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Why Selfcare is difficult for women

I know how difficult it is to find time to actually practice self-care. Like most women around the world, each day is usually a constant balancing act of taking care of other people, their expectations, and a whole slew of obligations! Regardless of what corner of the world we live in, selfcare is difficult for women to varying degrees.


The daily reality for the average woman

There are few women in the real world, who can say they are always able to make time for their self-care needs and without the guilt and burden of constantly trying to live up to the expectations of others (including society). For every woman that has struggled to break free from that cycle of guilt around making time for their own self-care and their needs in general, it really is “all in your head!”.  Yes, selfcare is difficult for women-especially if you’re trying to first meet the needs and expectations of other people, etc.

What selfcare is not

Let’s be clear, doing for both family and community is something we should all aspire to but that is not to say that one should neglect one’s own wellbeing. Historically, women have had to choose between their own self-care and the needs of others. That’s in addition to the demands made by society and culture.

Why Selfcare is hard for women blog pin

A bit of history about the self-care movement 

The self-care movement was birthed during the anti-war and civil rights movements. It has it’s origins in the medical sphere as both physicians and academicians were looking at strategies to mitigate the effects of high-stress work environments on healthcare workers. Later on, it transformed into a broader movement as it became politicized during the civil rights and women’s movement of the ’60s and early ’70s.


With that in mind here are a few quick tips to help you begin to break the cycle

1. Start saying “NO”! I know it sounds easy, but I also know how difficult it is to do this when you have been conditioned and silenced by society for so long. Like most women, I put my needs, desires, and health far below that of family and other obligations. I also watched women in my family and lineage suffer the same fate. Experience has shown me that the only way to break the cycle is to start with the word “NO”.  Believe it or not, this one word contains a lot of power and has the effect of shaking up the status quo and activates a place in your core that has long been silent and ineffectual.

2. Know what it means to have boundaries and create them (if you don’t know).  It starts with self-discovery and identifying what is in alignment with your inner self versus what is in violation of those core beliefs and or elements.

3. Stop asking for permission to self-care. Again, sounds pretty straight forward but it will surprise you to find out how much resistance you encounter when you begin to assert yourself and enforce your boundaries!

4. Take ownership of your entire self (i.e. self-acceptance) including the good, the bad and the ugly. After all, if you don’t accept yourself, you can not expect anyone else to do so either.

What you can expect on this journey:

As I mentioned earlier, be prepared for some push-back when you begin to use your voice and as you put your boundaries in place. That being said, the freedom and level of transformation are more than worth it!

What you will gain this journey:

One of the most meaningful gains from this process is empowerment. Freedom from self-sabotage and servitude to other people’s expectations is no small accomplishment. Especially when it means regaining your power and ability to speak your truth without the fear of being judged or shamed into silence. Click this link to find out more about how to break the cycle of O.P.E!

Before you go

At the end of the day, if you don’t value your health and wellbeing, no one else will. That’s the harsh truth of the matter. If you’re struggling to come up with good selfcare ideas in the midst of this global “lockdown, read  “14 Ways To Love Yourself 365 Days A Year”14 Ways To Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Why Selfcare is difficult For Women

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Are you an undomesticated woman?

Do you know what the word domesticated means? I mean as it pertains to the human female? I didn’t think so! For the feminist amongst you, you’ve probably got a good idea; but for the rest-get ready to blow your mind!

Let’s start with the basics: 

In simple terms, domesticated is defined as “(of animals or plants) brought under human control in order to provide food, power, or company” (Cambridge online dictionary).


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Don’t get it twisted! This is not about male bashing or some weird version of extreme feminism! This is about reclaiming your power. It’s literally throwing off centuries of martyrdom on the altar of socio-cultural expectations and dominance.

Here’s what I mean:

The other day while I browsed the “pages” of the internet in search of some research material, I came across a disturbing publication. Maybe it was all in fun or simply an attempt at notoriety? Trying to go viral? Needless to say, that one fell flat (you can read the article here). There is nothing funny about using terms like “superior/supreme” in the context of describing a particular group and or culture.

