All posts by Tonye

Black women are exhausted blog feature image

Selfcare and the realities of setting boundaries for black women

It’s hard enough learning and setting boundaries, as a woman. As usual, when it comes to black women living and exhibiting in America, that becomes even more of a challenge. Black women are exhausted but still expected to show up 100% at home and in the workplace. For the average black woman, there is no room for selfcare or taking a mental health day. Often times, they are expected by society and culture to exist and toll for the benefit of others and that ini itself should be reward enough!

Some observations about selfcare as a black woman

 The struggle is real and can often seem daunting especially when you consider all of the intersections that we as black women have to navigate daily. Also, historically and culturally, women have been conditioned to allow others to access our labour and resources to the point of exhaustion, if not death. As a matter of fact, it has been so normalized that when we start reclaiming our power and setting boundaries, they are often met with resistance and hostility from unexpected places. It does not matter that black women are exhausted, stressed and many in poor health due to a lack of selfcare and setting boundaries.

It starts in the mind

I hate to sound cliche but selfcare, selflove, etc regardless of where you are in the world, begins in the mind! It’s also why so many “forces” (i.e. patriarchy, misogyny, etc) don’t want women to access selfcare and are so violently opposed to these concepts. While patriarchy and misogny(noir) are not new-they’ve been in operation for millennia, what is new is the global awakening of women. In order to access selfcare and selflove, you have to first become self aware.

What does that mean?

What this means is that black women are coming to the realization that we are human before you’re a woman, and that we don’t need to prove our worth to anyone. It also means freeing your mind from the societal and cultural indoctrination (domestication) that has gaslighted women into thinking they don’t deserve to live autonomously and the right to pursue their dreams, grow, etc.

Black women are exhausted and have been so, for a long time

For much of our time here in North America, particularly here in the U.S., black women have been the proverbial “canaries in the coal mines” of society and culture. Our labour, resources and energy have been siphoned from us, without our consent. The few occasions when consent has been granted it was often under duress or outright deception. Now, the tide is changing as black women and women globally awaken to reclaim their autonomy, resources and power. Needless to say, those who have long benefited from the subjugation of women, are in violent opposition and unhappy to say the least.

Black women at the intersection of patriarchy and white supremacy

Because of patriarchy and white supremacy, black women have historically borne the brunt of inequity and discrimination. As a result, we’ve been disproportionately affected by the impacts of these poisonous systems and their institutions. Whether it is maternal health outcomes, treatment in the justice system, etc, black women are the most harmed. In short, black women are exhausted from the seemingly never ending task of navigating these systems and conditions. Awakening to these realities, rather than remaining on the hamster wheel going no where, is the beginning of the selfcare journey!

A brief reminder of her-story

Arguably, women globally have been the observers and harbingers of what’s coming as we have watched patriarchy destroy both humanity and the planet. Women are relearning “her-story” and coming to realize that we have been lied to and outright bamboozled!  Yes, before all of “this” we had power, were builders, and protectors of both humanity and the planet. In short, equality and equity have always translated into alignment and universal balance as it is the universal order of things.

Selfcare strategies to save your mind and body

Being a woman is unlike anything in the universe and we need to start walking in our power and truth. To begin to do that, we need each need selfcare strategies and tools that we help us thrive and not just survive on this blue globe! Our default does not have be exhaustion,stress and dis-ease. Consistent selfcare means a reduction in stress, fatigue and illness. It also means a far better quality of life and the ability to focus on those interests that elevate our lives. Research has shown that repeated stress, trauma, etc age and cause disease in all areas of the body. This also impacts our mental health status. You can read more on selfcare right here!

So why the shift?

The shift is taking place as more and more black women connect globally. Through social media and other platforms, black women are not just sharing stories and experiences, we are sharing knowledge. As more of awaken to the damages and lies of patriarchy, misogyny and anti-blackness, we are moving strategically. With knowledge and healing comes the ability to get off the altar of other people’s expectations. In this way, we reclaim our health, dreams and passions. Global politics, especially as it pertains to North America, has been a huge eye opener for black women. As we watch women’s rights be dismantled, the stripping away of reproductive rights, etc, it’s clear to see the writing on the wall. Be sure to tune into my YouTube channel as I really go “in” on this!

