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Selfcare and the realities of setting boundaries for black women

It’s hard enough learning and setting boundaries, as a woman. As usual, when it comes to black women living and exhibiting in America, that becomes even more of a challenge. Black women are exhausted but still expected to show up 100% at home and in the workplace. For the average black woman, there is no room for selfcare or taking a mental health day. Often times, they are expected by society and culture to exist and toll for the benefit of others and that ini itself should be reward enough!

Some observations about selfcare as a black woman

 The struggle is real and can often seem daunting especially when you consider all of the intersections that we as black women have to navigate daily. Also, historically and culturally, women have been conditioned to allow others to access our labour and resources to the point of exhaustion, if not death. As a matter of fact, it has been so normalized that when we start reclaiming our power and setting boundaries, they are often met with resistance and hostility from unexpected places. It does not matter that black women are exhausted, stressed and many in poor health due to a lack of selfcare and setting boundaries.

It starts in the mind

I hate to sound cliche but selfcare, selflove, etc regardless of where you are in the world, begins in the mind! It’s also why so many “forces” (i.e. patriarchy, misogyny, etc) don’t want women to access selfcare and are so violently opposed to these concepts. While patriarchy and misogny(noir) are not new-they’ve been in operation for millennia, what is new is the global awakening of women. In order to access selfcare and selflove, you have to first become self aware.

What does that mean?

What this means is that black women are coming to the realization that we are human before you’re a woman, and that we don’t need to prove our worth to anyone. It also means freeing your mind from the societal and cultural indoctrination (domestication) that has gaslighted women into thinking they don’t deserve to live autonomously and the right to pursue their dreams, grow, etc.

Black women are exhausted and have been so, for a long time

For much of our time here in North America, particularly here in the U.S., black women have been the proverbial “canaries in the coal mines” of society and culture. Our labour, resources and energy have been siphoned from us, without our consent. The few occasions when consent has been granted it was often under duress or outright deception. Now, the tide is changing as black women and women globally awaken to reclaim their autonomy, resources and power. Needless to say, those who have long benefited from the subjugation of women, are in violent opposition and unhappy to say the least.

Black women at the intersection of patriarchy and white supremacy

Because of patriarchy and white supremacy, black women have historically borne the brunt of inequity and discrimination. As a result, we’ve been disproportionately affected by the impacts of these poisonous systems and their institutions. Whether it is maternal health outcomes, treatment in the justice system, etc, black women are the most harmed. In short, black women are exhausted from the seemingly never ending task of navigating these systems and conditions. Awakening to these realities, rather than remaining on the hamster wheel going no where, is the beginning of the selfcare journey!

A brief reminder of her-story

Arguably, women globally have been the observers and harbingers of what’s coming as we have watched patriarchy destroy both humanity and the planet. Women are relearning “her-story” and coming to realize that we have been lied to and outright bamboozled!  Yes, before all of “this” we had power, were builders, and protectors of both humanity and the planet. In short, equality and equity have always translated into alignment and universal balance as it is the universal order of things.

Selfcare strategies to save your mind and body

Being a woman is unlike anything in the universe and we need to start walking in our power and truth. To begin to do that, we need each need selfcare strategies and tools that we help us thrive and not just survive on this blue globe! Our default does not have be exhaustion,stress and dis-ease. Consistent selfcare means a reduction in stress, fatigue and illness. It also means a far better quality of life and the ability to focus on those interests that elevate our lives. Research has shown that repeated stress, trauma, etc age and cause disease in all areas of the body. This also impacts our mental health status. You can read more on selfcare right here!

So why the shift?

The shift is taking place as more and more black women connect globally. Through social media and other platforms, black women are not just sharing stories and experiences, we are sharing knowledge. As more of awaken to the damages and lies of patriarchy, misogyny and anti-blackness, we are moving strategically. With knowledge and healing comes the ability to get off the altar of other people’s expectations. In this way, we reclaim our health, dreams and passions. Global politics, especially as it pertains to North America, has been a huge eye opener for black women. As we watch women’s rights be dismantled, the stripping away of reproductive rights, etc, it’s clear to see the writing on the wall. Be sure to tune into my YouTube channel as I really go “in” on this!

Final Thoughts

As more and more black women realize the options available to them globally, the more the fire and fight for true liberation burns. The myth of black excellence, proving yourself to justify your worth, begging for a seat at the table of institutional racism, etc is crumbling. Now, black women are finally beginning to make choices that are in their best interest and most of that is founded on selfcare and healing. Additionally, as more black women to begin to seek therapy, do the internal work, etc,  we can expect the societal impact to hit even harder. Arguably, that’s why those who have benefited from unchecked access to black women’s labor are getting more upset and loud about it. News flash: stay mad!

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Black Women Are Exhausted

Safety and security first

I’m always surprised at how many women don’t know safety and security go hand in hand with selfcare. Selfcare is an essential tool for Black women to navigate the unique challenges they face in the world. However, selfcare is often thought of as being limited to physical and mental wellness, without considering the importance of personal safety in our selfcare. Safety and self care go together sis! In this context, security includes feeling safe in one’s environment, having access to resources, and feeling financially stable. These elements are essential for Black women to truly take care of themselves and improve their overall well-being. On one small note, this post may contain Amazon affiliate links from which I will receive a small percentage!

One of the key ways in which security can be a pillar of selfcare for black women is by ensuring that they feel safe in their environment. This means feeling safe in their homes, workplaces, and communities. Black women are disproportionately affected by crime and violence, and it is essential for them to feel safe in order to engage in self-care activities. This can be done by taking steps to improve personal safety. This means being aware of one’s surroundings, and also advocating for policies that promote safety in Black women’s communities.