Now, let’s back to my rant!

Men who cling to their ”privileged patriarchy” are far from extinct and continue to search out their victims even in the digital age. The same narrow-mindedness, stereotypes with underlying misogyny are alive and well. The upside of this is that women all over the world are beginning to wake up and are no longer allowing their voices to be silenced. 

Empowerment and protest movements such as #MeToo, Self-love, and Self-care are helping women to reclaim their power as well as breakdown the distorted and destructive perception of self, to which so many have been programmed and conditioned.

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So let’s talk:

Being or becoming an undomesticated woman has nothing to do with, cooking, cleaning or running a household. To be clear, this is something every individual should do regardless of gender role or sex. Furthermore, there is nothing in the biology of the feminine form that suggests being female means that the “household” is your domain.

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So what’s the difference between a “domesticated” and an “undomesticated” woman? 

Before we get to that, let me share an insightful little nugget from Louise Hay in which she states:

“All women, including you and me, have been shamed and blamed since childhood. We have been programmed by our parents and by society to think and behave in a certain way- to be women, with all the rules, regulations, and frustrations that come with being a woman. Some are content to play that role but most of us are not” (Empowering Women).

I think that say’s it all in a nutshell. but, for those who need me to spell it out, here goes: she is-

  1. An undomesticated woman is self-assured.
  2. An undomesticated is self-confident.
  3. loves herself.
  4. competes only with the best version of herself.
  5. gives from a place of abundance (love, prosperity, wisdom, knowledge, service, etc).
  6. has well-defined boundaries and enforces them.
  7. is not perfect and embraces her imperfections.
  8. She is unique-there is no one like her (i.e. she is an original).
  9. forgives herself.
  10. She forgives others.
  11. has no guilt when she gives space to her self-care.
  12. Is messy-(real and unrestrained).
  13. does not seek validation outside of herself.

There’s more to this list but I’ve saved the rest for my latest podcast episode!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Becoming An Undomesticated Woman

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As a fellow skincare freak, you all know how hard it is to try out new skincare products. While I always prefer my organic and all natural skin care lines (i.e. Benu Cosmetics, Coocon Apothecary, etc).
I received a complimentary gift of L’oreal’s hyaluronic and vitamin c serums from Influenster in exchange for an honest product review! (please note, there are also affiliate links located in this post).

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Hello, skincare freaks! It’s your undomesticated African goddess giving you the 411 on the skincare front again! I recently received complimentary full-size samples of L’Oréal’s seem intensive hyaluronic acid and vitamin C serums. While I’m all about clean beauty lines, I still like to keep my finger on the pulse of “conventional” (i.e. department store) beauty brands. I also like to know what’s new on the market. Having said all of that, I refuse to put anything on this melanin rich-skin that’s suspect! 

Now on to my skincare review! 

When I first received this Influenster Voxbox, I was excited. Well, what woman isn’t excited about receiving a surprise gift?! Now, for those of you who don’t know, hyaluronic acid is very hydrating. By virtue of its chemical properties, hyaluronic acid is capable of holding more than 1000x it’s weight in water!

Needless to say, I had no problem slathering on L’Oreal’s hyaluronic acid serum. As for the ingredients, I could not find anything that was particularly a no-go ingredient but I’m still on the fence. I’m never a fan of long ingredient lists nor do I like having to decipher chemical names of ingredients. 

Does it work?

The next question is, was it effective in changing the overall texture and suppleness of my skin? I’m not sure it was enough to justify the hype. While it did give me some much needed extra hydration for the winter, it did not work any miracles. That’s not to say that it won’t do something phenomenal for your skin, but I’m really picky when it comes to skincare!

Since I received both items at the same time, I decided to incorporate L’Oreal’s vitamin C serum into my skincare routine. I must confess to liking the texture and feel of this particular serum. It went on smooth and also provided additional hydration as well as suppleness. After using this for over 2 weeks, I don’t see a significant change in the evening of my skin tone. I do have a little freckling from sun exposure, but I’m still waiting to be wowed by the vitamin C serum.


