

Nutritional benefits


They are high in omega-3, fatty acids, a great source of lignans ( a type of photochemical)which may help in fighting breast cancer risks, high in Dietary Fiber, lower bad cholesterol, a good source of high-quality plant protein, may reduce blood pressure, and packed with antioxidants. Not only that, but it may also help you meet those weight-loss goals as well!

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera has been used for centuries in cooking as well as in herbal remedies. If you don’t know aloe vera gel comes from the leaves of the aloe plant. It’s been used as a herbal remedy for constipation, IBS, and lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. These are just a few of the many health benefits of aloe vera gel!


While cornstarch is often used as a thickening agent, there’s no real benefit to ingesting it. This is actually one of those things you want to limit, substitute with something else or just toss out of your pantry!

Skincare (topical) benefits


The omega-3 fatty acids (aka, alpha-linolenic acid) in flaxseeds help to smooth, hydrate, and moisturize the skin. While the lignans help reconstruct broken vessels and skin cells. Omega-3 fatty acids also contain antioxidants that protect and shield the skin from damaging free radicals and UV rays, score! Did I mention the fact that they’re also anti-inflammatory? Score!!

Aloe vera gel

Aloe has been used for skin conditions like burns, dandruff, etc for centuries. Nowadays it’s popular in both skincare and beauty treatments because of its numerous skin benefits. It’s great for treating dandruff, acne, eczema, and sunburn. It also helps to even out the complexion and moisturizes without being oily. Because it’s rich in vitamin E, it helps restore moisture to the skin.


When applied topically, it soothes skin irritation, like rashes, sunburn, and itching. It also has a gentle exfoliating effect and helps remove excess oil from the skin. Cornstarch soothes redness.

Rosehip essential oil: the secret superpower ingredient!

Widely used since ancient times for its valuable healing benefits, rosehip oil is rich in skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids. Also, this essential oil contains phenols that have been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

Here are the main benefits of my secret ingredient:

  1. It hydrates
  2. Moisturizes
  3. It’s a natural exfoliant and brightener
  4. Boosts the formation of collagen
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Protects against sun damage
  7. Reduces hyperpigmentation

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What you will need:

  1. 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal ( organic)
  2. 1 tablespoon cornstarch (organic)
  3. 2 drop rosehip essential oil (secret ingredient)
  4. 1 drop lavender essential oil
  5. Use enough organic aloe vera gel (you can use filtered water if you have aloe allergies) to make a paste with medium thickness/ consistency; approximately 3 tablespoons.
  6. 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder (organic)
  7. 1 tablespoon of chamomile water made from steeping dried flowers in hot water for 10mins.

Making your skintastic face mask

Use a small glass bowl (use it only for DIY skincare stuff!) and pour your dry ingredients into it first. Next, add the aloe vera gel, essential oils plus, the tablespoon of chamomile water. Then, gently mix everything together until the mixture is smooth and apply to clean skin. If any remains, simply store in an airtight glass container, place in the fridge, and store no longer than 24-48 hours.

Before you go!

Did you check out my other DIY face mask recipes? My avocado moisture-rich face mask is just one of my favorite recipes guaranteed to lush up your skin! Also, read this article on why women have such a hard time with self-care to help you stop the self-sabotage in 2021!


Tonye Tariah is a Holistic health strategist, Coach, and the founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. Tonye helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. Meaning, she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each her situation. By doing this, she’s better able to help women transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Flaxseed and cornstarch face mask

It’s Selfcare weekend again and it’s all about the lovely locks today. This is a time when we’re all looking for ways to save money, but still, keep every part of ourselves healthy. That also includes ensuring that your hair and scalp are well-nourished, balanced, and healthy! Today, I’m sharing a recipe for my favorite hair tonics, the apple cider vinegar hair rinse!


Just an FYI: this post does include some affiliate links at no cost to you. I do receive a small percentage resulting from any purchases you make via my shop easy links. 😉

Over the last few months my love of all things wellness, especially DIY, have been reinvigorated and turned up to 10!  The universe has also conspired with “these times” to reconnect me with my herbalism roots. As a young girl growing up in Nigeria, I was always fascinated by the discussions my uncle, a traditional herbalist and naturopathic doctor( even before that was a thing) would have with my mom, an educator.


