Tag: selfcare

Black History Month: A selfcare message to Black Women

Black History Month: A selfcare message to Black Women

While Black History Month may have come to a close, the lived experiences of being Black in America, particularly as a Black woman, continues to be one of resilience, strategy and survival-surviving institutional racism and state sanctioned violence. Taking all that into account means, we’ve got to love and selfcare in such a way that we’re able to elevate beyond these realities. Radial selfcare and selflove, as oringinated and articulated by Audre Lourde, are what we are called upon to embody.

Emergency Selfcare For Black Women

Emergency Selfcare For Black Women

Emergency selfcare is a response to the rapidly changing circumstances taking place across the globe. Many of these issues and challenges are unique to women and continues to remind us that selfcare strategies must adapt to these changes.

Black Women Are Exhausted

Black Women Are Exhausted

Selfcare and the realities of setting boundaries for black women

It’s hard enough learning and setting boundaries, as a woman. As usual, when it comes to black women living and existing in America, that becomes even more of a challenge. Black women are exhausted but still expected to show up 100% at home and in the workplace. For the average black woman, there is no room for selfcare or taking a mental health day. Often times, they are expected by society and culture to exist and toil for the benefit of others and that, in itself should be reward enough!

Some observations about selfcare as a black woman

 The struggle is real and can often seem daunting especially when you consider all of the intersections that we as black women have to navigate daily. Also, historically and culturally, women have been conditioned to allow others to access our labour and resources to the point of exhaustion, if not death. As a matter of fact, it has been so normalized that when we start reclaiming our power and setting boundaries, they are often met with resistance and hostility from unexpected places. It does not matter that Black women are exhausted, stressed and many in poor health due to a lack of selfcare and setting boundaries.

It starts in the mind

I hate to sound cliche but selfcare, selflove, etc regardless of where you are in the world, begins in the mind! It’s also why so many “forces” (i.e. patriarchy, misogyny, etc) don’t want women to access selfcare and are so violently opposed to these concepts. While patriarchy and misogny(noir) are not new-they’ve been in operation for millennia, what is new is the global awakening of women. In order to access selfcare and selflove, you have to first become self aware.

What does that mean?

What this means is that, Black women are coming to the realization that we are human before our we are women, and we don’t need to prove our worth to anyone. It also means freeing our minds from the societal and cultural indoctrination (domestication) that has gaslit women into thinking they don’t deserve to live autonomously or have the right to pursue their dreams, grow, etc.

Black women are exhausted and have been so, for a long time

For much of our time here in North America, particularly here in the U.S., black women have been the proverbial “canaries in the coal mines” of society and culture. Our labour, resources and energy have been siphoned from us, without our consent. The few occasions when consent has been granted it was often under duress or outright deception. Now, the tide is changing as black women and women globally awaken to reclaim their autonomy, resources and power. Needless to say, those who have long benefited from the subjugation of women, are in violent opposition and unhappy to say the least.

Black women at the intersection of patriarchy and white supremacy

Because of patriarchy and white supremacy, Black women have historically borne the brunt of inequity and discrimination. As a result, we’ve been disproportionately affected by the impacts of these poisonous systems and their institutions. Whether it is maternal health outcomes, treatment in the justice system, etc, Black women are the most harmed. In short, Black women are exhausted from the seemingly never ending task of navigating these systems and conditions. Awakening to these realities, rather than remaining on the hamster wheel going no where, is the beginning of the selfcare journey!

A brief reminder of her-story

Arguably, women globally have been the observers and harbingers of what’s coming as we have watched patriarchy destroy both humanity and the planet. Women are relearning “her-story” and coming to realize that we have been lied to and outright bamboozled!  Yes, before all of “this” we had power, were builders, and protectors of both humanity and the planet. In short, equality and equity have always translated into alignment and universal balance as it is the universal order of things.

Selfcare strategies to save your mind and body

Being a woman is unlike anything in the universe and we need to start walking in our power and truth. To begin to do that, we need each need selfcare strategies and tools that we help us thrive and not just survive on this blue globe! Our default does not have be exhaustion,stress and dis-ease. Consistent selfcare means a reduction in stress, fatigue and illness. It also means a far better quality of life and the ability to focus on those interests that elevate our lives. Research has shown that repeated stress, trauma, etc age and cause disease in all areas of the body. This also impacts our mental health status. You can read more on selfcare right here!

So why the shift?