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My final takeaway on these products

Other than the natural benefits of vitamin C (i.e. anti-oxidant rich, anti-aging, etc), I fail to see what’s so spectacular about it. So, the jury is still out on both of these products in terms of wow-factor! While they do have some beneficial properties as I mentioned above, you’ll have to try it yourself to see if it does more for you.

As for me, I’ll continue to use my all-natural skincare and DIY recipes!


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Influenster L’Oréal Voxbox Review

Making the switch

We all have heard about the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian diet! While it sounds awesome, a lot of people are still clueless about great sources of plant-based proteins to choose from. If that sounds like you, I’ve got an awesome list of my top “10 Great Protein Sources” for vegan diets!

There is no need to feel discouraged or overwhelmed about switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet. Why? Because there are literally so many options out there! I’ve found the challenge is one of knowing what to actually eat. Added to that,  how do you get creative and find affordable food sources?

It’s really not that complicated. Switching to plant-based protein sources simply means more variety in my book. Great sources of plant protein are found in beans (i.e. pinto beans, kidney beans, etc), grains, etc.

About that vegan diet

The real question is not, “ do vegan diets contain enough protein?” But rather, which plant proteins have a high protein content and how can we creatively incorporate them into our diets in a sustainable way? On the surface, a simple yes, is the short answer. However, when one considers how food is currently being sourced and produced, the issue quickly becomes more complex and thought-provoking.

But, let’s answer the first question and save the other for another, more in-depth discussion on food production, insecurity, and commercial agricultural practices! First of all, there are a lot more sources of plant-based proteins than you think! And yes, vegan diets do get enough protein from plant sources!

The hype

Truthfully, the media and marketing have turned veganism/vegetarianism into a “thing” rather than a simple shift to a healthier lifestyle. For anyone who has struggled with yo-yo diets, health issues, etc, making the switch to a plant-based diet will literally change your life! That’s literally why I decided to do a little bit of research in order to find at least 10 great protein sources for vegan diets.

This is also, one of the reasons I created a simple vegan detox program for my peeps to help them get on track with sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle! I wish someone had done that for me a while back but, here you go!

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To help you lose the overwhelm and cluelessness, here’s my go-to list of top 10 vegan (plant-based) protein sources:


  1. amaranth (it’s one of the few complete protein sources; classified as a “pseudocereal”).
  1. quinoa (also one of the few complete protein sources; classified as a “pseudocereal”).
  2. lentils (high in protein and fiber to promote healthy gut bacteria.)
  1. Organic tempeh, tofu, edamame (these are derived from soybeans are also considered to be complete protein sources).
  1. Seitan  ( also considered to be the highest source of plant protein at 25g per 100g. however, seitan is not an option for those who have issues with gluten because seitan is made from wheat gluten).
  1. Chickpeas and most varieties of beans (i.e. pinto, kidney beans, etc; rich in minerals and complex carbs).
  1. Nutritional yeast (a deactivated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, commercially sold as a yellow powder or flakes and has a flavor similar to cheese).
  1. Hemp seed (10g protein plus fiber and other nutrients).
  1. Spirulina (blue-green algae are a great source of fiber and filled with nutrients).
  1. *Wild rice (contains more protein than conventional rice and contains vitamins and minerals).

*There is cause for concern about arsenic when consuming rice grown in polluted areas, so know where your food is sourced and keep it organic!

Need a nutrient-rich spicy vegan soup? Try my Black bean Afro-fusion recipe!


Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


10 Great Protein Sources For Vegan Diets

Afro-fusion style gumbo blog feature image

As I continue to explore the diversity of the culinary world, I’ve come to the conclusion that every culture has something wonderful to share. Spicy and complex flavors are my childhood favorites and my take on traditional gumbo is what I’m bringing to the fall table! My Afro-fusion style gumbo is a healthier and spicier take on this old southern favorite.