Some favorite family memories and my herbalism roots:

Whenever he would fly in from the UK or some “exotic” place (yeah, India and Asia were always magical to a kid like me), he and my mom would discuss and debate about everything from holistic medicine, herbs, etc to conventional medicine and our flawed and inadequate healthcare ( it’s the same by the way!)systems.

Now, because of and some might even say, destiny, I find myself working in the health care field motivated to embrace my herbalism roots and traditional modes of supporting the body’s health. Not that it took a global pandemic to get me here; my own healthcare journey has been leading me in this direction for some time.


Why I’m getting back to basics:

Now, as I watch the failings of both conventional medicine and unsustainable healthcare infrastructures built on flawed market-centered principles rather than on human health and dignity, I’m reconnecting with my ancestral wellness teachings.

My self-care hair treatment is just one of several recipes in my personal materia medica (herbalism recipes). Each ingredient is geared toward supporting and optimizing the natural health of both the hair and scalp!


Just so you know, you can always tweak this recipe and make it your own, depending on your needs or intent. Also, I make no claims to being a healthcare provider, doctor, or practitioner. These are my own traditional herbal recipes that been passed down to me via oral tradition as wells as my own creativity. Bottom line, do your research, and when in doubt, contact your primary care physician, provider, dermatologist, etc.


Apple Cider vinegar Hair & Scalp Rinse (Organic)

1. I 1/2 cups of filtered water

2. 5 tablespoons organic raw coconut oil

3. 10 drops lavender essential oil

4. 8 drops rosemary essential oil

5. 8 drops peppermint essential oil

6. 4 drops tea tree oil

7. 1/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar

I use a variety of brands for sourcing my essential oils but for a budget-friendly and good quality brand, I recommend Now Brand Essential oils. Whichever brand you use, make sure it’s one you know and trust!


* Never apply any essential oil directly to the skin or scalp as they can cause irritations, burns, or other adverse reactions. Also, if you have sensitive skin or allergies to any of these ingredients, be sure to check with your dermatologist or health care provider to ensure that they are safe for you to use.


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Items Needed:

1. 3.4 oz, 8 oz or 16 oz spray bottle, preferably glass for prolonged storage in the fridge as plastic tends to break down and could possibly react with essential oils mixture)

2. All of the ingredients listed in the recipe above

3. sharpie marker for recording date and time of creation.

4. Sticky label (waterproof or you can simply affix it to the bottle or use clear packing/masking tape over the writing on the label). 



This mixture should ideally be stored in the fridge no more than a  few days; 1-week max since there are no preservatives in this DIY recipe.


Benefits of the apple cider vinegar & rosemary hair rinse:

1. Apple cider vinegarstrengthen hair and improves luster by lowering hair and scalp pH. It may also reduce scalp infections and itchiness. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to thicken hair and remove dead skin cells that can clog follicles and hinder your hair’s ability to grow. 

2. Lavender essential oil promotes and encourages hair growth, is antimicrobial, reduces skin inflammation (anti-inflammatory), and also has a relaxing effect (aromatherapy). 

3. Rosemary essential oil stimulate follicles, strengthening hair from the root to the tip (making hair longer and shinier), and reduces hair loss. 

4. Peppermint essential oil– shares some of the same antimicrobial properties as tea trea oil as well as helping to cool the scalp, eliminate dandruff, and encouraging hair growth.

5. Tea tree essential oil unclogs hair follicles and is antimicrobial and also antiseptic. This essential oil is also beneficial for the hair and scalp given that it helps remove the build-up of dead skin cells, oil, and styling products. It also increases oxygen and nutrient supply to the hair follicles.

6. Coconut oil aides overall scalp health, fights dandruff, thickens, and moisturizes dry hair. Coconut oil also reduces breakage and split ends.


Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

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For me, nothing says self-care like a homemade creamy avocado face mask. My unending love affair with avocados, won’t be over anytime soon, lol! Today I decided to share one of my go-to Avocado face masks that are great for a dewy complexion and a must for the summertime (I’ve switched up my recipe since my last blog post and this version is just as awesome).