More context on the idea of safety and security in selfcare

Another way in which security can be a pillar of selfcare for Black women is by ensuring they have access to resources. This includes access to food, housing, healthcare, and education. Black women are disproportionately affected by poverty, and it is essential for them to have access to resources in order to improve their overall well-being. This can be done by advocating for policies that promote economic justice and by seeking out resources in the community.

Security also includes feeling financially stable. Financial stability is an important aspect of self-care for Black women, as it allows them to meet their basic needs, provide for their families, and plan for the future. Financial stability can be achieved by creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings.

Safety and security are part of self care for black women blog post pin

Some final thoughts

In conclusion, security is a critical aspect of selfcare for Black women. Black women have unique challenges that need to be addressed in order for them to truly take care of themselves. Security can be achieved by feeling safe in one’s environment, having access to resources, and feeling financially stable. Self-care is not limited to physical and mental wellness, but it should include all aspects of well-being, including security. By including security in their self-care practices, Black women can improve their overall well-being, feel more in control of their lives, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination.

A few tips on how Black women can incorporate security into their selfcare practices

  1. Take steps to improve personal safety. This includes being aware of one’s surroundings, avoiding dangerous areas, and carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm.
  2. Advocate for policies that promote safety in Black women’s communities. This includes supporting initiatives to reduce crime and violence, and advocating for increased funding for community policing programs.
  3. Seek out resources in the community. This includes connecting with local organizations that provide support with food, housing, healthcare, and education.
  4. Create a budget and invest in long-term savings. This includes creating a budget to manage your finances, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings to ensure financial stability.
  5. Seek out therapy or counselling. This includes seeking out therapy or counseling to help you process any trauma or stress that you may be experiencing.
  6. Connect with other Black women for support. An example would be connecting with other Black women in your community, or joining a support group. This can provide a sense of community and support to help you navigate the challenges you face.
  7. Prioritize self-care and make it a regular practice.This means including security as a regular self-care practice, and incorporating it into your daily routine.

An important reminder about security and self care

It’s important to remember that selfcare is a continuous journey that requires patience and consistency. It’s essential to find what works best for you, and to be kind to yourself when implementing these tips. Remember that security is a critical aspect of self-care for Black women, and it’s essential to include it in order to improve overall well-being, feel more in control of one’s life, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination.

Some real life examples of how Black women can incorporate safety and security into their self-care practices

  1. Example 1: A Black woman who lives in a high-crime area can take steps to improve her personal safety. This includes taking a self-defense class, avoiding dangerous areas, and carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm. She can also advocate for policies that promote safety in her community, such as increased funding for community policing programs. Additionally, she can seek out resources in the community, such as counseling or therapy, to help her process any trauma or stress she may be experiencing.
  2. Example 2: A Black woman who is struggling financially can take steps to improve her financial stability. This includes creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings. She can also seek out resources in the community, such as job training programs or financial counseling. Additionally, she can connect with other Black women for support, such as joining a support group or connecting with a financial advisor.

Last but not least

It’s important to remember that self-care is a continuous journey that requires patience and consistency. It’s essential to find what works best for you, and to be kind to yourself when implementing these tips. Remember that security is a critical aspect of self-care for Black women, and it’s essential to include it in order to improve overall well-being, feel more in control of one’s life, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination. Also, be sure to check out my virtual book shelf for some of the best books for women this year! Please be safe out there my sistas!

Safety And Security Are Part of Selfcare for Black Women

Recession proof self care strategies blog post feature image

Economic hardships

We’re in a recession folks and that means tightening our belts. It also means being resourceful and finding creative ways to self care on a tight budget.  That also means, getting recession proof self care strategies to help you weather the storm! While no one wants to get down in the dumps over the economy, the truth is that we need to adapt. A recession, economic hardship, etc means finding creative ways to stay healthy and keep your household in order.

Adaptation and resourcefulness is the key

I get it. Who wants to think about trying to workout or maintain a gym membership when we’re in the middle of a recession? Let’s not even add in the cost of transportation, fuel to keep our homes warm, etc? Well, when you understand that selfcare is critical to you staying healthy and getting through the tough times, your mindset shifts. Having recession proof self care strategies in place are like, having a “Go bag” during a crisis, national emergency etc. I know. It sounds dramatic but it’s so true! If you suffer from anxiety, PTSD, etc, you know how important it is to have the right tools in place to help you make it through your crisis.

In the case of recession proof self care strategies, these are crucial for both the short and long term. While humans are extremely adaptable, recent happenings around the globe have left many people struggling to cope. It’s a fight for them to address their physical, mental, and physical health. According to the WHO (world health Organization) and  US News & World Report, things a pretty grim for a lot of folks.

Recession proofing your self care

Focusing on the recession and other local and global crisis won’t offer solutions or make us feel any better. To borrow a quote from Tony Robins, “it’s not a lack of resources, but a lack of resourcefulness”, that’s the problem. To get beyond the paralysis of an economic or personal crisis, means getting out of that “headspace” that keeps you bound. Using your self care practice gives you the ability to weather storms in your life. Not only that, with these strategies you develop solution-based ways of thinking. This will help you to handle stress, anxiety, etc in healthy and productive ways. Also, It will help you stick to healthy activities (i.e. workout routines, etc). The mindful aspect of self care, helps sustain and support your health and overall well being.

After all, if you’re sick, stressed out and overwhelmed, your chances of navigating and surviving current happenings (both local and global), are slim! I’m not trying to freak you out, but depending on where you live in the world and your “resources” things are going to be very tough for a while.