Rich and hearty soups are a staple of African cultures worldwide and the diaspora is no different! Gumbo has a rich and savory history and is well known throughout the southern united states and much of the nation in general. The fact of the matter is that I love food in all it’s richness and diversity so much, that I’ll try just about any dish (from anywhere in the world) at least once. That’s why I love making my Afro-fusion style gumbo throughout the fall and winter seasons.

Homemade beats store-bought every time and that’s why it’s always a good idea to check your pantry each season to make sure you the necessary ingredients for those home favorites. Also, it’s a good idea to always check food ingredients and items to make sure that they are GMO and additive-free. For more on this, check out my earlier post on toxic additives in your name brand mayo!


Disclaimer: This post contains product affiliate links!!

My Love of gumbo

This love for gumbo stems from the fact that it reminds me of a traditional okra soup that is made in south-eastern Nigeria. It too is composed of a variety of meats including seafood. Unlike the traditional version from back home, it’s more of a gravy, is eaten with rice (some add the rice to the gumbo), and lacks the level of heat and spiciness.

I’m not going to get into the history of gumbo here but suffice it to say that it is a yummy dish that varies across the state of Louisiana and the southern united states in general. All I can say is, it is delicious and filling. Depending on what recipe you go with, the level of richness is synonymous with the number of fat calories.

In one of my creative moments, I decided to cook an Africanized version of this dish that contains far fewer calories and increased the spice and heat profile. I call it, “ Afro-fusion gumbo” because the flavors differ from the typical version of gumbo, which has far fewer calories (due to fat) and uses the spice profile that I grew up with.

Below is a list of my go-to spices for my Afro-fusion style gumbo recipe. Most of these spices are perfect for boosting the immune system as well as a number of other health benefits!

Ingredients for my Afro-fusion style gumbo:

  1. Shrimp (NOT farm-raised, that stuff is trash)-2 cups
  2. Organic andouille sausage-1 1/2 package (cut into coin-sized rounds)
  3. Free-range organic chicken-(you can also substitute this with rotisserie chicken to cut down on cook time)
  4. Curry powder-2 tablespoons
  5. Turmeric-1 1/2 tablespoon
  6. Nigerian hot chili powder (use black pepper for a low lectin version)
  7. Bay leaves-3
  8. Dried thyme- 1 teaspoon
  9. Dried basil- 1/2 teaspoon
  10. Garlic- 15 cloves (roughly chopped)
  11. Coconut oil-2/3 cup
  12. Indian basmati rice( for a low lectin version)-1 cup, steamed
  13. 7 cups homemade chicken broth
  14. 1 cup shrimp stock (I make mine from scratch)
  15. Red onion-1, large
  16. Okra-1 1/2 cup of roughly chopped okra
  17. Green bell pepper-1 large sized
  18. Celery- 1 stalk, finely chopped (I prefer to use only a little of celery in my version)
  19. 1 small bunch of fresh parsley (I left this out of my recipe because I don’t care for parsley)
  20. Cajun seasoning (make sure it’s a brand without mystery ingredients!)
  21. 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour (use an unbleached and additive-free organic brand)

Assembling your ingredients

Once you’ve assembled all of your ingredients for this Afro-fusion gumbo, you’re ready to make your gumbo. Next, start by chopping all the vegetables; you can also do this the day before in order to save time.  The key to this dish is the roux (I call it a fancy word for gravy, but oh well)! To make the roux, in a large dutch oven (or cast iron pot)heat the oil over medium heat. After the oil is hot, whisk in the flour to form a roux. Cook the roux, stirring constantly, until almost black in color, 50 to 55 minutes.

Bringing it all together

Next, slowly pour in the shrimp and chicken stocks while constantly stirring until the stock is fully incorporated into the roux. Mix in the dried basil, cayenne, garlic, celery, bay leaves, bell pepper, okra, parsley, onion, etc. Bring to a simmer, then cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened, 1 hour.

Before you add in the smoked sausage, in a separate skillet on medium-high heat place the sausage slices and brown them well on one side (2-3 minutes) and then use a spatula to flip each over onto the other side to brown. Remove to a plate. Then, add 1/2 cup of the chicken broth to the hot skillet that had the sausage to deglaze the pan. Pour the broth and drippings into your large soup pot.