The shift is taking place as more and more black women connect globally. Through social media and other platforms, black women are not just sharing stories and experiences, we are sharing knowledge. As more of awaken to the damages and lies of patriarchy, misogyny and anti-blackness, we are moving strategically. With knowledge and healing comes the ability to get off the altar of other people’s expectations. In this way, we reclaim our health, dreams and passions. Global politics, especially as it pertains to North America, has been a huge eye opener for black women. As we watch women’s rights be dismantled, the stripping away of reproductive rights, etc, it’s clear to see the writing on the wall. Be sure to tune into my YouTube channel as I really go “in” on this!

Final Thoughts

As more and more black women realize the options available to them globally, the more the fire and fight for true liberation burns. The myth of black excellence, proving yourself to justify your worth, begging for a seat at the table of institutional racism, etc is crumbling. Now, black women are finally beginning to make choices that are in their best interest and most of that is founded on selfcare and healing. Additionally, as more black women to begin to seek therapy, do the internal work, etc,  we can expect the societal impact to hit even harder. Arguably, that’s why those who have benefited from unchecked access to black women’s labor are getting more upset and loud about it. News flash: stay mad!

Black women are exhausted Pinterest image

Cheap Winter Selfcare Ideas

Cheap Winter Selfcare Ideas

We are in the last quarter of 2022 and it is time to make the right shift for staying healthy and living your best life! If You’re not there yet, that’s okay because its never too late to improve your life. That being said, there 

Recession proof Self care Strategies

Recession proof Self care Strategies

Economic hardships We’re in a recession folks and that means tightening our belts. It also means being resourceful and finding creative ways to self care on a tight budget.  That also means, getting recession proof self care strategies to help you weather the storm! While no 

Women Are Not Your Therapists

Women Are Not Your Therapists

For whomever needs to hear this

As I continue to celebrate women 365 days a year, I just want to remind men of one thing: women are not your therapists (or therapy). This is true of anyone in a relationship. Your partner is not your therapist and she/he/they is not responsible for you own personal “baggage”. Historically and generationally, women have been conditioned to accept the baggage of their partners in addition to the demands of society and culture.

Some of the backstory on this

Because women are viewed (in general) as the nurturing  and weaker sex, women are often the default “therapists” for their partners and communities. This is regardless of the fact that we aren’t professionally trained or even paid for that “Labor”. But again, this is the nature of patriarchy and misogyny across the globe. This brings me to the whole “women as default therapists” thing. Not to put the blame all on one side, women have their own issues to deal with as well. My point is that, neither partner is allowed to turn the other into a personal therapist! The emotional demands are just too much and it is unhealthy.

Red flags

Also, we’ve all seen examples of this in social media and even in our communities. Asking women to be your therapists is a bridge too far to cross and also puts women in further danger. After all, with everything that’s happened during and since the pandemic, the rates or femicide is rising at an alarming rate. And to bring it back to the basics, that amount of emotional dumping is a relationship killer anyways! It leaves no space for real intimacy or caring. This is because one person is doing the “dumping” and the other is the emotional or trauma “dumpster”.

Another red flag is constant negativity and even clingy-ness. It feels like you’re constantly draining off poison from your partner’s wound. The reverse is also true; you can’t constantly dump on your partner and think that that relationship will last!

The reality

Look, while I’m no therapist  I can definitely see a red flag coming a mile away. But it wasn’t always that way. There was a time that I suffered from both the disease to please and being an “emotional dumpster” for my partner. Needless to say, it was traumatic and added to my own baggage that I failed to work through prior to that relationship. So, when I say women are not your therapists, I’m not joking because I’ve got the “receipts”. For me, it always comes back to selfcare. Selfcare forces you to become both self aware and honest about where you are as a person. That means, facing all your issues and recognising that while no one is perfect, we do have to take ownership for both our trauma (i.e. issues, etc. ) and triumphs.

More on the selfcare and emotional baggage connection

Like i said earlier, we are all on a journey to healing and wholeness (hopefully) and no one’s perfect. That also means, we have to be honest with ourselves and our partners about where we are in our journey. Sometimes that may even mean you separate because those differences are to big to bridge. When we start taking on the role of therapist, we open ourselves to harm and potential destruction of our relationship. Also, you can create room for co-dependency which is another nightmare to divest from. Just, don’t do it and if you have to ask then you’re probably already there! Bottom line? Leave therapy to the experts and you’ll both be   Much more happy and whole.

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Emotional selfcare is a thing

Selfcare is not restricted to what you can see. Selfcare includes your mental, emotional, spiritual and, physical wellbeing. Also, when it comes to selfcare, know that there is no perfect way to do it and it’s also a continuous process of nourishing, healing and renewal. From time to time, you’ll have to make adjustments along the way and that’s okay. There is no judgment or guilt in any of this. Want to know more about why women struggle with selfcare? Click here to find out.  Also, for more helpful selfcare tips and ideas you can read it right here!