Here a few tips

1. Manage your stress (i.e. EFT, meditation, breathing exercises, etc). You’d be amazed at how much better you’ll feel when you are able to control your stress level. Not only that, stress negatively impacts your immune system, mental health, etc.

2. Eat foods that support your immune system and energize the body). The quality of your food choices can not be over emphasized here. Realize that healthy food is both energy and medicine for your body.

3. Organize your physical and mental space. Get rid of overwhelm by pouring out your thoughts, feelings, etc, down on paper. A good brain dump gives you clarity and improves focus.

4. Create a weekly and monthly budget to keep track of, and organize,  your expenses to avoid overwhelm and anxiety

5. Set aside time (i.e. 30 mins, etc) each day to attend to your personal self care needs. This is separate from to-do lists and daily maintenance activities.

Final thoughts

Recession proof self care strategies will give you the endurance and mindset to make it though. Also, these strategies don’t work in a bubble. You have to consider your environment and prioritise your health and safety first. Then, in that context of self care, plug in these strategies so that you have a sustained plan of action. As always, you can read some more posts for budget friendly selfcare tips right here  and free resources too! Also, share this post with your community and be sure to subscribe.

Recession proof Self care Strategies

5 kitchen spices that heal blog feature photo

Spices for all seasons

It’s almost time to get ready for back to school, work! Once I get in to the full swing of summer, I also like to replenish my stock of herbs. For me,  I always make sure that my kitchen is fully stocked with my choice of 5 kitchen spices that heal and nourish the body. Not only that, these spices have been used for centuries as natural remedies, flavorings, and nutritional enhancers.

Why you need them

Regardless of your taste preferences, everyone should have a stash of spices and herbs that have a variety of uses. It’s never a good idea to really on one form of healing and supplementation. Also, as someone who grew up in a family that used natural remedies, supplements, etc, I don’t believe that western medicine has the monopoly on healing! As a matter of fact, a lot of indigenous remedies and supplements from around the world were “appropriated” by the pharmaceutical industry. While I want go into all the details here, I will say that good health is rooted in the foods, spices and herbs we put into our bodies. Plus, I firmly believe the notion of food being our natural medicine.

My must-have list of 5 kitchen spices that heal

At the top of my list is ginger! For obvious reasons, ginger is a must-have because it has so many benefits. Not only that, there is a lot of data that supports the healing benefits of ginger. Not only does it enhance your recipes, it is a great digestive aide,  cold and flu remedy, etc. Ginger is an Anti-Inflammatory, soothes the stomach, helps wit regulating blood sugar, and so much more. Ginger is central to a number of my homemade cold and flu remedies for those cold winter months as well.

Another important spice is cinnamon. While most people often associate it with baked goods and desserts, cinnamon also has a number of health benefits. Like ginger, cinnamon has been used for centuries as a curative, as a flavor enhancer for both sweet and savory dishes, etc. Cinnamon also helps with digestion, regulating blood sugar, and contains trace nutrients needed by the body.

Other spices on my list of 5 kitchen spices that heal 

Next, are cloves. For centuries cloves have been used as a natural food preservative as well as herbal remedies. It is naturally anti-microbial and an anti-oxidant. Believe it or not, cloves have both anti-oxidant and anti-microbial effects that many other spices. That also includes a number of fruits and vegetables. To read up more on the benefits of some of the most beneficial spices to have in your kitchen, check out my favorite recipe posts right here

Cloves aren’t just great for sweet dishes or your favorite winter or iced chai. Cloves add both flavor and healing to soups, tinctures and a variety global recipes. My next must-have often fly’s under the radar of most folks. Fresh ground black pepper is so common and so underrated. It is a good source of the mineral manganese which is important for bone health and regulating the metabolism. Did you also know it’s important in the wound healing process? Black pepper may also improve cholesterol levels, gut health and help control blood sugar levels.

Last but not least is turmeric. These days more people are familiar with this lovely spice. It is also a traditional ingredient in curry powder and gives it that distinctive yellow color. Turmeric is widely used around the globe as an anti-inflammatory. It’s now a popular aide to help reduce inflammation and joint pain. I often add it to soups, stews, smoothies, etc for that extra health boost. Some might argue about the dosage, but if you add it often and regularly enough, that goodness will build up!  Again, I won’t go into all of the heath benefits but gives more details on the benefits of turmeric. It gives a delicious earthy flavor to most dishes and is easily disguised in smoothies, soups and stews too.

Exploring the spice world

Needless to say, there is a vast world out there when it comes to spices! Also, this is just a short list of the spices I typically use in a variety of recipes. Don’t be afraid to try new spices and even your everyday options in new ways. Spices have been used for centuries in a myriad of ways based on trial and error. As humans discovered other applications for these spices through observation, trial and error, etc, we’ve found new uses for them. As a matter of fact, some spices were used for medicinal purposes before someone discovered that they were awesome for cooking too!

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Bottom line, humans are curious and adaptive creatures when it comes to both food and environment. Needless to say, this is just one area where that creativity and ingenuity shines through. So, step out of your comfort zone and try these 5 kitchen spices that heal as well as enhance recipes around the world!

5 Kitchen Spices That Heal

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Time for a new you!

Yes ladies, its the New Year and as usual you’re ready to through in the proverbial towel because it’s looking like this year is going to be a repeat of 2021! Guess what? You’re not alone. I’m going to give you the top 3 reasons why your New Years resolution is not working out for you! Who doesn’t want to level up in the new year? But so many times we fall short for a variety of reasons and wind up feeling like a failure and demotivated. There’s hope for all of us though. By breaking down what’s really going on, we can all achieve our goals!

