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Whether you’re an athlete, gym rat or just someone who wants to optimize their fitness and health, certain nutrients are key to maintaining a healthy body and supporting the body’s ability to heal itself and stave off illness and disease. While this is by no means a complete list, here are 5 key nutrients that you need in your diet in order to optimize your health and fitness.

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There are no shortcuts to achieving optimal fitness and health (sustainable and long-term, at least). The best way to optimize your performance and by extension your fitness is through a well-balanced diet. 5 key nutrients that will help you meet those goals are potassium, magnesium, protein, B-vitamins, and anti-oxidants.

1. Potassium (Dietary potassium): Is a mineral that is critical for the proper functions of all body systems. We hear a lot about potassium and potassium-rich foods, but most people don’t realize how critical it is to sustaining life. In particular, Major organs like the heart, kidneys, etc require potassium in order to work normally. For the most part, people who eat a healthy and balanced diet typically get enough potassium without having to resort to supplements.

In general, it’s never a good idea to be chronically deficient in key dietary minerals like potassium and magnesium. As a matter of fact, low potassium is associated with a risk of success conditions as arthritis, high blood pressure, and infertility.

For those experiencing low potassium, your health care provider can recommend anything from changes in diet to supplements, etc.  From a nutritional stance, the demands of athletic sports and intense exercise generally contribute to a significant loss of salt, potassium, and magnesium in the sweat.

   2. Magnesium: As I pointed out earlier, magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining normal cellular function and bone health. When it comes fitness, performance and actually seeing “results”, balance is key. Too little or too much of any one mineral never bodes well for your health. In a lot of instances, a deficiency in one nutrient can hinder the proper function of another. For instance, magnesium in combination with phosphorous plays an essential role in energy metabolism.

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3. Protein: Yes, we’ve all our doctors and dieticians talk about it, but how often are we guilty of not having either enough of it or we’re consuming poor quality proteins in our daily diet?  In case you missed it, protein is a critical building block for building muscle, repair tissue, and is an important component of all cells within the body. Also, protein is required for the synthesis of various hormones, enzymes, etc.

Want to lose weight and keep it off? You really need good quality protein as a regular part of each meal. Plus, if you’re not into animal protein, there are plenty of plant-based sources that are equally good (i.e.beans and other legumes)!

4. B-vitamins: Include thiamin, riboflavin folate, B6 and the more well-known vitamin B12, are all required for the proper function and development of the brain, nerves, blood cells, heart, etc. When you’re deficient in these nutrients bad things happen. Anemia, memory loss, fatigue, weakness, and digestive problems are just some of the signs one can expect to see. Typical sources of these vitamins are fish, meats, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. For those who have adopted a vegan lifestyle, other sources can be found in dietary supplements or food sources that have been fortified.

However, fat-soluble vitamins like B12 can only be found in animal sources so a strict vegetarian or vegan must have foods either fortified or you need to use dietary supplements.

5. Anti-oxidants: They include but are not limited to, some vitamins ( beta-carotene and vitamins E and C), some minerals (i.e. selenium), and flavonoids (a diverse group of phytonutrients found in most fruits and vegetables). The best sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables. Just in case you’re wondering, flavonoids can also be found in red wine and teas.

Antioxidants are powerhouses of goodness and their benefits cover a broad spectrum of health benefits from combating inflammatory responses (i.e. workout recovery), antioxidative stress (i.e. cell damage brought on by free radicals).

The bottom line here is that nutrition is a key portion of a healthy lifestyle and is especially important when it comes down to optimizing your fitness and performance. So the next time you leave the gym, finish a sweat session at home or in the great outdoors, remember to fuel your body with a balanced plate of wholesome goodness. If you’re just getting started on the right path, remember that your body needs these 5 key nutrients in order to get that ball rolling!

Also, realize that nutrition is just part of the equation. The other part of this actually involves the exercise component whether you do it at home or in a gym, the point is to get your body in motion on a consistent basis.

