Weight loss Selfcare Strategies: New Year
All about that New Year resolution
Nothing says New Year like a gym run, right? But knowing how unlikely that is right now, why not make your selfcare that much more powerful? By incorporating your weight goals with selfcare, you can seriously up your game! Now, it becomes weight loss selfcare strategies rather than just one or the other! There was a time that I thought selfcare was the same as getting fit, losing unhealthy weight, etc. The truth is, it’s a lot more than that!
What weight loss isn’t
Remember, weightloss and selfcare are two different things. The same can be said for fitness vs selfcare. Let me put it another way. Selfcare is or should be the foundation on which all of “these” things rest. In other words, when you selfcare the right way, losing weight, getting fit, eating right, etc seamlessly fits into your daily routine because they are resting on the right foundation. In short, weight loss is more a by-product of a healthy lifestyle where you are intentional about the foods you put into your body, get active, etc. To get it right you need weight loss selfcare strategies to help you sustain “this” new way of living!
More on selfcare
Like I mentioned earlier, selfcare is the foundation on which you build a healthy lifestyle. So, once you have a clear and consistent selfcare routine in place, everything else follows without seeming like a chore or overwhelming. For example, when you set aside time for yourself, you are literally creating the space for you to tend to your own needs. Then, you decide what you want to include in your selfcare plan that will achieve your goals. In basic terms, selfcare is actively engaging with your own health and wellness. That includes mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Selfcare is advocating and giving attention to what you need as a human being, regardless of what others think about it! You can read more about selfcare and empowerment in an earlier post I wrote. You can also read one of my favorites, 14 ways to love yourself!
Where to start
Before you rush out there to buy a subscription to some online fitness program, join a gym (be careful out there), think about who you are doing “this” for. In other words, make sure this is something for you and no one else. Next, be ready to commit to it even when you don’t feel motivated! I’d also recommend getting some help or guidance from a health coach (i.e. support, etc) to get strategies and a program that fits your needs and goals. I always have a complimentary clarity session with all of my potential clients. Even if you choose to do it alone, you need to have a plan that’s easy to stick to.
A few helpful strategies
- A great place to start is by creating your own selfcare journal. In it, you can pour out all of your frustrations, concerns, goals, etc down on paper without judgment. Also, with your mind clear of all the stuff in your head, you can make better decisions about your health and wellness needs.
- Create a food journal (you can get a copy of my selfcare food journal right here).
- Prayer and or meditation are great ways to get in touch with yourself spiritually. They also help alleviate stress as well as anxiety. Start with as few as 5 minutes in a quiet area each day, and gradually increase the time as it becomes part of your routine.
- Remove yourself from toxic relations, connections, etc. Let’s face it. Life is too short to allow your mental and emotional health to take a beating from negative and toxic people. Let this new year be the year that you cut all of these toxic cords!
- Next, you must include some “sort” of vigorous physical as one of selfcare strategies-aka, exercise. I’ve found the most sustainable exercise regimes are those that naturally align with your interests. Since I love martial arts and hiking, these are my go-to forms for exercise.
Bottom line
The hardest part of this journey is actually getting started and this is where having the right support will make the difference. Whether you sign up with a health coach, online support group, etc, you’ll need one of these to help you get started and stay on track! While I don’t typically offer discounts for my services as a health coach, these unprecedented times mean paying it forward. In that spirit of community, I’m some of my premium empowered selfcare and coaching programs right here!
About the author
Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Coach, and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. Meaning, she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each her situation. By doing this, she’s better able to help women transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!