DIY Fresh Avocado Face Mask: Ingredients

1. Avocado: An excellent ingredient for moisturizing the skin, it’s a good source of potassium which is also known as the ”youth mineral”. Avocado also boosts collagen production, contains vitamin E, softens, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and wrinkles. This recipe requires one ripened, medium-sized avocado (enough for two applications).

2. Turmeric: helps with acne scarring, anti-inflammatory; calms the skin, dry skin, wrinkles, contains antioxidants and helps with a variety of skin conditions. You will use one tablespoon (organic) of turmeric powder as part of your face mask recipe.

3. Raw honey: antibacterial, loaded with antioxidants, moisturizing, soothes the skin, evens complexion (lightens the skin), heals the skin, and aids in regeneration (I’ve also got an awesome raw honey face mask recipe too! I typically add one to two tablespoons of raw honey to my mixture.

4. Cinnamon: helps eliminate acne and pimples on face and body ( kills bacteria associated with acne production), anti-fungal, adds moisture to the skin by improving blood flow to the surface of the skin, stimulates skins natural collagen, fades acne scars, blemishes, etc. This recipe requires cinnamon powder and not the sticks! You don’t need a lot of cinnamon for your DIY mask; simply use 1/2 a teaspoon full.

5. Spirulina: A blue-green algae rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and E which help reduce inflammation and neutralizes the damaging effects of free-radicals. It also detoxifies, tightens, brightens, lifts, and hydrates the skin. Be sure to add one level tablespoon of organic spirulina and be sure to fully incorporate it into your mixture.

Avocado Face Mask: Preparation

Make sure the avocado is well-ripened. Next, use a fork or hand mixer to blend the honey and avocado mixture. Gradually add in the dry ingredients and blend until fully incorporated and chill the mixture in the fridge for 5-10 minutes. Any surplus face mask mixture can be stored in the fridge for a few days in a tightly sealed container to avoid oxidation.

DIY Avocado Fresh Face Mask: Usage and application

Apply your mask to clean dry skin and leave on for 10 -15mins and then rinse off with tepid water. Follow up with your usual skincare routine afterward. Have you tried any of my other recipes? Check out this recipe from an earlier post right here!

About your ingredients: Where I get mine

A rule of thumb for me is to always buy your ingredients from trusted sources. Even when I buy produce from conventional grocery stores, I make sure that they are organic. The same applies to most of the spices used in both my culinary and DIY recipes.

Etsy is also a great place to shop online for both locally sourced and organic ingredients. While I do recommend amazon for some things, when it comes to food grade items and spices, I stick to local and organic for best practices. In my experience, you’re less likely to get poor quality and or contaminated items.

If Etsy is not an option for you can buy some of your ingredients from amazon once you’ve done some in-depth review of the vendors (I start with the average review score coupled with what the lowest customer review state. It’s a good way to get past those reviews that are either paid or promotional).

DIY Fresh Face Mask: Usage and application

Apply to clean dry skin and leave on for 10 -15mins and rinse off with tepid water. Follow up with your usual skincare routine afterward. Have you tried any of my other recipes? Check out this recipe from an earlier post right here!

About your ingredients: Where I get mine

Rule of thumb for me is always buying your ingredients from trusted sources. Even when I buy produce from conventional grocery stores, I make sure that they are organic. The same applies to most of the spices used in both my culinary and DIY recipes.

Etsy is also a great place to shop online for both locally sourced and organic ingredients. While I do recommend amazon for some things, when it comes to food grade items and spices, I stick to local and organic for best practices. In my experience, you’re less likely to get poor quality and or contaminated items. When I go grocery shopping, I always keep this in mind whenever I’m picking up produce and meat items.

Speaking of grocery shopping, If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to shop for fresh food items that are pesticide-free and minimally processed, you can grab my Introductory Produce and Pantry Detox Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!


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“Avocados are packed with powerful anti-oxidants that fight the appearance of dark spots and helps heal the skin!”


A little about Tonyé

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quickly. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


The DIY Avocado Fresh Face Mask!