Add the remaining cups of chicken broth plus the shrimp broth, veggies, parsley, and roux to the pot and stir well to fully incorporate all of the ingredients.

Finally, add the remaining ingredients to your Afro-fusion gumbo mix except for the rice, and simmer until the seafood is cooked and the okra is tender (approximately 10 to 12 minutes). Ladle into bowls and serve with a scoop on top or you can add your rice to the gumbo instead.

afro-fusion style gumbo blog pinterest image

About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Her passion

Her desire and calling is to help women achieve balance and a healthy lifestyle by going deeper, setting boundaries, and embracing the goddess within. She’s about helping other women change unhealthy patterns and lifestyle habits that have kept them in bondage to seeking permission and approval from the outside. That means connecting and embracing their own essence and power in order to rise up and live an aligned fit-lifestyle. Tonye’s greatest joy is to partner and support her fellow goddesses as they courageously embark on a journey of transformation, empowerment, healing, and health.


Afro-fusion Style Gumbo: A Healthier Alternative To An Old Southern Favorite

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Summer is the perfect time to detox from processed foods and unhealthy habits and nutritious does not mean boring or unappetizing. As a matter of fact, some of the yummiest desserts are made from fruits like this awesome tropical summer sorbet! Plus, all the ingredients are low in fat, no processed sugars, and dairy free!

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Summer is the time when you feel like shedding the excesses in life and move on to new things! One healthy way to do this is to detox your diet and replace processed additive-laden foods with healthy and nutrient dense meal options.  I love my desserts as much as the next girl, but I’ve found and created healthy alternatives that are big on taste, flavor as well as nutritious. My tropical summer sorbet is the perfect dessert for a hot summer day and it’s satisfying and packs a healthy punch.

This summer sorbet is filled with frozen fruit, almond milk, and coconut water you’ll give your body and your skin a healthy boost of nutrients plus stay hydrated in the summer sun! Great skin and a healthy waistline don’t happen overnight but you can almost guarantee both when you color your plate with fruits and veggies.

Tropical Summer Sorbet

My latest summer recipe is rich in vitamin C, K, antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, and electrolytes all in one 6oz cup! It’s amazing how much goodness you can pack into one serving when you decide to put your health first. Also, if you really want to kickstart your healthy weight loss journey try my 10 Day Vegan Detox Program so that you can look better and feel great, without the pressure!

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Tropical Sorbet Ingredients:

Making smoothies and sorbets are easy and simply require a few fresh or frozen ingredients plus a little bit of creativity.

1. 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries

2. 1/2 medium banana (ripe)

3. 1/4 cup of cubed frozen mango

4. 1/4 cup of frozen pineapple

5. 1/4 cup of coconut water

6. 1/2 almond milk

7. 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract

Next, I like to combine frozen ingredients so I don’t have to use ice and it’s ready to serve as soon as you scoop it out of the blender. This is a good idea if you’re on a budget but you want to make sure you’re adding a good amount of fruits and veggies to your diet.  Once you have all of your ingredients simply blend together in a high-powered blender.

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way to transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about just helping you lose weight quickly, she’s about elevating your life from the inside out. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

Her favorite words are “helping you look better, feel great, without the pressure!”


Guilt-free Summer Sorbet

Aging gracefully?

Very few women want to age gracefully these days and I’m one of them! Forget the old stereotypes of crows feet, ”dress your age”,  the 40-year slump, and so forth. I’m also a firm believer in self-care and self-love and THAT means doing those healthy ”things”, that stave off premature aging, weight gain, and the slowing down of my metabolism. There are a number of ways we can increase our strength and youthfulness and that’s through exercise, diet and excellent selfcare! I’ve got 5 exercises for women over 40 that are simple, straight forward and easy to do.

The fab 5 exercises

Today we’re talking about some of the top 5 exercises for women over the age of 40. The truth is, we’re ALL aging and breaking down-yes even the little ones! This is the natural life cycle in nature but that doesn’t mean we have no way to slow down the aging process and in some instances, reverse it. I’m all in for anything (healthy that is)that will help fight signs of aging on all fronts.