Final Thoughts

As more and more black women realize the options available to them globally, the more the fire and fight for true liberation burns. The myth of black excellence, proving yourself to justify your worth, begging for a seat at the table of institutional racism, etc is crumbling. Now, black women are finally beginning to make choices that are in their best interest and most of that is founded on selfcare and healing. Additionally, as more black women to begin to seek therapy, do the internal work, etc,  we can expect the societal impact to hit even harder. Arguably, that’s why those who have benefited from unchecked access to black women’s labor are getting more upset and loud about it. News flash: stay mad!

Black women are exhausted Pinterest image

Black Women Are Exhausted

exfoliating itchy scalp treatment mask blog feature image

As someone who has sensitive skin and scalp, I’m always on the lookout for natural remedies. I’m not a fan of chemicals so I usually look for natural or herbal remedies to address most issues. This exfoliating itchy scalp treatment mask (and scrub), is my latest win. Now as always, make sure you’re not sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients and check with your dermatologist, etc.

Something to consider

Are you struggling with an itchy and flaky scalp? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are several natural remedies you can use to soothe your scalp and promote healthy hair growth, including an exfoliating scalp treatment mask. This powerful treatment mask is made with several key ingredients, including olive oil, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, sea salt, coconut sugar, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and Jamaican black castor oil.

My why for using an exfoliating itchy scalp treatment scrub

Exfoliating your scalp can be beneficial as it helps unclog hair follicles, promote healthy circulation, and reduce itchiness and flakiness. This treatment mask can help soothe your scalp and nourish your hair from the roots to the tips. Let’s explore the benefits of each ingredient used in this exfoliating scalp treatment mask:

  1. Olive oil: Rich in antioxidants and fatty acids, olive oil can help nourish and moisturize the scalp, while also reducing inflammation and promoting healthy hair growth.
  2. Apple cider vinegar: Contains acetic acid, which can help balance the pH of the scalp and reduce dandruff and itchiness. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help prevent bacterial and fungal infections.
  3. Coconut oil: One of the most popular natural haircare ingredients, coconut oil can help moisturize and nourish the scalp and hair, while also reducing inflammation and preventing breakage.
  4. Sea salt: A natural exfoliant, sea salt can help remove dead skin cells and other impurities from the scalp, while also stimulating blood flow and promoting healthy hair growth.
  5. Coconut sugar: Like sea salt, coconut sugar can also act as an exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and promote healthy circulation in the scalp.
  6. Tea tree oil: Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, tea tree oil can help reduce inflammation and prevent scalp infections, while also promoting healthy hair growth.
  7. Peppermint oil: Has a cooling and soothing effect on the scalp, making it a great ingredient for reducing itchiness and irritation. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help prevent scalp infections.
  8. Jamaican black castor oil: Rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, Jamaican black castor oil can help nourish and moisturize the scalp, while also promoting healthy hair growth and reducing breakage.

Here’s what I use in my recipe

To make this exfoliating scalp treatment mask, simply mix these ingredients together, apply it to your scalp, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off. Repeat this treatment once a week for best results. By using natural ingredients, you can create a powerful scalp treatment mask that nourishes and rejuvenates your skin and hair.

Here are a few benefits for 4C hair  (I hate using this term by the way)

  1. Moisturizing: 4C hair is known for being extremely dry and brittle, and this scalp treatment mask can help provide deep hydration and moisture to the scalp and hair, reducing the risk of breakage and promoting healthy hair growth.
  2. Soothing: 4C hair can also be prone to itchiness and irritation, and the peppermint oil and tea tree oil in this treatment mask can help soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation, providing relief from discomfort.
  3. Detangling: The nourishing ingredients in this treatment mask can help detangle and soften 4C hair, making it easier to manage and reducing the risk of breakage during styling.
  4. Promotes Hair Growth: By unclogging hair follicles and promoting healthy circulation, this scalp treatment mask can also help stimulate hair growth in 4C hair. The Jamaican black castor oil, in particular, is known for its hair growth-promoting properties and can help thicken and strengthen 4C hair.