As a matter of fact, make sure you take a good hard look at what’s inside your fridge and or pantry and give it a good detox for the new you in the New Year!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


5 key Nutrients Needed For Optimal Fitness And Health

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Before you embark on that “fitness journey”, there are two things you need to ask yourself: 1. Why am I doing this? 2. What do I want to gain by the end of this process? (what’s your purpose). If you’re still scratching your heads on that one let me help you by giving you the definition of both “why” and “purpose”. The word why refers to a reason or explanation for carrying out a certain action, while the word purpose means a fixed design or outcome; a fixed intention.

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We’re all guilty of jumping into things without fully understanding or gathering enough information before we embark on a course of action.  This varies from person to person but my point is,  really think about why you need to do this otherwise, it just becomes an exercise in futility!

Two questions you need to ask yourself before you sign up for a personal trainer are:
1. Why am I doing this?
2. What is my purpose for taking this journey?

A lot of times we set ourselves up for failure because we either don’t ask the right questions or we don’t have an objective in mind. As the saying goes, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!”

Plus, are you doing all of “this” for the right reasons; in other words,  what’s the driving force behind this decision? Once, again this brings me back to the whole notion of digging deep inside to figure what it is that you really want for yourself and is it in alignment with your needs as an individual. For instance, if I say I’m going to lose weight simply because I’m tired of feeling judged by other “people”, is not going to keep me motivated or determined to achieve the end goal. As a matter of fact, it’s more likely to frustrate and depress me and ultimately leaving me worse off.

Also, if you’re struggling to find time for yourself (i.e. self-care ), you’re less likely to make informed decisions about your fitness and health. Afterall, when you put yourself at the bottom of your list of priorities, you’re out of gas by the time you get to figure out your own needs, a.k.a. clueless!


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Having said of all of that, there is nothing wrong with signing up for a gym membership or even going so far as to hire a personal trainer. This is especially true if you’re not sure where to start or you’ve  been off your routine for a long time (form trumps number reps every time). All of this ties into your needs and vision for this entire transformation process and why it’s so important that you ask yourself the hard questions.

At the end of the day, you can have all of the support, latest tech, and gadgets but if you are embarking on this journey for the wrong reasons you will fail. You will fail not because it was too hard or you lacked the will power, you will fail because you didn’t have a clearly defined why and purpose at the fore front of your path.


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Two Questions You Need to Ask yourself Before you sign up for a Personal Trainer

food and waistline: why the obsession blog feature image

Food and your waistline

Why are we so obsessed with food and our waistlines? This constantly leaves me with a bevy of theories or reasons why there so many women in the U.S. and the West in general  (and to a smaller degree, other parts of the world), who seem fixated on both food and their waistlines. Why the constant battle with our food? As a fitness and health strategist with a background in biological anthropology, I can’t help but wonder if something more complex, and culturally relevant is at play in this insanity. Dare I say, misconceptions based on misinformation are at the heart of the food and waistline debate!

Some issues at play in the food and waistline debate

This problem stems in large part, from a grossly uneducated and misinformed public with regard to what constitutes basic “good” nutrition and the plethora of misinformation peddled by a large segment of the media, as well as the fast and processed food industries. Additionally, our food policies and regulatory agencies (i.e. FDA, USDA, etc) have failed to show leadership in this area. Let us get real with ourselves, our food choices are also (and in some instances, largely) driven by factors other than basic hunger (i.e. “I hunger, therefore I eat”).

Some context

Individual tastes, culture, habits, and environment, etc play a pivotal role in our food choices, and by extension, the current food-related epidemic (obesity, heart disease, etc) we are facing at both the local and national level. First, let’s revisit the basics of why we need to eat at all. We need to eat and drink (water, at the most fundamental) to live.  Food essentially equals fuel for the daily life-sustaining functions of the body at the chemical, cellular, and systemic levels.