As you know, I’m also a skincare freak and I have a ton of helpful tips and tricks to help you get fit, get and maintain the best version of your skin, and more!  But this post isn’t about that! For some of my top secret anti-aging remedies read up on ”The 5 Skincare Ingredients You Need On Your DIY Face Masks”.

The reality of it all

Exercise, diet, detox and “de-stress” can both slow and reverse the effects of aging as well as combat the effects of the environment. I don’t know why so many women are afraid of lifting weights, but this is one of the surest ways to increase muscle tone, tighten the skin and increase bone density!

A combination of cardio and “real” weight training go a long way to increase your physical strength, silhouette and muscle tone. Want toned tight arms and legs? Weight training, baby! The realities of the aging process make it even more important to hone in on those workouts that get results. This is why I choose to highlight these top 5 exercises for women over 40 everywhere!

With that in mind, let’s get cracking! The first exercise that I call “pain in the butt” (because it works) is:

1. Squats. Squats help build your leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves), aids in burning more fat, as it is one of the most time-efficient ways to burn a lot of calories.

2. Planks. The plank is one of the better workouts for core conditioning but them too works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and ameliorates balance. As someone who hates doing crunches, planks are a godsend! Plus, your risk of injuring your neck is lower and this works more than just those core muscles. These are a great exercise for women over 40 who want well-defined abs and a strong core.

My all time favorites

3. Lunge. Before you start moaning girl, just let me tell you, lunges are a girl’s best friend! They’re not just for twenty-somethings, lunges are for every woman! The lunge aides in sculpting, strengthening and toning your legs and glutes. They also improve the flexibility of the hips. While they are uncomfortable, lunges will quickly get your butt lifted and sculpted if you’ll commit to it.

4. Burpees. These are a full body strength training exercise within every rep. Not only that you will work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles.

5. Dynamic plank.  Like the previous exercises, the dynamic plank is an excellent way to isolate the core area without crunches. I’m no fan of crunches (even though I do break down do them on occasion). I always recommend planks if you’ve got issues related to the neck area. Not only does this exercise strengthen your core, it also works your chest and shoulders.

What to keep in mind here

While there’s no magic pill to help sculpt the body you want, these 5 exercises will get you well on your way to looking better and looking better without the pressure.

Having said all of THAT, any good fitness guru will tell you that without a healthy diet, you still won’t get the results you want!

So for those who are still struggling with where to begin, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

Also, to help you fill your fridge with produce that’s free of toxic chemicals get the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

5 exercises for women over 40: All Time Favorites That Really Work

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Over the years I’ve learned the power of what diet can do for the body. It can help heal or cause disease. When I first thought of trying a vegan detox, I still wondered if it was all hype. After I decided to use myself as a guinea pig, I can’t deny it’s effectiveness.

We’ve heard so much about the vegan lifestyle, plant-based diets and more. The real take away is that adopting a plant-based diet will make a huge difference in health.


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We all know how hard it can be to shed those unwanted pounds, ditch the bloat and ultimately gain a healthier body!

Over the years I’ve found the best way to reset my body, lose the bloat and stubborn weight, is to for the greens. In my case, that means going on a vegan detox or radically upscaling my fruits and veggies. That all translates into minimally processed foods, no animal products coupled with healthy oils and nuts!

Who would have thought a vegan detox could help you look better, feel better without the pressure?! I’m not one for gimmicks or yo-yo diets so I keep it simple and stress-free by upscaling my intake of fresh foods.

Adopting a vegan diet for the short-term or on a permanent basis is always a good thing. Every day more research comes out about how a vegan or plant-based diet promotes healthy weight, increases healthy cholesterol levels and boosts longevity.

There are so many benefits to going on a vegan detox that I simply don’t have the time to go into it all. Needless to say, after a lot of feedback from friends and besties I began a vegan detox program to help other women get the results they want without the drama or stress of trying to figure it all out on a busy schedule.