Overall, using an exfoliating scalp treatment mask on a regular basis can help 4C hair become healthier, stronger, and more manageable. It gives a range of benefits, from deep hydration and moisture to soothing irritation and promoting healthy hair growth, making it a great addition to any 4C haircare routine.

Exfoliating itchy scalp treatment mask Pinterest pin

Bottom line?  Exfoliating your scalp is a simple yet effective way to promote healthy hair growth and reduce itchiness and flakiness. By using this exfoliating itchy scalp treatment mask, you can nourish and rejuvenate your scalp and hair, promoting healthy circulation and reducing the risk of scalp infections. Also, check another awesome recipe for 4C hair right here.

Exfoliating Itchy Scalp Treatment Mask

feature image for selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day post

Let me start by asking, can we normalise selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day? I’m like really! It’s a new year and that tired idea of “treating” yourself and calling it selfcare, is old and pathetic at this point. Not only that, it’s costing women their lives, health and happiness! Selfcare has become an increasingly popular term in recent years, but it’s often associated with special occasions like Valentine’s Day. While it’s great to have a day to celebrate love and self-love, the truth is that selfcare is a year-round practice, and it’s something that every woman needs!

The reality of it all

Normalising selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day means recognising that taking care of yourself is not a luxury, but a necessity. It means making self-care a regular part of your daily routine and prioritising it just as much as you would any other important task.

So, how can you normalise self-care beyond Valentine’s Day? Here are a few tips:

  1. Make it a daily habit

Selfcare doesn’t have to be fancy or grand. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to do something that makes you feel good. This could be anything from taking a relaxing bath to practicing yoga to reading a book. The key is to make it a daily habit, so it becomes a natural part of your routine.

  1. Find what works for you

Selfcare looks different for everyone, so it’s important to find what works for you. What makes you feel relaxed and rejuvenated? What helps you recharge after a long day? Some people might find solace in nature, while others might prefer meditation. Experiment with different selfcare practices until you find what resonates with you.

  1. Make time for it

One of the biggest barriers to selfcare is time. It’s easy to put off taking care of ourselves when we have so many other things to do. But the truth is, selfcare is just as important as any other task on your to-do list. Make time for it by scheduling it into your day or week. Treat it like an important appointment that you can’t miss.

Some more tips on selfcare

  1. Let go of guilt

Many women feel guilty about taking time for themselves. We’re conditioned to put others’ needs before our own, but selfcare is not selfish or incidental. It’s critical for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Let go of the guilt and give yourself permission to prioritise selfcare.

  1. Create a support system

Selfcare is more fun and effective when you do it with others. Create a support system of friends or family members who are also committed to prioritising selfcare. You can share ideas, motivate each other, and hold each other accountable.

Bottom line, normalising selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day is about recognising that taking care of yourself is a year-round practice. It’s about making self-care a daily habit, finding what works for you, making time for it, letting go of guilt, and creating a support system. By prioritizing self-care, you’ll not only feel better but also be better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way.

Priorities ladies!

I can’t say it enough; selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day needs to be your mantra for the rest of the year. It’s not you being needy, whinny, or some other socio-cultural shaming terminology. This is you making your health and well being, the center of how you move through this world.  For some concrete tips and ideas for creating your own selfcare routine, read this earlier viral post right here!
Selfcare beyond Valentine’s Day blog Pinterest image

Barriers to selfcare for Black and other women of color 

1.  Lack of representation

Women of color may feel that the mainstream wellness industry does not represent their needs and preferences. The lack of representation can lead to feeling excluded, invisible, and not valued. It can also lead to difficulty finding resources that are culturally sensitive and appropriate.

