My go-to list!

My favorite home and personal care items have grown over the years as I’ve searched for clever ways to save money and reduce my carbon footprint. I’ve found a number of hacks and tips to save money and limit my impact on the planet. Not only that, the more I learn about the various ingredients in “conventional” household and personal care items, the more I see a need to either DIY or find more eco-friendly alternatives. It only takes is a little bit of creativity and determination to find ways to save money and be sustainable too!

A number of my favorite essential oils are perfect for use as both household cleaners and deodorizers. Others are great for crafting your own home remedies, skincare, and more. But, make sure to do your own research when it comes to those skincare hacks!

These days, I’ve become much more discriminating when it comes to storage, especially my food storage containers. While plastic containers are light-weight when it comes to storing food, you really need to switch to using glass. Not only is better for the environment, but you’re also far less likely to contaminate your food with chemicals leaching from the plastic into your food.

I feel like we should all have our own list of favorite home and personal care items. That way, we can update our lists as we become more knowledgeable about the items we use in our homes.

Check out one of my favorite DIY hair rinse recipes featuring some of my favorite essential oils right here!

My Essential Oil Must-Haves (for your medicine cabinet)


Tea tree essential oil is distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant and is natitive to Australia. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Tea tree essential oil can also be used to treat acne, athlete’s foot, and contact dermatitis. Always remember that tea tree oil should never be swallowed or ingested.


Peppermint essential oil is great for relieving muscle soreness and joint pain. You can also infuse to unclog sinuses, relieve tension headaches, and naturally boost energy levels.


Lavender essential oil is widely used for aromatherapy benefits. Many believe that it relieves stress, promotes relaxation, and helps to reduce insomnia. Lavender has a number of other uses as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic) is great for both hair and body. Adding it to your hair care routine improves luster, reduces dandruff, and helps to thicken hair. Apple cider vinegar also helps with weight loss and lowers blood sugar levels, etc.


White distilled vinegar is both eco-friendly and good for cleaning a number of household surfaces. Not only that, but it’s also affordable and much better for the environment!