What we know

It’s no secret that most of us come up with New Years resolutions every year, but more times than not, they fall off the wagon. Most people make plans to change their fitness and health in dramatic ways. They want to eat healthier, lose weight, get a healthy work-life balance, etc. For women, these are often lofty goals that quickly fall by the wayside as we struggle to meet the needs of everyone around us. All of that pressure and expectations, take a toll.

Here are a few things to think about

Starting from the bottom up, your resolution(s) is not working because you really don’t have a plan. Second, you’re being unrealistic in both expectations and execution. Finally, and this is huge, you don’t have the right mindset! Now, lets break this down into 3 reasons why your New Years resolution is not working out for you.

3 major reasons it’s not coming together for you

When you have a real plan, it’s not too hard to execute assuming you don’t have any other issues (i.e. mindset, etc). For example, its not enough to say, “I’m going to or I want to lose weight next year”. Vague statement goals like this, only set you up for failure because they lack specificity and are vague. Second, you are being unrealistic in terms of both framing (not framing them positively, i.e. the resolve to stop wasting money or eating junk food) and expected outcome. Another reason we fail, has to do with mindset. This has to do with the story we are telling ourselves as well as the language we are using -negative vs. positive language. I address this even further for women in a previous post, right here.

As I’ve mentioned before, internal work is crucial for anyone who wants to actually see their goals comes true and achieve real transformation. That means reading books like these (click here to access my virtual bookshelf), to help you gain insight about self-sabotaging behaviors. In addition to this, getting therapy, health coach, etc, may also be needed on your journey.

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What you can do now

Stop putting unnecessary pressure on yourself! Too many times, we add to our overwhelm and guilt. We do this by pilling on the pressure of “other people’s expectations”, etc. We spend so much mental and emotional energy focusing on what other people think of us, our own warped perceptions of ourselves, that we get discouraged and demotivated before we can even see results.

A reminder for women

As women, we’ve largely been conditioned to take on the burden of societal expectations, ideals and, norms of what constitutes the “ideal woman”, beauty, etc. So, when you first commit to throwing off that “yoke” of domestication, it becomes easier to focus your energy on what you want to do, for you. That means your fitness and health goals, as well as overall selfcare. Next, ask yourself what you want to achieve for the new year. Forget about what others might think of your goals and you; simply focus on what you need and want.

More on this

However, before you even get to this point, you need to ask yourself one very important question. Why do you want or need to do this? Is it for purely health reasons? Are you trying to reclaim your power (i.e. self-empowerment)? Or is it, all of the above. If it’s all of the above you need to get a plan and individualized support to help you get started. Typically, partnering with a health or wellness coach is the best way to ensure success. Hey, we’re already well into the first part of the new year. That being the case, I’d rather partner with an expert than go it alone. Why risk winding up with a repeat of the previous year?

Final thoughts

A wise person once said, “the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result”. If we’re honest with ourselves, we know this on some level. The problem lies in our capacity to break down all of this “stuff” that gets in the way of our realizing results. If this is a real struggle for you and you don’t want a repeat of last year, book a free 30 clarity call with me right here! Let’s stay connected here (susbscribe to the newletter) or join my community on IG.

3 Reasons Why Your New Years Resolution is Not Working

3 herbal teas you need to beat the flu blog feature image

I’m all about getting ready for the fall and winter seasons and that also means up-ing my self-care game. If ever there was a year to really commit to self-care and optimizing our wellness, this is the time to do it and that means pulling out my 3 herbal teas you need to beat the flu this season!

My take on herbal remedies

Also, since I’m someone who hates getting sick and having to take medicine, I’ve really been diving into traditional herbal remedies, etc. That’s not to say that I don’t use conventional medicine. I do. It’s simply my personal belief and experience, that conventional medicine is better for acute conditions. Plus, I believe it’s better to support the body’s natural systems rather than throw synthetic chemicals into a natural system.

My belief about herbal remedies

It worked for my ancestors, and I’ve since learned and agree, that it’s better for my own health and wellness. I’m a firm believer that the cure for any condition should never be worse than the actual sickness itself. Having said that, when in doubt seek advice fr your medical doctor, a certified naturopathic doctor, trained healthcare professional, etc.

**As always, make sure you check with your healthcare provider to ensure that these ingredients are safe for you to consume, especially if you have medical conditions or medicines that might interact with any of these ingredients!!
**Please also note that this post contains affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Herbal teas for your home remedy cubby

Almost every culture has its own version of herbal teas, tinctures, and infusion. So it comes as no surprise that in this day and age, we’re all bringing in out these old tried and true recipes.

As a matter of fact, the more we learn and share from one another the better. Even now, I’ve got new twists on old recipes and created some new ones too.

The 3 herbal teas you need

Every year I add new favorites to my list of tea must-haves for throughout the year. But these are 3 herbal tea blends you need to beat the flu season for sure! Just an FYI, this post does include affiliate links from which I receive a small percentage at no cost to you!

  1. Elderberry echinacea spiced tea.
  2. Ginger Rosehip tea with chamomile, which is great for the nighttime and promotes restful sleep.
  3. Spiced Mint  Turmeric tea.


A few benefits from these recipes

Star anise:

The oil produced by star anise contains thymol, terpineol, and anethole, which is used for treating cough and flu. Anise also helps improve digestion, alleviate cramps, and good for reducing nausea. Consuming star anise tea after meals helps treat digestive ailments such as bloating, gas, indigestion, and constipation

Black peppercorn:

 This spice has anti-inflammatory properties as well. It also improves circulation and reduces pain and swelling of joints in between the fingers. Plus, it helps fight diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.


This is one of my favorites ingredients and is included in the 3 herbal teas you need to beat the flu and cold because of its soothing effects. Chamomile promotes sleep, soothes stomach aches, reduces stress, period pains, helps with anxiety, and is also anti-inflammatory. Its benefits are too many to list here alone, but you’ll definitely want to keep this one handy!