2.  Intersectional discrimination

Women of colour, especially Black women face multiple forms of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. These forms of oppression can cause stress, anxiety, and trauma, which can make it difficult to prioritise self-care.

  1. Systemic barriers

Women of colour may face systemic barriers to accessing self-care resources, such as limited financial resources, lack of affordable and accessible healthcare, limited access to healthy food options, and lack of safe and supportive environments.

Other barriers to consider

  1. Caregiving responsibilities

Women of colour are often expected to take on caregiving responsibilities for their families and communities, which can make it challenging to find time for self-care. The pressure to put others’ needs before their own can lead to feelings of guilt and self-neglect.

  1. Mental health stigma

Women of colour may face stigma and shame around mental health, which can prevent them from seeking help and support. The fear of being perceived as weak or vulnerable can lead to self-isolation and a reluctance to engage in self-care practices that may benefit their mental health.

My final thoughts

Let’s start a clean slate for this new season by recognising that women are facing a global health crisis. That crisis is the absence of selfcare that has become even more critical in a global system of patriarchy, anti-blackness and misogyny.  For women of colour, they’re are additional barriers to selfcare that need to be recognised and addressed. These barriers include lack of representation, intersectional discrimination, systemic barriers, caregiving responsibilities, and mental health stigma. By acknowledging and addressing these barriers, we can create a better world for all women across the globe! Also, check out this short post more selfcare ideas for newbies!

Selfcare Beyond Valentine’s Day

Safety and security first

I’m always surprised at how many women don’t know safety and security go hand in hand with selfcare. Selfcare is an essential tool for Black women to navigate the unique challenges they face in the world. However, selfcare is often thought of as being limited to physical and mental wellness, without considering the importance of personal safety in our selfcare. Safety and self care go together sis! In this context, security includes feeling safe in one’s environment, having access to resources, and feeling financially stable. These elements are essential for Black women to truly take care of themselves and improve their overall well-being. On one small note, this post may contain Amazon affiliate links from which I will receive a small percentage!

One of the key ways in which security can be a pillar of selfcare for black women is by ensuring that they feel safe in their environment. This means feeling safe in their homes, workplaces, and communities. Black women are disproportionately affected by crime and violence, and it is essential for them to feel safe in order to engage in self-care activities. This can be done by taking steps to improve personal safety. This means being aware of one’s surroundings, and also advocating for policies that promote safety in Black women’s communities.


More context on the idea of safety and security in selfcare

Another way in which security can be a pillar of selfcare for Black women is by ensuring they have access to resources. This includes access to food, housing, healthcare, and education. Black women are disproportionately affected by poverty, and it is essential for them to have access to resources in order to improve their overall well-being. This can be done by advocating for policies that promote economic justice and by seeking out resources in the community.

Security also includes feeling financially stable. Financial stability is an important aspect of self-care for Black women, as it allows them to meet their basic needs, provide for their families, and plan for the future. Financial stability can be achieved by creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings.

Safety and security are part of self care for black women blog post pin

Some final thoughts

In conclusion, security is a critical aspect of selfcare for Black women. Black women have unique challenges that need to be addressed in order for them to truly take care of themselves. Security can be achieved by feeling safe in one’s environment, having access to resources, and feeling financially stable. Self-care is not limited to physical and mental wellness, but it should include all aspects of well-being, including security. By including security in their self-care practices, Black women can improve their overall well-being, feel more in control of their lives, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination.

A few tips on how Black women can incorporate security into their selfcare practices

  1. Take steps to improve personal safety. This includes being aware of one’s surroundings, avoiding dangerous areas, and carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm.
  2. Advocate for policies that promote safety in Black women’s communities. This includes supporting initiatives to reduce crime and violence, and advocating for increased funding for community policing programs.
  3. Seek out resources in the community. This includes connecting with local organizations that provide support with food, housing, healthcare, and education.
  4. Create a budget and invest in long-term savings. This includes creating a budget to manage your finances, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings to ensure financial stability.
  5. Seek out therapy or counselling. This includes seeking out therapy or counseling to help you process any trauma or stress that you may be experiencing.
  6. Connect with other Black women for support. An example would be connecting with other Black women in your community, or joining a support group. This can provide a sense of community and support to help you navigate the challenges you face.
  7. Prioritize self-care and make it a regular practice.This means including security as a regular self-care practice, and incorporating it into your daily routine.