So why go on a 10 Day Vegan Program at all (or for any other length of time)?  While it’s not a cure-all for every ailment under the sun doing a vegan detox (diet reset) has a lot of benefits.

The Benefits Of A Vegan / Plant-Based Diet

  1. Better sleep
  2. More energy
  3. Improved digestion
  4. Radiant and healthier skin
  5. Improved mood
  6. Lowers your risk for diabetes and heart disease
  7. Improved weight management
  8. Reduces inflammation

So what do vegan and plant-based mean?

In simple terms, a vegan diet means a diet free of all animal products-no meat, poultry, dairy, or even honey! A plant-based diet is based on fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. I like to think of it in terms of a continuum where at one end lies the strict vegan and somewhere near the middle is a diet that is largely plant-based.


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Point for point, a vegan detox is a must not just to detox your body in the short term but as a way of life! It will literally change your life and your health.  While a number of research documents highlight the benefits of vegan and plant-based diets, few tell you how to make that shift.

While I don’t believe in restrictions, vegan and plant-based diets are sustainable only when you incorporate them as part of a healthy lifestyle. So a good way to start is to try a vegan detox program to help reset your mind as well as your body. Issues related to stress, fatigue and an inability to sleep can often be eased with what you put on your plate.

For instance, it’s been noted that certain foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, broccoli, have been shown to improve sleep cycles. Not only that, did you know cashew butter, peanut butter, avocados, kale, almonds, walnuts, spinach, and squash are all nutritional powerhouses?

They contain vitamin B6, tryptophan, and magnesium and do a lot for boosting your sleep cycle. So if sleep is an issue for you and you don’t want to deal with the nasty side effects of synthetic drugs, adopting a vegan diet is the way to go!

Also, greens such as Kale, Swiss chard, fortified almond or soy milk, and dried figs have a higher amount of calcium than dairy milk (which researchers have said, actually leach calcium from the body). Plus, if you’ve been dealing with inflammatory illness, plant-based diets are an excellent way to relieve those ailments.

Broken record here but, foods rich in omega-3 fats like chia and flax, as well leafy greens (i.e. kale) contain chlorophyll which helps to increase the alkalinity of the body.

In English, that means they help to combat inflammation in the body which in turn helps with weight loss and bloating!!

The average American diet is high in processed foods that are associated with an increase in weight gain, high blood pressure, and other inflammation-related illnesses.

Switching to a plant-based or mostly plant-based diet is one of the most sustainable ways to lose weight and keep it off. Also, it will help you look and feel better in the long run and who doesn’t want that? That’s why I always recommend a vegan detox program of some sort to flush toxins out of your body and reset your system for better health and wellness.


It’s really not that hard or overwhelming if you start with the right tools and really get serious about shedding the unhealthy weight and overhauling your lifestyle for the better. If you’re still not sure where to begin and feeling clueless, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

For the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


The 10 Day Vegan Detox

homemade chicken noodle soup blog feature image


If you haven’t heard about the proven benefits of homemade chicken noodle soup, you’ve probably been buried underneath a pile of rubble by now! Let me just start by saying, momma knew what she was talking about when she said that chicken soup is a cure-all staple!

Needless to say, the power is in the bone broth (i.e. chicken bones Y’all!), spices, and other healthy ingredients that make up this recipe. For me, I’m putting an African twist on this favorite recipe so make sure you head over to my Youtube site to see how the full recipe comes together in real color!

My inspiration for this Afro-fusion homemade chicken noodle recipe comes from childhood nostalgic moments living in Nigeria. When I was a little girl, my mom gave us all kinds of potions and tonics to keep illness and poor health at bay. To this day I can still taste that pungent flavor of Norwegian cod liver oil on my tongue! We also had all kinds of soups, and beverages that she and the elder women in our neighborhood swore by!

This is a lot different from the condensed canned stuff masquerading as “as good as” homemade chicken noodle soup! The only things you’ll find in those cans are some GMO chicken, lots of sodium, overcooked bleached flour noodles, preservatives, and more.