Mint eases digestion, is antiviral and antibacterial. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with mucous build-up.


Widely known for its many health benefits, echinacea reduces inflammation, improves immunity, and lower blood sugar levels. Also, it’s used as a natural pain reducer, helps with digestion as well as skin-boosting benefits too!


Many people believe elderberries to be one of the most potent natural plants for fighting cold and flu viruses. Not only that, they are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, boosts, fights infection, and supports the immune system. You can read more about the power of elderberries in my earlier recipe post here!


This root is an anti-inflammatory, is a potent antioxidant, and supports joint health.

More beneficial spices


Great for immune boosting, ginger is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, improves digestion, and supports cardio health.

Raw honey:

Raw honey has many health benefits including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well as rich in anti-oxidants. Honey is also excellent for soothing sore throats and digestive issues.

Srilankan cinnamon: 

Also known as Ceylon cinnamon, this spice is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. It’s also a great antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties too!


Another favorite of mine, allspice helps relieve gas, bloating, and stomach upset. Did I also mention, it too has anti-inflammatory benefits?

All your ingredients

  1. Echinacea (I use dried echinacea)
  2. Elderberry (dried)
  3. Mint (fresh mint is preferred for this recipe)
  4. Black cardamom
  5. Star anise (whole) or ground
  6. Ginger (fresh or powdered)
  7. Turmeric (I use the powder for convenience)
  8. Black peppercorn
  9. Raw honey
  10. Rosehips (whole)
  11. Chamomile (dried)
  12. Srilankan cinnamon
  13. Allspice (ground)

All about the teas

On a quick note, I only use organic and naturally sourced ingredients in my tea because I always want to make sure that I’m not using anything that has pesticides or is contaminated. Having said that, some of my sources are available on and you can just click on those links or source the ingredients yourself! As always, don’t forget to consult your healthcare provider before using any of these ingredients as some may cause drug interactions, allergies, etc for some individuals!

The big 3 recipes for me!

  1. Spiced elderberry and echinacea tea: 2 teaspoons dried elderberries, 1 teaspoon echinacea, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/4 teaspoon allspice with raw honey and lemon to taste.
  2. Ginger rosehip tea: 1 teaspoon ginger powder, 1 teaspoon dried rosehips, 1/4 teaspoon echinacea, 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorn, 1/4 teaspoon star anise, plus raw honey and lemon to taste.
  3. Spiced mint turmeric tea: 1 teaspoon organic turmeric powder, 1/2 cup fresh cut mint, 1/4 teaspoon fresh grated ginger, 1/4 teaspoon allspice, 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorn, with raw honey to taste

A few tips about herbal teas

Since these are herbal teas, they are caffeine-free and can be taken throughout the day. Also, these ingredients need to be steeped in hot water since these ingredients are the more delicate parts of their parent plants. These include the leaves, berries, flowers, and seeds used in all three recipes.

Making your herbal tea (infusion)

To make your tea blends, combine all the ingredients, pour hot water over all the ingredients in a large glass cup (or kettle), steep (aka, infuse) for 30-45 minutes. This will maximize the extraction of all those flu and cold-fighting properties! When you’re ready to drink your tea, simply add your honey and or lemon to taste. You can also drink these cold or hot after your infusion time is complete and each recipe creates enough for at least two cups. Enjoy!

Before you go

This the perfect time to start preparing for the cold and flu season but there’s also no need to panic if you’ve taken the time to add some home remedies to your medicine cabinet. Add that to your self-care and fitness strategies (read the post right here) and you’ve got the recipe for a healthy you this season!

Also, take the opportunity to get more support for your fitness and self-care journey with one of my transformational programs right here! Need to take baby steps? Start here!


About the author

Tonye Barango-Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

3 Herbal Teas You Need To Beat The Flu!

spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture blog feature image

Why a spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture?

With everything that’s happening today (i.e. global pandemic), this certainly isn’t the time to neglect your health. That’s why I’m pulling out my spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture today!  Fall and winter are usually the seasons when we tend to bone up on our teas, infusions, and whatnots, in preparation for the flu season. Over the last few years, I’ve begun to pull back on the use of over-the-counter medicines in favor of home remedies and traditional health support herbs, etc.

My thoughts on conventional cold and flu drugs

Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for conventional pharmaceuticals, but I’ve since come to appreciate and realize that traditional remedies can be far more effective and less damaging to the body. I’m not making any health claims here, but for me, I believe traditional medicines seem better able to work in harmony with the body’s own natural mechanisms for healing itself.

Going back to my roots

Drawing on the traditional teachings of my own ancestors within my family as well as my own experience as a novice in herbalism, this is my preference. Always consult your own healthcare provider for any treatment regimes or medicines.  This simple spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture is one I love and have added to my home remedies cabinet! It’s cheaper and works best for me and mine even as I’m sharing this recipe with you.

**As always, make sure you check with your healthcare provider to ensure that these ingredients are safe for you to consume, especially if you have medical conditions or medicines that might interact with any of these ingredients!!
**Please also note that this post contains affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture pinterest blog image

Making my  batch of spiced elderberry and echinacea tincture

I always start with organic or homegrown ingredients especially, when it comes to something you’re going put in your body. If you’re like me and don’t have tons of space for a large backyard garden, I love the versatility of dried berries. Organic all the way baby, even the spices! There are so many recipe options for elderberry tinctures out there. I’m using this combination of spices and other ingredients because it not only tastes good, but the spices also have some healing benefits as well!