An important reminder about security and self care

It’s important to remember that selfcare is a continuous journey that requires patience and consistency. It’s essential to find what works best for you, and to be kind to yourself when implementing these tips. Remember that security is a critical aspect of self-care for Black women, and it’s essential to include it in order to improve overall well-being, feel more in control of one’s life, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination.

Some real life examples of how Black women can incorporate safety and security into their self-care practices

  1. Example 1: A Black woman who lives in a high-crime area can take steps to improve her personal safety. This includes taking a self-defense class, avoiding dangerous areas, and carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm. She can also advocate for policies that promote safety in her community, such as increased funding for community policing programs. Additionally, she can seek out resources in the community, such as counseling or therapy, to help her process any trauma or stress she may be experiencing.
  2. Example 2: A Black woman who is struggling financially can take steps to improve her financial stability. This includes creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and investing in long-term savings. She can also seek out resources in the community, such as job training programs or financial counseling. Additionally, she can connect with other Black women for support, such as joining a support group or connecting with a financial advisor.

Last but not least

It’s important to remember that self-care is a continuous journey that requires patience and consistency. It’s essential to find what works best for you, and to be kind to yourself when implementing these tips. Remember that security is a critical aspect of self-care for Black women, and it’s essential to include it in order to improve overall well-being, feel more in control of one’s life, and navigate the challenges they face with resilience and determination. Also, be sure to check out my virtual book shelf for some of the best books for women this year! Please be safe out there my sistas!

Safety And Security Are Part of Selfcare for Black Women

Healthy collard greens recipe blog post image

Holiday cooking season

Hello fall and winter holiday cooking season, y’all! Nothing says cozy and yummy in this cold climate like a spicy pot of my healthy collard greens recipe. Collard greens are steeped in the traditions of the black diaspora in the Americas and beyond. They are also a favorite dish for this time of the year. However, I’ve since switched this dish up and made it into a much healthier and healing version of the original recipe. Granted, while most folks have their own little somethin’, somethin’ they add to the mix, mine takes it to another level.

A little bit of history regarding this dish

While most folks in North America now associate collard greens with the southern region of the country, this dish is unique. It’s roots tie back to the dark history of this country. Collard greens is a dish that evolved from the creativity and tenacity of the lived experiences of enslaved black people. This dish has since become a southern delight and staple during the holidays in the U.S. When African enslaved people toiled and suffered at the hands of white supremacy and slave masters, they were fed scraps and unwanted portions, cuts of meat, etc. These food scraps consisted of greens that were considered inedible weeds or low quality by slave owners. Enslaved Africans took these scraps, coupled with their knowledge of spices and food ways, and created a dish that nourished and sustained the body.

An indomitable will to survive and preserve cultural food ways

Out of their drive to survive and thrive, Africans in the diaspora adapted their native spices, herbs, knowledge and creativity. In the end, they made food that was both palatable and delicious. We now call much of these adaptations and innovative foods “soul food”. Now, collard greens have become popularized as the “cool and spicy” food to eat and part of “American” culture.  My version has been further adapted to craft a healthy collard greens recipe that builds on the history of my people.

Health benefits of this delicious recipe 

1. fibre is just one of the many benefits of this recipe.
2. Vitamins k, A, B, C and E are some of the amazing nutrients in these greens. Also, they’re rich in essential minerals. These include potassium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, magnesium and zinc).

3. Bone broth is loaded with collagen, is gut healing, and promotes immune function. Not only that, it also improves bone and joint health, as well as anti-inflammatory.

4. Other ingredients provide a great source of protein and are anti-inflammatory. You can read more about the health benefits of these spices on anothe one of my post when you click this link.