With that in mind here are the ingredients you will need for this Afro-fusion homemade chicken noodle soup:

1. 4 medium chicken drumsticks (organic, free-range chickens)

2. 1 small red onion

3. 1 small yellow onion

4. 1/4 cup of chopped green onions (organic)

5. 3 cloves of garlic (medium)

6. Organic gluten-free spaghetti pasta (follow directions for serving size)

7. 2 tablespoons curry powder

8. 1 teaspoon turmeric

9.  1/2 teaspoon of allspice

10. 1/4 teaspoon spicy paprika

11. 2 tablespoons of Himalayan pink salt

12. 3 tablespoons of Braggs Amino Acids

13. 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

To bring this recipe to life is really easy and there are no fancy steps involved. Simply fill a large soup pot with 6 cups of water and bring to a boil while tossing in all over your dry spices and the other ingredients. Next, add the onions, garlic, and chicken drumsticks to the pot and boil at medium heat for 25 minutes. Also, you can add other veggies to this mix as well (i.e. carrots, etc) in order to make this dish your own.

Next, turn the heat down to low and allow your homemade chicken noodle soup creation to simmer for an additional 20-30 minutes and add your noodles in the final 20 minutes. To see what this dish looks like check out the video!

About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup: An African twist on an old favorite

Why I love it

This is my number 1 DIY all natural face mask because it helps fight lines, wrinkles and dark spots. It’s loaded with potent ingredients to help naturally fight against the effects of environmental pollution, aging, acne, and acne related scarring.

I can’t say enough about DIY anti-aging face masks and other skincare creations!

Why you need to add a face mask to your skincare routine

The environment does enough harm to our skin without using skincare products that are loaded with toxins and other mystery ingredients. While it’s all good to use skincare products that are all-natural, diet also matters! When I was in my teens and 20’s my mom always went on about making sure I eat healthy so that my skin will be healthy!

She was so spot on! This is especially important for women as we are constantly dealing with hormonal cycles. I really began to tune into this when I start led having some serious health and reproductive issues. Even to this day, I regret that I didn’t start early enough. I truly believe that I could have done more good for my reproductive health and fitness if I had played closer attention to the research that was coming out at the time. Live and learn right?

My skincare story

My DIY anti-aging face mask creations are based on my own experience and that of family and friends. I really encourage you to try your hand at making your own DIY anti-aging face mask and skincare so you know what works for you and with ingredients, you can trust.

The following DIY anti-aging mask uses fresh avocado as a base because of its unique properties. I’ve also used greek yogurt as a base in some of my other DIY skincare.

What you’ll need

This is the list of ingredients you will need for this DIY anti-aging face mask. It will also make enough for approximately three applications.

  1. Half of one ripe medium organic avocado
  2. One tablespoon of organic turmeric powder
  3. One teaspoon of Ceylon powder (this is the best variety to use)
  4. Half of one teaspoon of jojoba oil (use the cold-pressed organic variety)
  5. One and a half tablespoons of organic raw honey
  6. One glass mixing bowl (don’t use plastic)

How to make my DIY anti-aging face mask

Combine all of these ingredients using a hand mixer, processor or mash with a wish or clean wooden spoon. I prefer to use a stainless steel metal whisk to whip everything together and to make sure they are quickly incorporated into my DIY anti-aging face mask.

A quick note

Since this is handmade and has perishable ingredients, this recipe should be kept in the fridge until you’re ready to use it. I keep mine for about a week but no longer than a week and a half.  Remember that there are no preservatives in this mixture so you need to refrigerate your DIY mask. However, I’ve noticed that when I add a few drops of tea tree essential oil, my DIY face masks last longer since the tea tree oil is anti-microbial.

I have so many other recipes waiting to join this one but this is one of my favorite DIY anti-aging face masks. Whenever I make a new creation I always try to make sure I use my must-have ingredients included in most of my recipes.

About the author 

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies”! For her, that means she helps each woman in a unique way; helping them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

My DIY Anti-aging Face Mask

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