Simple things you’ll need for this recipe

  1. 1 cup of organic dried elderberries.
  2. Use high-quality alcohol like vodka or you can use rum. Just make sure it has a high concentration of alcohol; 80 proof).
  3. 1/4 cup of organic dried echinacea.
  4. 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ground nutmeg.
  5. Next, add 1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder.
  6. You will also need 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  7. 1/4 cup of organic raw honey (to be added after the curing process).
  8. Small and medium-sized wide-mouth mason jars.
  9. 1 oz Dropper bottle
  10. Cheesecloth (or a fine-mesh sieve)

About the two main ingredients


Well known for its many health benefits, echinacea reduces inflammation, improves immunity, and lower blood sugar levels. Also, it’s used as a natural pain reducer, helps with digestion as well as skin-boosting benefits too! Extensive research has been done on it’s medicinal properties and confirmed to be antifungal and antibacterial and is safe with few side effects. Also, for maximum effectiveness, it’s best to take it at the first signs of illness.


Elderberries have been widely studied in Europe and believed to be one of the most potent natural plants for fighting cold and flu viruses. Not only that, they are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, boosts, fights infection, and supports the immune system. Elderberries have powerful antiviral properties and are helpful for treating upper respiratory infections and reducing fever.

How to make your elderberry and echinacea tincture

Take all of your dry ingredients, including the spices, and fill your jars ½ – ¾ full. Next,  completely cover them with the vodka or rum and then tightly cover your mixture with the lid. Then, gently invert your mixture several times to ensure that the alcohol is fully incorporated. Store it in a cool and dry place (I use my pantry) for 4-6 weeks, periodically inverting it for the entire time frame.

Once it’s ready, simply strain the mixture with a cheesecloth or fine mesh (be sure to get as much liquid out as possible) and pour it into a dropper bottle or small jar. Don’t forget to date and label your tincture and include the recipe.

A quick note on storage

No refrigeration is needed because of the high alcohol content used in the process. This is why it’s important to use at least 75 proof or higher vodka, rum, etc because it has much lower water content plus a longer shelf life (a year versus a few weeks!).

Before you go

There are so many health benefits to be found in a variety of fruits, veggies, and herbs. From tinctures and syrups to dried fruit and vegetable snacks. Read my post on making nutritious homemade dried fruit snacks here!

About the author

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Spiced Elderberry and Echinacea tincture

fresh produce, food preservation and storage blog image

Staying healthy right now is even more important right now

These uncertain times make it even more important that we become more sustainable and environmentally conscious. Fresh produce storage is one way we can really lessen the impact on our wallets and eat healthily! We also know how expensive groceries can become especially when you move between seasons or making a huge shift in how you feed yourself and your family. So what about finding creative and sustainable ways to lower our grocery bills while at the same time, living a healthy lifestyle?


As I’ve stated in earlier posts, don’t be deceived by marketing gimmicks and misinformation campaigns promoted by both big agribusiness and the processed food industry. You can do a lot better for yourself and your family, by buying fresh and locally sourced meats and produce. Given the state of things globally, it’s safer to stay local and buy from trusted local farms!

A few observations about food and eating well during difficult times

If the pandemic has shown us nothing else, our food systems and supply chain are both vulnerable and sustainable! Plus, remember, labels, and where your food comes from, matters!

Labels on the matter of our food and so do the methods of food production. Foods that have been cultivated using conventional means (i.e. large-scale pesticide and herbicide use, etc) are much more likely to contain damaging levels of these residues. We as consumers can not rely on these industries to “self-regulate” as their track records have shown them to be less than honest when it comes to putting consumer safety and health above their stock portfolios.

Also, while the FDA and USDA have traditionally been the only real advocate for consumers, both agencies have been severely hindered and compromised by lobbying interests as well as well-crafted efforts to defund these agencies in an effort to misinform the public regarding our food sources, what’s in our foods, labeling practices by the processed food industry and big agribusiness.

The reality is this: what food you put in your mouth will either poison or nourish your body, depending on where it comes from. If it comes from a country with no or poorly standardized food safety requirements (i.e. mercury levels in fish, pesticide use in produce, additives in frozen, processed and or packaged foods, etc), YOU need to SERIOUSLY rethink your food choices!!

Part of being able to feed your family with safe nutritious foods means you must adopt a sustainable way of accessing the right foods for your table. In practical terms, that means finding ways to minimize waste and unnecessary costs due to spoilage and improper food storage.

With that in mind here are a few quick tips:

1. Your fresh herbs will last longer and be less likely to spoil when you store them properly. Fresh herbs, like basil, asparagus, and green onions will last a good while if you store them upright in a jar of freshwater. Simply trim the stems, cover them with a piece of plastic wrap, and place them in the refrigerator for storage and use as needed.

2. Be aware of where to store fruits and vegetables. Not all fruits and veggies require refrigeration and in some instances, refrigeration affects the taste quality of some fruits and vegetables. For instance, avocados (yes, technically it’s a fruit because it has a seed y’all), citrus, bananas, nectarines, pears, peaches, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes do best outside of your fridge at room temperature or in your pantry. A quick warning though; don’t store onions and potatoes together due to the ethylene gas which can cause them to spoil each other faster.

Some more quick and easy tips

1. I’ve been doing this for years ( thanks, momma), but did you know it really helps when you wrap your greens in paper towels. They’re great at preventing slimy residue from accumulating and making a science experiment in your bag of lettuce, spinach, or other leafy greens. Simply use paper towels to soak up excess moisture and lightly wrap your green in a few paper towels. This also works for leftover salad greens in food storage containers (minus the salad dressing of course).

Keep your bananas from getting ripe too fast!