Ingredients for this healthy collared greens recipe

1. Collard greens (4 cups thin shredded)

2. mustard greens and, or purple kale (2 cups, thin shredded)

3. smoked turkey necks (1 pound)

4. Organic bone broth (2 cups)

5. Smoked paprika (2 tablespoon)

6. Curry powder (1 1/2 tablespoons)

7. Garlic powder (1/2 teaspoon)

8. Onion powder (1/2 teaspoon)

9. 1 small red onion, thinly sliced

10. 2 garlic cloves

9. Allspice (1/4 teaspoon)

9. Sea salt (1 1/2 tablespoon of sea salt)

10. Chili powder (1/2 teaspoon)

11. Turmeric powder (1/2 teaspoon)

12. Fresh ground black pepper (1/4 teaspoon)

You can adjust both the salt and chili powder according to your taste. We love our version of this healthy collard greens recipe, spicy! Also, I’ve got more healthy and delicious dishes right here

Also, check out the video of this recipe right here, to see just how delicious this amazing recipe is!

Preparation (approximately 2hrs)

what would ordinarily take you over 6 hours to prepare, we can cut down the time to 2hours. This is because in order to make a great quality bone broth, the bones must simmer for about 6 hours. Extracting the collagen and other beneficial nutrients from the bones requires a lot of time. Especially if you want to reap all of the health benefits as well as develop the flavour of the broth. Using an organic bone broth brand saves you a lot of time. However, I prefer to make mine from scratch.

bring your bone broth to a gentle simmer while adding in your spices, etc. Next, add the smoked turkey bones, garlic and red onions. Allow it to simmer for about 45 mins and then add in your shredded greens. Once you’ve added the shredded greens, turn down the heat to medium-low heat and allow to simmer for an hour. Occasionally stir the greens and take a fork to shred the meat from the turkey neck bones. Allow to simmer on very low heat for an additional 15 mins and then turn off the heat. Next, allow it to sit for a few mins and then serve hot with corn and flax meal bread.

Healthy Collard Greens Recipe

After dinner tea recipe blog feature image

A great after-dinner holiday tea (or tisane)

Happy holidays to everyone around the world and bon appetite! With all of the delicious dishes being served for the holidays, I can’t forget about drinks. My after dinner holiday tea recipe is a perfect way to end our holiday meal. For different parts of the world, the spices vary for this soothing beverage.

A brief history

For centuries, people have created beverages as accompaniments to their meals. This is especially true for the holiday and festival seasons. From parts of Africa, the middle and Asia, many drink after dinner teas on regular basis. In Victorian England, these were known as tisanes rather than tea. Tisanes are usually made from fresh or dried plant parts like leaves, flowers, crushed seeds, etc. As to whether or not other folks have their own after dinner holiday tea recipe, I’m guessing I’m not alone.

After dinner holiday tea recipe pin

Health benefits of my after dinner tea recipe

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll remember that I’m all about function and flavor. I love creating an after dinner tea recipe each season. Since it’s fall heading into winter, here, it’s time for my holiday blend. today’s recipe is no different and features a blend of spices that are great for the stomach. This after dinner holiday tea recipe also includes spices that remind of you fall and winter goodies! All of these ingredients are particularly great for gut health, which is the back bone of our immune system.

More on this

My spice blend is anti-inflammatory, supports the immune system, is anti-microbial and anti-viral. For example, caraway and coriander alleviate bloat, IBS, and indigestion. Other benefits of this tea blend include, helping to alleviate diarrhoea as well as constipation. Mint soothes the stomach and helps alleviate nausea. All if not most of these ingredients, promote a healthy gut, immune system and so much more. You can read more about the benefits in some of my favourite tea recipes like this one by clicking right here!