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As a fellow skincare freak, you all know how hard it is to try out new skincare products. While I always prefer my organic and all natural skin care lines (i.e. Benu Cosmetics, Coocon Apothecary, etc).
I received a complimentary gift of L’oreal’s hyaluronic and vitamin c serums from Influenster in exchange for an honest product review! (please note, there are also affiliate links located in this post).

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Hello, skincare freaks! It’s your undomesticated African goddess giving you the 411 on the skincare front again! I recently received complimentary full-size samples of L’Oréal’s seem intensive hyaluronic acid and vitamin C serums. While I’m all about clean beauty lines, I still like to keep my finger on the pulse of “conventional” (i.e. department store) beauty brands. I also like to know what’s new on the market. Having said all of that, I refuse to put anything on this melanin rich-skin that’s suspect! 

Now on to my skincare review! 

When I first received this Influenster Voxbox, I was excited. Well, what woman isn’t excited about receiving a surprise gift?! Now, for those of you who don’t know, hyaluronic acid is very hydrating. By virtue of its chemical properties, hyaluronic acid is capable of holding more than 1000x it’s weight in water!

Needless to say, I had no problem slathering on L’Oreal’s hyaluronic acid serum. As for the ingredients, I could not find anything that was particularly a no-go ingredient but I’m still on the fence. I’m never a fan of long ingredient lists nor do I like having to decipher chemical names of ingredients. 

Does it work?

The next question is, was it effective in changing the overall texture and suppleness of my skin? I’m not sure it was enough to justify the hype. While it did give me some much needed extra hydration for the winter, it did not work any miracles. That’s not to say that it won’t do something phenomenal for your skin, but I’m really picky when it comes to skincare!

Since I received both items at the same time, I decided to incorporate L’Oreal’s vitamin C serum into my skincare routine. I must confess to liking the texture and feel of this particular serum. It went on smooth and also provided additional hydration as well as suppleness. After using this for over 2 weeks, I don’t see a significant change in the evening of my skin tone. I do have a little freckling from sun exposure, but I’m still waiting to be wowed by the vitamin C serum.


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My final takeaway on these products

Other than the natural benefits of vitamin C (i.e. anti-oxidant rich, anti-aging, etc), I fail to see what’s so spectacular about it. So, the jury is still out on both of these products in terms of wow-factor! While they do have some beneficial properties as I mentioned above, you’ll have to try it yourself to see if it does more for you.

As for me, I’ll continue to use my all-natural skincare and DIY recipes!


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Influenster L’Oréal Voxbox Review

Why I love it

This is my number 1 DIY all natural face mask because it helps fight lines, wrinkles and dark spots. It’s loaded with potent ingredients to help naturally fight against the effects of environmental pollution, aging, acne, and acne related scarring.

I can’t say enough about DIY anti-aging face masks and other skincare creations!

Why you need to add a face mask to your skincare routine

The environment does enough harm to our skin without using skincare products that are loaded with toxins and other mystery ingredients. While it’s all good to use skincare products that are all-natural, diet also matters! When I was in my teens and 20’s my mom always went on about making sure I eat healthy so that my skin will be healthy!

She was so spot on! This is especially important for women as we are constantly dealing with hormonal cycles. I really began to tune into this when I start led having some serious health and reproductive issues. Even to this day, I regret that I didn’t start early enough. I truly believe that I could have done more good for my reproductive health and fitness if I had played closer attention to the research that was coming out at the time. Live and learn right?

My skincare story

My DIY anti-aging face mask creations are based on my own experience and that of family and friends. I really encourage you to try your hand at making your own DIY anti-aging face mask and skincare so you know what works for you and with ingredients, you can trust.

The following DIY anti-aging mask uses fresh avocado as a base because of its unique properties. I’ve also used greek yogurt as a base in some of my other DIY skincare.

What you’ll need

This is the list of ingredients you will need for this DIY anti-aging face mask. It will also make enough for approximately three applications.