The basics

There is no physical reason (technically speaking) why we need to eat other than to sustain life. What I’m driving at here is that outside of eating to keep the body operating at an optimum level ( regardless of age, for instance) there is no real reason to eat anything beyond what is necessary for maintaining a “healthy body”. So why do we obsess about that food and waistline? Why are we so unhealthy in terms of what we eat and how that translates into our current health issues? While I don’t claim to hold all the answers to what will arguably, require complex solutions (I’ll leave that in the capable hands of academic researchers), I do believe that an informed public is one that is healthy and empowered.

food and waistline: why the obsession pinterest pic

Some Major stakeholders: Fast food industry, media, and the public

Who are the big winners here? Big agribusiness and the packaged food industry argue that it is “expensive” and “unsustainable” to buy local and organic food items. Many also say that there is no “real” difference (in terms of nutritional content or quality) between organic produce and conventionally grown produce. Additionally, they often point to “research” that supports their claims. However, there is an increasing body of unbiased research that not only counters these claims but also exposes a number of the myths about the benefits of consuming organic produce vs. conventionally grown produce, food additives (i.e. dyes in processed foods, etc), and so forth. Let’s not forget the role of media in this hot mess! Mainstream media amplifies what’s wrong with our society. Skewed body images, cultural norms, etc all factor into how we relate to food.

Why you need to make educated food choices

When you add it all together, you realize it’s a cycle perpetuated by misinformation, profit, etc. Our obsession with food and waistlines hides the issues that we truly need to address in order to claim our health and wellness. Let’s also not forget that we as individuals also have some responsibilities here. In basic terms, good legislation, and policy on food safety, equity in healthy food options, as well as behavior, impact our waistlines (i.e health). As consumers, we have a stake in this too.

Final  thoughts

When you get active about your food, you reclaim your food as well as your health. Recognizing we have options is just the beginning! Want some helpful tips about detoxing your fridge and pantry? Get my pantry detox guide right here! You can also get helpful tips on food storage to help you stretch that grocery budget right here. 

once you get behind the scenes and see what’s really going on, things become easier. You can make educated choices about where your food comes from, save money on the grocery budget, etc. Plus, you won’t get caught up in fad diets, or fooled by slick marketing labels on your grocery items!

About the author

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, as well as a podcaster and speaker. She dedicates her time to help free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quickly. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Food and Waistline: Why the Obsession?

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Time to get your shimmy on (if you haven’t already, lol), hug your loved ones, toss out the chaos of 2016 and get in gear for a brand new run! Looking back, I’ve come to the realization that I often focused on past regrets (a.k.a woulda, coulda, shoulda) and seemingly “missed” opportunities, instead of embracing the moment,  growing in it and being thankful. 

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As the final minutes of 2016 tick by, my resolution if any at all, is to be thankful and embrace every moment of my journey. It is not an easy thing, this notion of “personal development “, but no one ever said depth comes without effort! Time to check myself even as I encourage my “FitTribe” (i.e. clients, fellow sojourners, etc) to dig deep, get comfortable with being “UNcomfortable” and get out of the crossroads. If you’re honest with yourself, you already know what changes need to take place in your life in order to move to the next level.

No more, dodging the truth or hanging out on that hamster wheel that’s literally going nowhere. This is a year for change and transformation so it is time to release yourself from the shackles of 2016!

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Get off the crazy, train and be authentically you, focus on the things that truly matter and give color and meaning to this life we all live. Don’t let your waistline,  self-image  (or self-esteem), or the perceptions of other “things”, or society, prevent you from being who you’re meant to be; LIVE AUTHENTIC!

May the New Year find you blooming where you’re planted and may good health, love, laughter, nd balance meet you on this journey.


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


All That Jazz: Getting Fit In The New Year

Life is full of challenges. If you’re truly paying attention you’ll get the sense that there is an ebb flow to this life’s journey.  When it comes to having a healthy and fulfilling life, the quality of that life is the ultimate goal. In order to fulfill your passion and potential, you must operate at your optimal physical and mental states and that all starts in the mind! Selfcare is key to a healthy lifestyle.


So what’s the good news in all of this? Well, by making yourself a priority (a.k.a. selfcare) when it comes to your fitness and health recognizing that you can’t give from an empty well or fully explore your innate potential, you are creating a pathway through which your life can begin to shift into balance. In my experience, I’ve learned that one of the most visible indicators of a life out of balance is poor health, stress, anxiety and being “stuck” (i.e. feeling trapped in a situation or state).


Other “physical” manifestations of imbalance are things like weight gain, stress and feeling overwhelmed. That’s right ladies, that ever-increasing number on your bathroom scale that makes you want to scream in frustration because you’re at that point where a simple inhalation results in an additional five pounds! Wow, been there done that, NOT buying the t-shirt again gals, lol.