Here are the ingredients you will need

1. 1/4 cup of ginger (fresh)

2. 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, freshly ground

3. 1/2 teaspoon of coriander

4.  1/2- 1 whole medium cinnamon stick

5. 1/4 cup of finely shredded mint leaves

6. 1/4 tea spoon of fresh, ground green cardamom

7. 1/4 cup of  gingered honey

8. 24 ounces of filtered water

About the gingered honey

For how to make gingered honey, click here to get the recipe and how you can switch it up for a variety of purposes. Since I’m an avid herbal tea drinker, I love to make my own gingered honey. Don’t be afraid or intimated about making it yourself because it is easy to make. Just keep in mind that you will need to give it sufficient time to cure and develop it’s potency.

Making your after dinner holiday tea

First, bring your water to a gentle boil and then add your fresh ground ingredients. Toss in your cinnamon stick and fresh shredded ginger, turning down the heat to a low simmer for about 10 mins. Next, add your gingered honey with your fine shredded mint leaves for an additional 3-5 mins. Finally, turn off the heat and strain your after dinner holiday tea. You can then garnish your tea with a pinch of fresh mint and add more honey to taste.

Final thoughts before you go

Spices add flavour, complexity and in a lot of instances, a variety of healing elements to every dish you create. This is one of the main reasons why I’m so passionate about decolonizing your traditional food ways in addition to knowing what is actually in your food. Food has a tremendous capacity to heal the body and is often the first place to go in order to heal your body naturally. If you have doubts about the power of spices in your food, you can read what John Hopkins Medicine states right here. Also, make sure you subscribe and follow my blog to get the latest updates, posts, and more!

After Dinner Holiday Tea Recipe

Ginger as a kitchen staple

Ginger is one of the most versatile and healing spices (herbs) around my kitchen! In my opinion, there are very few things that beat out ginger when it comes adding a dose of healing to my food and drinks. My honeyed ginger recipe changes with the seasons but in all cases, I have to make sure it ages sufficiently to get the most benefits out of it. This is one spice that I never allow myself to run out of because it has so many medicinal and culinary uses.

Ingredients for the honeyed ginger recipe

  1. 8 oz raw honey (set aside an additional 2oz to cover your completed batch)
  2. 1/4 cup fresh grated ginger
  3. 1 small fresh squeezed lemon
  4. 1 small fresh lime
  5. 1/4 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon (optional)

Bringing it together

Now that you have all of the ingredient, first add the fresh squeezed lemon and lime juice to the the fresh grated ginger. Next, thoroughly mix in the cinnamon (fresh ground or powdered) to your mixture. Finally, be sure to fully incorporate the honey to your honeyed ginger recipe. Make the honey completely cover the ginger so none is left exposed.

Honeyed Ginger Recipe blog pin

Final preparation and storage

Once your batch is fully mixed, store it in a glass wide-mouth jar with a tight seal and place it in the fridge to cure for two weeks. Stir your mixture every 2-3 days and keep it in the fridge. This gingered honey can be added to your herbal teas, or take a teaspoon a day to boost your immune system.


Health benefits 

Ginger has been used as a cure-all, herbal remedy, and in cooking recipes, for generations. Ginger eases digestive discomfort, is anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial. To read more about the numerous health benefits click here and here. Also, be sure to subscribe and save this (pin it on Pinterest)!

Honeyed Ginger Recipe

Cheap winter selfcare ideas blog post image

We are in the last quarter of 2022 and it is time to make the right shift for staying healthy and living your best life! If You’re not there yet, that’s okay because its never too late to improve your life. That being said, there are so many cheap fall and winter selfcare ideas that I’m about to share today. First of all, selfcare is not optional especially with everything that it is happening on the global front.

More on selfcare

It took me a long time to appreciate the true importance and impact of selfcare on every aspect of life. It took tragedy and my on health care issues to realize that I needed to break the cycle of self-neglect and socio-cultural conditioning. That is the same conditioning (and control) that made me believe it was selfish to honor my own needs, desires, etc. This is especially true for women because from the cradle we’re basically taught that our lives, desires, wants, positioning, etc are not of equal value. Women are taught (largely by society and culture) that our worth and validation is tied to “something” outside of ourselves.