  1. Half of one ripe medium organic avocado
  2. One tablespoon of organic turmeric powder
  3. One teaspoon of Ceylon powder (this is the best variety to use)
  4. Half of one teaspoon of jojoba oil (use the cold-pressed organic variety)
  5. One and a half tablespoons of organic raw honey
  6. One glass mixing bowl (don’t use plastic)

How to make my DIY anti-aging face mask

Combine all of these ingredients using a hand mixer, processor or mash with a wish or clean wooden spoon. I prefer to use a stainless steel metal whisk to whip everything together and to make sure they are quickly incorporated into my DIY anti-aging face mask.

A quick note

Since this is handmade and has perishable ingredients, this recipe should be kept in the fridge until you’re ready to use it. I keep mine for about a week but no longer than a week and a half.  Remember that there are no preservatives in this mixture so you need to refrigerate your DIY mask. However, I’ve noticed that when I add a few drops of tea tree essential oil, my DIY face masks last longer since the tea tree oil is anti-microbial.

I have so many other recipes waiting to join this one but this is one of my favorite DIY anti-aging face masks. Whenever I make a new creation I always try to make sure I use my must-have ingredients included in most of my recipes.

About the author 

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies”! For her, that means she helps each woman in a unique way; helping them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

My DIY Anti-aging Face Mask

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There are so many benefits to crafting your very own all-natural DIY face mask not only because you know exactly what’s in it, but because it’s packed with anti-oxidant rich ingredients without added chemicals or fillers.


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I’ve received plenty of questions about my go-to skincare regime and remedies but this one is becoming my favorite! This particular DIY face mask is my #1 DIY recipe because it helps fight lines, wrinkles, dark spots, acne and acne scarring. It’s loaded with potent ingredients to help naturally combat all my skincare concerns.

One thing you need to note though is that, regardless of how awesome your skincare routine, DIY face masks, elixirs or potions, what you eat (i.e. diet) plays a huge role when it comes to the health of your skin. My mamma always said “what you eat shows up on your face” and it’s so true!

Akey way to clean up your skin is to detox both your body and your diet of all the processed, prepackaged and other unhealthy foods you’ve been consuming by switching to a plant-based diet. Whether it’s vegan (which I prefer for this purpose), vegetarian or paleo; clean eating is the basis for a healthy youthful looking skin. My next secret weapon is my recipe stash of all-natural fresh DIY face masks.

Since I love avocado so much what better base ingredient to use in my DIY face masks than avocados?! I know there is a lot of talk about avocados in the media, but the benefits are real and lasting. Today’s recipe uses avocado as a base combined with raw honey, jojoba oil, and turmeric.

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Here’s the list of ingredients I use in this powerful DIY face mask along with their beneficial properties:

Avocados: the natural oils found in it can penetrate deep into the skin, helping to soften and hydrate dry and flaky patches. It is also an excellent source of more than twenty vitamins and minerals. The long list of nutrients includes vitamin B, C, E and K,  riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, etc.

Also, because of their high healthy fat content avocados leave your skin looking softer and younger as they literally smooth and plumps up the skin.

Turmeric:  not only reduces inflammation, it also helps to reduce acne and any resulting scars. The curcumin in turmeric is excellent for helping to diminish dark spots and lightens the skin over time.

Matcha is his high-quality green tea containing chlorophyll which a powerful detoxifier. So what is it? Matcha is simply pulverized green tea, made from the entire leaf. Because It contains catechins (a type of polyphenol) matcha powder is a powerful antioxidant. The catechins(https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/health-benefits-of-green-tea#1) help trap and inactivate free radicals in the skin, countering many of the signs of aging. I use the powder form in my DIY face mask recipes because it is much more concentrated than the liquid form we drink.

Raw honey is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and gives the skin a dewy effect. While honey is great for the skin in general, raw honey is the best because it is pure, unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. This is probably one of the most important characteristics associated with raw honey as it preserves all the natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients and other nutritional elements.

Jojoba: oil has a high amount of ceramides, which cover the skin cells and are responsible for their hydration. It quickly absorbs into the skin and does not leave behind any oily residue. Adding this to your DIY face mask gives it the extra punch it needs.