5 Valentine’s Day Selfcare Ideas

A day for you Every year we get excited and anxious over Valentine’s Day. Excited because spring is not far off and anxious because, a lot of us are looking to be coupled up! Too much emphasis is on “coupling” and not enough on selflove 

3 Reasons Why Your New Years Resolution is Not Working

3 Reasons Why Your New Years Resolution is Not Working

Time for a new you! Yes ladies, its the New Year and as usual you’re ready to through in the proverbial towel because it’s looking like this year is going to be a repeat of 2021! Guess what? You’re not alone. I’m going to give 

selfcare mother’s day gifts

selfcare mother’s day gifts

All about selfcare mother’s day gifts that make sense!

Regardless of whether or not you’ve actually given birth to a child, every woman who stands in that role deserves a break. That’s why I think a selfcare Mother’s Day gift or treat needs to be something we “do” on the regular not just on one day in May.

Please note this post contains amazon affiliate links from which I may receive a percentage of sales generated from purchases associated with it.

About selfcare

Despite are the buzz and hype from media outlets and self-proclaimed selfcare gurus, Selfcare is more than the occasional pampering or extravagant fantasy vacation spa! Selfcare is actually a normal every day “thing” that we all need to practice for a healthy and aligned life. For the most part, selfcare starts with setting boundaries. This is especially true when it comes to nourishing your body and replenishing yourself mentally and emotionally.

Selfcare also makes required that you prioritize your own needs above other “things”, people and tasks. Contrary to what you or some others may think, selfcare is neither selfish nor narcissistic; selfcare is a necessary and live-saving practice that makes it possible to do and care for those people and things that matter to you!

Perfect gift ideas

There are so many great Selfcare gift options for Mother’s Day, that are perfect not just for “this” day in May, but year-round too. To make things easier and eliminate the overwhelm, I’ve made a list of Selfcare Mother’s Day gifts to win over any woman in need of a little TLC.

1. Give her the gift of a good night’s sleep or nap time. While it might seem pretty basic, sleep is at the top of the selfcare list for moms and everyone else. Craft a homemade gift card or decorative coupon for a full night’s sleep for the mom figures in your life. Add it to a lovely gift basket filled with indulgent goodies (bought and homemade) to complement the selfcare theme.

2. Give her the gift of one or more face masks both homemade and store-bought. You can try out one of my lovely DIY face mask recipes here! Just make sure that if you decide to buy rather than DIY, make sure it’s a face mask from a trusted clean beauty brand. Remember, if it goes on the skin, it’s gotta be free of toxins and chemicals. Also, be sure to watch out for ingredients and labeling. I like to check my store brands against the EWG’s. You can click right here to check out the EWG’s listing right here!

3. An instant pot is great for healthy and hassle-free cooking and is another great gift for moms. Especially, for anyone looking to save time and effort in the kitchen and still eats healthily. Never underestimate the power of time-saving gadgets like this. Using an instant pot to cook soups, stews and other delicious and healthy meals is golden. She can save meal prep time, while also taking some much-needed selfcare in a quiet space!

selfcare mother's day gifts

Other selfcare gift ideas

4. Aromatherapy candles and or diffuser kits are also lovely to add to that selfcare gift. we’ve all heard of the power of soothing scents to help relax the tension and ease stress. Soothing essential oils like lavender, mint, and eucalyptus are well known for both their aromatic as well as therapeutic properties which make for a great addition to that selfcare mother’s day gift!

5. Decorative journals are perfect for what I like to call a “brain dump”, where one can just pour out the stresses and issues of the, on paper. Journal writing helps us to reconnect and center ourselves as we reflect on the day and perform our own internal “self-check”. We spend so much time running around from task to task that we often lose sight of the important things as well as our health and wellness. Adopting a journaling routine forces us to make those necessary internal corrections as we engage with that internal process.

These are just a few thoughtful and multi-functional gifts that won’t cost you tons of money but will really show those motherly figures in your life, how much you care. This list is great for any time of the year; just switch it up with a seasonal basket and you’re good to go!

Before you go!

Grab a free digital download of my selfcare tips to ditch the overwhelm and get some awesome ideas and tips for a selfcare routine that’s budget-friendly and easy to sustain!

Toxic work environment: Do you work here too?

Toxic work environment: Do you work here too?

The reality many of us face in the workplace Let’s face it. We’ve all experienced the less than ideal workplace setup. This is what I call a toxic work environment. From disjointed and inconsistent leadership messaging, micro-managing, and unrealistic goal setting to outright incompetence, we’ve