nigerian fusion omelette blog feature image

A nostalgic spin on Nigerian breakfast foods

It’s no secret that I love food, and I love food that is well done and prepared with soul! Having my roots in West Africa means that I love it spicy, exotic, and of course, healthy. Preparing healthy and sustainable meals is not difficult if you take the time to prioritize your health by planning out your meals, sourcing healthy and pesticide-free produce, meats, etc as well as eliminating or minimizing processed foods from your kitchen. This Nigerian fusion omelet is full of spice and lots of healthy ingredients!

My family’s version of this Nigerian fusion omelet:

Today I’m providing a sneak peek into my kitchen with this spicy omega-rich Nigerian-style omelet. keep in mind that most if not all the ingredients are either locally sourced, organic, and sustainable! To begin with, you can’t have your Nigerian-inspired omelet without smoked sardines in olive oil (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!) and fresh scotch bonnet peppers because these two ingredients are important aspects of this particular flavor profile. Listed below are all the necessary ingredients for putting your own unique spin on a favorite meal back home!

Ingredients for your Nigerian fusion omelet:

Smoked canned sardines in olive oil

Farm fresh eggs (local or organic will do the job as well)

Scotch bonnet peppers (use 1/2 of one small pepper if you can’t tolerate a lot of spice), chopped fine.

medium bell pepper (color is irrelevant), finely diced

1 small onion, finely chopped

1/4 cup of finely chopped basil (this is an added ingredient for a deeper flavor and nutrient profile)

1/4 Teaspoon of dried thyme (1/8 cup, fresh and finely chopped)

1/2 teaspoon of curry powder

1/4 teaspoon of spicy paprika

1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder (you can also use fresh garlic that is finely minced)

1/2 teaspoon of sea salt

1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder

1/8 teaspoon of cumin powder

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Cooking Instructions for Nigerian Fusion Omelet:

Once all the ingredients are prepped, simply warm your skillet, add the two tablespoons of olive oil (allow it to fully heat), and then add your aromatic spices and gently mix them in the pan. This will allow the flavor to fully express even as you add the other ingredients to the omelet.

Next, combine your chopped ingredients with the mixture and gently sauteé for two to three minutes at medium heat, and then incorporate your smoked sardines. Finally, whip together your eggs with a bit of salt and fully incorporate this mixture into the sauteéd ingredients.  The final step is to gently turn the omelet on each side to cook for 2 minutes or based on your preference (i.e. some people enjoy an omelet that is looser than others).

For a more authentic flavor, I also add two tablespoons of almond milk for a creamier texture but you can use canned evaporated tin milk for the authentic flare of how we do it back home! Enjoy!

Final thoughts regarding fusion recipes

Regardless of how “traditional” a recipe might be, everyone adds a little bit of “themselves” to their version. Most folks have their own version of this spicy Nigerian fusion omelet recipe that reflects both regional and local influences. When I was a child, my mom fused her own background to the recipes she cooked; often adding a little bit of black American influences to a lot of her dishes. This version of my Nigerian fusion omelet reflects a lot of my childhood faves and now you can add your flare to this recipe as well! Also, for another quick and healthy recipe check out this post

Nigerian fusion omelet pinterest image


Nigerian Fusion Omelet (omega-rich)

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Season’s Greetings and on with getting your holiday hustle on, Y’all! Now that we’ve got most of the year’s holidays done, I refuse to forget the effort I used to power through this journey and,  the vision that led me to this point. I love the holidays and most of the seasons (still working on “loving” winter) but I certainly don’t want to fall victim to the “holiday blues”, a.k.a “woulda, coulda, shoulda, regret, *sigh*. I’ve finally learned that all of “that” just locks you into a negative mindset and an inability to move forward with the action (a.k.a . being stuck in the crossroads) necessary to make change and progress in your life.

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Season’s Greetings and on with getting your holiday hustle on, Y’all! Now that we’ve got most of the year’s holidays done, I refuse to forget the effort I used to power through this journey and,  the vision that led me to this point. I love the holidays and most of the seasons (still working on “loving” winter, hahaha) but I certainly don’t want to fall victim to the “holiday blues”, a.k.a “woulda, coulda, shoulda, regret, *sigh*. I’ve finally learned that all of “that” just locks you into a negative mindset and an inability to move forward with the action (a.k.a . being stuck in the crossroads) necessary to make change and progress in your life. Whether you started this year with a goal of trying to lose a few pounds (or a lot) or something more life changing (i.e. committing  to a healthy lifestyle, improving your health and fitness, changing your diet, regaining balance in your life, etc), the fact remains that you’re only a loser, if  YOU give up!The holidays are usually stressful and quite emotional because this is a time when most of us reflect on the past (and yes, sometimes, dwell ) a tad too much and can’t see the forest for the trees (i.e. blinded by our perception of our own “failures” or inadequacies). I don’t claim to have a magic pill for this, only a few words of advice based on my own personal experience and observations: life is about G.R.O.W.T.H. and it will stretch you whether you’re ready for it to do so or not. Bottom line? Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and your life will be filled with more fulfillment, passion and balanced!

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I often say three things to all my potential clients: 1.make a decision, 2. get a plan, and 3. take action! If YOU want to take back control of your life and by extension, your own personal wellspring of power and passion, YOU must get passed all those “negative thoughts” and “things” that have been telling you that you’re a failure or you’re not strong enough to make it to the finish line. I always remind my tribe that good health and fitness is a reflection of an empowered and fulfilled individual. In other words, just as fatigue, stress, insomnia, obesity etc arere indicators of an unhealthy and unbalanced life, the reverse is also true! Good health, fitness (i.e. mind-body and soul) point to a life that is in balance.

Rather than dwell on the failings of the past year, renew your determination to push through to your own personal victory and accept the challenge to “get uncomfortable” and enjoy this journey to true fitness and health and leave behind the gimmicks, tricks and lies we often tell ourselves in order to avoid  real C.H.A.N.G.E. Now, having said all that, I’m gonna keep on with my holiday hustle to end 2016 with a bang and not a whimper of defeat and regret! What about YOU? Are YOU up for it?…

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Holiday hustle!

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