Jojoba helps in creating a powerful barrier against moisture loss, allergens, and dust pollution. Itl also moisturizes dry patchy skin and restores balance.

Not only that, jojoba is an excellent remedy for anyone suffering from skin disorders like eczema and rosacea. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the redness caused by dry skin and other conditions like rosacea.

As always, start from the inside out grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE. Detox your skin from within and remember that your skin is the largest organ of the body!

Also, for the totally clueless ones who need a starting point, help yourself to my free Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide HERE!!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Top 5 Ingredients You Need In Your DIY Face Mask

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There are so many reasons why ingesting huge amounts of (processed) sugar is a terrible idea, but few people recognize the devasting impacts sugar can have on the body. Between the heavy marketing and confusing information from doctors and nutritionists alike, it’s no wonder that the facts get lost in the shuffle. Processed sugar in all its forms and packagings are literally killing us and if we don’t stop it right now, more people will die.

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Here are some basic facts about sugar:

1.First and foremost, sugar contains a lot of calories and has no essential nutrients. If that isn’t enough to make you pause, consider the fact that it also causes tooth decay by fueling the production and proliferation of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

2.Next, added sugar is high in fructose and can overload your liver. A sedentary lifestyle coupled with the typical western diet that’s filled with processed foods, high in sodium and lots of sugar; the high levels of fructose in this type of diet is transformed into fat in the liver. The danger here is that it can lead to non-alcoholic liver disease.

So what’s the big deal?

The problem arises from the fact that when sugar enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract, it gets broken down into glucose and fructose. Now, while glucose is present in every living organism (if we don’t get it through diet our bodies can also produce), fructose is much different. This particular type of sugar is neither needed by the body nor do we produce it in any significant quantity.

While it’s not a problem when we take in small quantities (i.e. from fruits) since fructose can only be metabolized by the liver, consuming large quantities of this sugar can overload the liver. Not only this, fructose elevates your LDL (a.k.a. bad cholesterol), blood fats and lowers insulin resistance!

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3.The big “C” or cancer is one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. It is essentially the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells. Also, since insulin is one of the major hormones responsible for regulating cell growth, excessive levels of this hormone can contribute to cancer.

Several studies also show that people who consume large amounts of sugar in their diet are at a much higher risk for both cardiovascular disease and cancer (with inflammation listed as a potential cause).

4. Still hanging on to that crazy train? sugar cause large amounts of dopamine to be released in the reward center of the brain and is very addictive. In fact, because of the large amounts found in processed foods, etc the danger lies in the fact these amounts are much larger than what we ordinarily are exposed to from natural sources.

The truth is that most of the processed and fast food industries are aware of the addictive nature of processed sugar but do little to address the issue so it falls to the consumer to educate his or herself about what’s in their food!

5. Experts now believe that consuming large amounts of sugar over a long period of time can accelerate the aging process. So those lines and wrinkles you’re seeing in the mirror? You can blame a good portion of that premature aging on your diet!

While the breakdown of the skin is the result of a natural process that’s known as glycation (a  process in which the sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products or AGEs). When you eat a lot of sugar you increase the amount of AGE production.

When it comes to breaking unhealthy relationships with food, the struggle is real! SIGN UP & Find out more about ditching that processed sugar craze in my free 7 DAY DETOX event (Live on Facebook) beginning January 20-27th

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


5 Reasons Why You Need To Ditch Processed Sugar

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Hello, goodness and all my fellow skincare freaks! I make no bones about splurging on skincare, especially when I come across a brand that’s all about eco-friendly, animal-friendly, and plant-based skincare. Today I’m sharing my new secret weapon from Benu Cosmetics.

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I know it can often be hard to see the forest for the trees in the world of cosmeceuticals, skincare and wellness industries, BUT I would be doing us all a huge disservice by not featuring this up and coming skin care gem. I hate when old favorites keep messing with their formulas in the name of “improvements” (it’s just reformulating and branding, seriously, who gives a flying fig?) to the point where my skin straight up lodges a serious rebellion and I’m forced to go a-hunting for a new line that’s all natural, loaded with anti-oxidants and won’t throw me into a tailspin. Well, enough of that! I recently got the opportunity to try out “Hello Skin” serum from ©Benu Cosmetics, and needless to say, I am a fan.