2. Cover the crown of your bananas bunches with plastic wrap. It helps slow the release of that ethylene gas which is the meany responsible for breaking (the natural process that causes your produce to spoil) down one of my go-to mid-morning snacks. Doing this is a good way to preserve your bananas if you’re not going to eat them right away.

3. Did you know wrapping your bunches of celery in foil helps it stay fresh and crunchy for up to as much as four weeks?  Yep, wrapping it up in foil and then placing it in your fridge’s crisper drawer will help extend the life of your celery. The foil does this by allowing just the right amount of moisture in, and the ethylene gas out.

4. Stop! Don’t wash all your produce at once. I know it’s counter-intuitive but it’s much better to wash your produce as you go if you want to maximize its shelf life. Unless you plan on freezing your food, you should only be washing things you’re ready to eat right away or soon after. This will reduce the chances of mold growing on damp produce.

Preventing moldy berries!

1.  Another “who’d a thunk it?” If you want to keep those berries mold-free, soak them in vinegar. If you’re not going to consume them all at once, simply soak your berries in a solution of three parts water, one part vinegar in order to kill bacteria and prevent molding. Once you’ve done that, give the berries a thorough pat dry and store in the fridge.

A tried and true preservation technique

2. Another great time saver and a great way to preserve your veggies to simply roast them prior to storage. By roasting vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower,  you can extend their shelf life. Not only that, but it’s also a great meal prep tip to have cooked veggies on hand that you can quickly incorporate into any meal.

Storing dairy products

1. Store dairy products at the back of the fridge. While it may make for easy access, keeping your milk at the front of the fridge makes it more prone to spoilage due to temperature differences. This is because the back of the fridge is colder and will, therefore, give your dairy products are longer shelf life.

Storing meat products

2. Place your meats on the bottom shelf so that their juices do not drip on other food items (i.e. produce, etc) and contaminate them. If space is an issue, place your meat products on a tray or inside a leak-proof container in order to catch any drippings. Better yet, prep and package your meats into manageable portions (i.e. serving sizes for soups, meals, etc) and then store them in the freezer until you’re ready to cook your meals. Also, separate lunch meats from raw meats in order to prevent illness associated with cross-contamination.

Grain storage

1. I can say this enough! Store grains in air-tight containers!! While buying in bulk is a great way to save money when grocery shopping, you want to make sure that you store it correctly so the extra food doesn’t go to waste. Be sure to transfer your grains into an airtight container to maintain freshness, as well as keep those pesky bugs away. Do yourself a favor by labeling your containers with the purchase dates so you’re able to keep track of expiration dates and avoid wasting stored foods.

Just a reminder about fresh produce storage and preservation

Always Double-check your fridge’s temperature especially as the seasons’ change (i.e. summer vs. winter months). You want to make sure that your fridge is set at the correct temperature and that your thermostat is in proper working order to prevent spoilage and reduce the risk of food born illnesses. The recommended temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or 5 degrees Celsius for those of you who are using the mks measurement system.

Final thoughts on fresh produce storage and food preservation ideas

I get it. We now live in scary and difficult times. You might even question whether fresh produce storage, etc is even a priority. But it is. We have to have consistent, sustainable access to fresh foods if we want to keep ourselves healthy and less susceptible to illness (i.e. COVID 19)! You can save a lot of money and still maintain a healthy lifestyle (critical for these times) by using simple and creative ways your perishables. In short, fresh produce storage hacks can literally save your life!

And one more thing!

Want to really 10X a healthy lifestyle? Incorporate radical self-care into your daily routines starting today. You can get some ideas from my article on “14 ways to love your self…” right here!

Before you go

If you’re still not sure where to begin, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

For the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!

Fresh produce storage and preservation Pinterest image
About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Fresh Produce Storage and Preservation

immunity boosting smoothie

Have you ever tried an immunity boosting smoothie before? This is a time when everyone should be hyper-aware of their health! Do you realize that our bodies and ultimately our lives, literally depends on our ability to fight off infection and disease? As a child, my mom always made us take some herbal remedy or another in order to ward off disease and infection. Carrying that same tradition with me into adulthood, I’ve created several immunity boosting smoothies for myself and my family.


immunity boosting smoothie

Why take an immunity boosting smoothie?

We know an immunity boosting smoothie is not going to cure every illness, but it’s a great way to improve your health. Also, it will give your body what it needs to optimize it’s resistance to environmental stressors and illness in general. Shouldn’t we always prioritize our own health and wellbeing though? Don’t wait until you actually get sick before you “decide” to take your health seriously.

Mother natures calling for our attention.  She’s not asking, the earth is demanding that we pay attention to the health of both ourselves and the environment. Everything on the planet is connected. The sooner we accept these facts, the better off we will all be! Having said that, an immunity-boosting smoothie is perfect for every season of the year.


Immunity Boosting Smoothie Recipe Ingredients:

  1. 1/2 (large) banana
  2. 1/2 cup pineapple
  3. 1 teaspoon turmeric (powder)
  4.  1/2 teaspoon ginger (powder)
  5. 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  6. 1 level teaspoon spirulina (powder)
  7. An 8 oz cup of almond milk
  8. 1 dropper full elderberry concentrate
  9. 1/2 small avocado (optional)
  10. 1/2 large banana

Want to really 10X your health and wellness? click the link below for my 10 Vegan Detox Program right here!

blog post vegan detox program link

Immunity Boosting Smoothie Recipe:

To get started, combine all of the dry ingredients and add the mixture to the almond milk. Next, blend on high power for 10 seconds.Add in, the banana, pineapple, avocado and blend for an additional 20-30 seconds until the mixture has a smooth texture. Enjoy!