So what am I getting at? What I am trying to say is that all is not lost, yes you can shed the unhealthy weight, get rid of undue stress and fatigue, etc. The real and lasting solution is to first STOP and reflect on your current state, make an honest decision (about what you need to do in order to change your state), get a plan, and take ACTION. It’s about realizing that selfcare is really healthcare.

It’s one thing to look in the mirror and gripe about weight gain and being in a rut, but it’s a whole other level of truth that makes you jump off of that “hamster wheel” going nowhere and make a serious and actionable plan to change the course of your life. For those who are wondering, I don’t claim to have all the answers, BUT I do know how to get sh*t done because I’ve literally L.I.V.E.D. that journey and I had to dig deep for the courage and aggressively grab hold of the resources necessary to achieve my fitness and health goals. An added bonus to all of that is, other areas of my life began to shift into balance as well and I’m now unlocking my power and potential for other goals for the future.


Sometimes you just have to dive in regardless of your fears or perceived limitations and barriers, otherwise, you’ll find yourself indefinitely stuck in that awful crossroads slowly losing your health, positivity, power, and potential in a death spiral. Yes, it sounds a bit melodramatic, but for anyone who knows that pain, you recognize that the struggle is real. I’ve got no illusions about how hard it can be to make that break, but once you decide, plan, and take action; the process becomes easier and the goal is in sight.


I’m both a physical and visual person, so fitness (and health) is a great way to create movement and progress toward achieving the desired goal. Getting outdoors is an excellent way to not only recharge the body and mind but it also a great way break away from the crossroads (i.e. hamster wheel). True balance comes with making selfcare a necessity rather than a priority (you deserve to be more than a number on a to-list).

A brisk walk along the beach trails, forest preserves, etc, will (if you’re like me) help you activate your mind and body to engage in something new. Remember, exercise comes in several forms and regardless of fitness level, the KEY ingredient here Is ACTION! Moving the body activates all your body systems, as well as the mind and the best gift you could ever give yourself or your family, is a healthy, strong, and positive version of yourself. I’ not saying it will not be a challenge, what I AM saying is that YOU need to invest in yourself recognize your own worth if you ever hope to have others make the same calculation. Bottom line? if you do not value yourself first, no one else will do it for you!

Find out more about how to make selfcare a priority in my exclusive FACEBOOK supportive sisterhood for women everywere at FREEDOM AT THE CROSSROADS!


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Why You Need Selfcare

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Alright! I’m giving enough warning at the get-go that THIS IS ANOTHER RANT! Why? because I’m sick and tired of wham bam weightloss gimmicks that do abso-freaking-lutely NOTHING! They do not shrink your waist (well without compressing major organs, possible internal damage, need I go on?), get rid of fat in one area (a.k.a spot training) while leaving the other unchanged, or help you get skinny in 48HRS! I mean, really!

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IF YOU are truly being honest with yourself, you probably know this like your little gray cells are beeping that bull crap meter LOUDLY! In the words of my mama, if it sounds like crap, more than likely it IS crap; sorry to burst your bubble (not really!) but the truth about  effective weightloss is, it is rooted in a healthy dose of reality as well as being honest with yourself about how you got here in the first place.

I’m no Einstein but EVEN I know that some wonder gadget (I use that phrase loosely) being lauded by some celebrity, etc (I’m always leery of celebs pushing stuff they don’t even use) or anyone else for that for that matter, is NOT the way to sustain a healthy weight, see real and lasting results, and JUST getting and staying fit! No No, NO! Don’t set yourself up for failure. Sustainable weightloss is rooted in balance.

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I’ve been there and done that, so not doing it again! Committing to a healthy lifestyle is just that, a healthy lifestyle! Shortcuts usually lead to bad things happening and I’d hate to hear any more stories about someone ending up in the hospital because they used some weight loss gimmick and came out on the wrong side of it!

Being a fitness coach and working in Healthcare means that I see a lot of UGLY that comes out of these “shortcuts” and I guess that’s why I get soo pissed off when I hear about the “real” end results. I’m not saying every quickie is suspect, but be suspicious of all things quickie!

Change direction and think about something that actually works!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Weightloss Will happen If You do this?

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