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 I love the feel and texture of Benu Cosmetics’ “Hello Skin” serum! It’s an awesome new line, founded by a millennial who’s serious about making changes in both the skincare industry and the environment! It’s vegan, organic and uses all natural ingredients that will nourish, moisturize and heal your skin. Additionally, if you’ve got sensitive skin like I do this is one item you won’t want to pass on. My love of organic and all-natural skincare is what fuels my interest in this particular brand.

Don’t take it from me though, grab yourself a bottle of Benu Cosmetics’ flagship serums, “Hello Skin” and try it out for yourself. It’s not every day that you encounter a product that is both simple and complex in one encounter. Boasting a short list of ingredients (no more than five ingredients) blended together in a unique proprietary formula, ©benucosmetics is my new bestie for my skincare needs. While it isn’t always the case that I fall in love with a particular skincare brand, I had to share my review of ©Benu Cosmetics “Hello Skin” serum ’cause I’m all about loving the skin I’m in!

Plus, since I’m also a great shopper I’m sharing my discount code with ALL of you>> RIGHT HERE!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Benu Cosmetics Skincare Review

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Time for some skin and skincare indulgence! It all starts right here with some of my favorite goodies! I love, love, love me some DIY skincare and no, I’m not letting any of it fall out of my hands!  Ha, ha resistance is futile Y’all! But on a more serious note, I’ll always remember my mom’s constant mantra of “take care of your skin, and it will take care of you”, “what you eat shows up on your face”, yadda yadda, yadda…

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Turns out mama was right and thank God I listened! Diet, exercise, and nutrition make up the foundation for great glowy and healthy skin; so put away the gimmicks and tricks to hide the evidence of poor nutritional habits and start taking care of YOUR HEALTH! Did I mention the whole thing about diet, exercise, and nutrition? Yeah? Ok GOOD!! There is no shortcut to beautiful skin, and barring such things as hormonal changes, genetics, etc, REMEMBER: YOUR SKIN IS THE LARGEST ORGAN OF YOUR BODY, get it? Ok now let’s move on to the fun stuff.

Lately, I’ ‘ve become even more about all natural skincare and beauty items, especially DIY skincare. This is because I’m researching and learning so much more about the beauty and skincare industry as well as it’s dark side! Skincare lines that I thought or were claiming to be “all natural”, actually aren’t and I’ve become almost obsessed with it. I fully admit to being a DIY skincare freak and I’m proud of it, so there. The good news is, anyone can become a skincare freak by simply educating yourself about your health and nutrition as well as those products that act as nirvana for your particular skin type.Everybody’s skin is different in terms of sensitivities, needs, problem areas, etc.

My skincare actually starts with what’s in my pantry and If you’ve got tons of processed stuff in there you need to detox your pantry and fridge ASAP! I believe the best thing you can do for your skin is to eat tons of fresh fruits, veggies, spices, etc. Did you know that turmeric, cinnamon, avocado (all ingredients that I use in my DIY skincare, by the way) are awesome for the skin?

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I Was blessed to have a mom who believed that your skin is a reflection of your internal health and it’s also a “canvas” upon which you express yourself through makeup and attitude. So over the years, I’ve tried just about every major skincare line and their bargain brands too! I’ve learned to “evolve” on my skincare product choices based on the needs of my skin and the consistency of product integrity. Needless to say, I’ve moved away from major brands that constantly “REFORMULATE” certain products in their skincare lines; it works for them, but most of the time my skin yells “No, No, No”.

I’ve got a long list of favorites but my foundational skincare regime is made of skincare lines that use nonsynthetic natural products and are NOT constantly changing out formulas! But for the most part, I’ve learned to use my own DIY skincare secrets that nourish and enhance my skin. As a matter of fact, I recently created a yummy spiced avocado mask to soften and moisturize my skin.

I love making DIY skincare mask because I know the benefits of every single ingredient I added to it. Plus, it’s organic and infused with essential oils. You can actually watch my latest skincare video with step-by-step instructions.

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


My DIY Skincare

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