Health Benefits: Just a few facts

  1. Turmeric is anti inflammatory, a potent antioxidant and great for joint health.
  2. Ginger boosts the immune systm, is anti-inflammatory, and an anti microbial. It also improves digestion and supports heart health.
  3. Black pepper Improves nutrient absorption and acts as an antioxidant.
  4. Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant, is anti-inflammatory and detoxes heavy metals from the body. Spirulina also boosts the immune system and has anti-cancer properties.
  5. Bananas contain nutrients that help regulate blood sugar, improve digestive health and contain powerful antioxidants. Added to that, they are also rich in potassium, fiber and natural sugars.
  6. Pineapples are rich in vitamin C, promote bone and connective tissue health and are packed with antioxidants. They also help reduce mucus, are a good source of fiber, and are anti-inflammatory.
  7. Avocados are in high in potassium, loaded with heart-healthy fats, and are also anti-inflammatory. That’s not all. Avocados are high in fiber, lower cholesterol, and triglycerides, and promote nutrient absorption.

Coincidence? No. All of these ingredients were choosen for their beneficial properties. It’s also well known that most diseases are linked to increased inflammation and poor immunity. By incorporating an immune-boosting smoothie of your own, you can go along way to improving not just your immune system, but your overall health and wellness.

If you haven’t tried any super food smoothies before, you’ll love another favorite of mine I love to call my super food smoothie recipe right here!


About me

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy!

Immunity Boosting Smoothie

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Over the years I’ve learned the power of what diet can do for the body. It can help heal or cause disease. When I first thought of trying a vegan detox, I still wondered if it was all hype. After I decided to use myself as a guinea pig, I can’t deny it’s effectiveness.

We’ve heard so much about the vegan lifestyle, plant-based diets and more. The real take away is that adopting a plant-based diet will make a huge difference in health.


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We all know how hard it can be to shed those unwanted pounds, ditch the bloat and ultimately gain a healthier body!

Over the years I’ve found the best way to reset my body, lose the bloat and stubborn weight, is to for the greens. In my case, that means going on a vegan detox or radically upscaling my fruits and veggies. That all translates into minimally processed foods, no animal products coupled with healthy oils and nuts!

Who would have thought a vegan detox could help you look better, feel better without the pressure?! I’m not one for gimmicks or yo-yo diets so I keep it simple and stress-free by upscaling my intake of fresh foods.

Adopting a vegan diet for the short-term or on a permanent basis is always a good thing. Every day more research comes out about how a vegan or plant-based diet promotes healthy weight, increases healthy cholesterol levels and boosts longevity.

There are so many benefits to going on a vegan detox that I simply don’t have the time to go into it all. Needless to say, after a lot of feedback from friends and besties I began a vegan detox program to help other women get the results they want without the drama or stress of trying to figure it all out on a busy schedule.

So why go on a 10 Day Vegan Program at all (or for any other length of time)?  While it’s not a cure-all for every ailment under the sun doing a vegan detox (diet reset) has a lot of benefits.

The Benefits Of A Vegan / Plant-Based Diet

  1. Better sleep
  2. More energy
  3. Improved digestion
  4. Radiant and healthier skin
  5. Improved mood
  6. Lowers your risk for diabetes and heart disease
  7. Improved weight management
  8. Reduces inflammation

So what do vegan and plant-based mean?

In simple terms, a vegan diet means a diet free of all animal products-no meat, poultry, dairy, or even honey! A plant-based diet is based on fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. I like to think of it in terms of a continuum where at one end lies the strict vegan and somewhere near the middle is a diet that is largely plant-based.


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Point for point, a vegan detox is a must not just to detox your body in the short term but as a way of life! It will literally change your life and your health.  While a number of research documents highlight the benefits of vegan and plant-based diets, few tell you how to make that shift.

While I don’t believe in restrictions, vegan and plant-based diets are sustainable only when you incorporate them as part of a healthy lifestyle. So a good way to start is to try a vegan detox program to help reset your mind as well as your body. Issues related to stress, fatigue and an inability to sleep can often be eased with what you put on your plate.

For instance, it’s been noted that certain foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, broccoli, have been shown to improve sleep cycles. Not only that, did you know cashew butter, peanut butter, avocados, kale, almonds, walnuts, spinach, and squash are all nutritional powerhouses?

They contain vitamin B6, tryptophan, and magnesium and do a lot for boosting your sleep cycle. So if sleep is an issue for you and you don’t want to deal with the nasty side effects of synthetic drugs, adopting a vegan diet is the way to go!

Also, greens such as Kale, Swiss chard, fortified almond or soy milk, and dried figs have a higher amount of calcium than dairy milk (which researchers have said, actually leach calcium from the body). Plus, if you’ve been dealing with inflammatory illness, plant-based diets are an excellent way to relieve those ailments.

Broken record here but, foods rich in omega-3 fats like chia and flax, as well leafy greens (i.e. kale) contain chlorophyll which helps to increase the alkalinity of the body.

In English, that means they help to combat inflammation in the body which in turn helps with weight loss and bloating!!

The average American diet is high in processed foods that are associated with an increase in weight gain, high blood pressure, and other inflammation-related illnesses.

Switching to a plant-based or mostly plant-based diet is one of the most sustainable ways to lose weight and keep it off. Also, it will help you look and feel better in the long run and who doesn’t want that? That’s why I always recommend a vegan detox program of some sort to flush toxins out of your body and reset your system for better health and wellness.


It’s really not that hard or overwhelming if you start with the right tools and really get serious about shedding the unhealthy weight and overhauling your lifestyle for the better. If you’re still not sure where to begin and feeling clueless, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

For the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


The 10 Day Vegan Detox

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