A brief reminder

For the average woman, especially non-eroupean, selfcare is something of a luxury even now! Not only that, many folks are struggling to financially and need affordable ideas and tips. Today’s cheap winter selfcare ideas are ones that can also be adapted to other seasons of the year too.

Selfcare is a radical life saving practice that empowers, nurtures, heals, and renews our beings. It literally forces us to do the internal work (i.e. healing, renewing, self-development, etc) necessary for wholeness and autonomy. This is also why, selfcare is often demonized and restricted to cute memes and hashtags in social media. The reality is that most societies and cultures don’t view selfcare as a necessity, especially when it comes to women. 

Just a few fall and winter selfcare ideas to get you started

  1. yoga – yes I said it! Yoga, regardless of the variety is a great self care practice. It helps not only with your physical health, it’s also great for your mental and emotional health (i.e. stress reduction, managing anxiety, depression, etc).
  2. Hot herbal tisanes for am detox and boosting immunity.
  3. Herbal foot detox bath (with herbs, essential oils and Epsom salt).
  4. Detox body bath soak (with herbs and essential oils- please consult your physician prior to preparation).
  5. Bone broth and psyllium husk soups and stews (boosts immune system and psyllium is a probiotic for gut health as well).
  6. Personal growth activities – reading books on personal growth, mindset, spiritual guidance, etc.

More selfcare ideas that are great for the fall and winter months

  1. Doing a weekly personal needs checklist or assessment; using a journal or notebook on paper or in the notes app, etc.
  2. 5-10 min daily mediation practice / quiet time. These routines can done be first thing in the morning, during your exercise routine, going for a walk, etc.
  3. Do a seasonal cleaning and clearing session-a play on spring cleaning. Fall clearing is removing and discarding the clutter in your home that you’ve built up since the beginning of the year. It also includes all of those things you struggled to release during your spring cleaning. Meaning, stuff that kept you from moving forward, emotional baggage, etc. You’ll realise you never really needed that stuff but kept it out of fear of change, the unknown, habit, etc.
  4. Create or revamp your meditation space to reflect the new season of fall. I can’t over emphasise how important it is to have and or create, a space that is yours alone and is specially crafted for you to decompress and meditate. Over the last few years, I’ve learned that each season is naturally powerful and that power is further amplified when you create a space that not only reflects your own personality and aesthetic, but also the season as well. You are essentially creating a power amplifier that is uniquely tailored to your own energy.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Let’s not forget that the fall and winter seasons are typically the times when people become affected by SAD. Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression that is related to changes in seasons. So, a good selfcare routine means that you’ll have the tools you need in order to help you get through these tough times. Bottom line, there are many cheap and creative selfcare ideas out there. They are out there if you really want to change your life before the new year!

Cheap winter selfcare ideas Pinterest blog image

For many more selfcare strategies, tips and ideas check out my other posts on selfcare 365 days a year! Plus, don’t forget to comment and follow my blog for more life changing tips!

Cheap Winter Selfcare Ideas

Fall fitness for women over 40 blog post image

Fall fitness time

For every season we need to make adjustments in our routines, cycles, etc in every area of our lives. That means when it comes to fitness and working out, it’s good idea to make changes for the season too. This is even more true when you start factoring in ageing, etc. Fall fitness for women over 40 makes a lot of sense especially if you want to avoid injuries!  Avoiding injuries while working out, should always be your goal if you want to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Fitness through the seasons

We need to adapt our lifestyles and routines to each new season during the year. Especially if you want to truly enjoy the year and all it has to offer. Granted, we can’t account for every eventuality, but we can make smart decisions on how to move forward. When it comes to women over 40, we’ve got other things to consider such as bone and hormonal health. This also impacts how and what types, of exercises we engage in. Keeping these fall fitness for women over 40 in mind, is my way helping women stay healthy and active 365 days a year

Things to keep in mind during the fall season

With the fall comes the usual cold and flu season as well as other potential community health infections and illnesses. It is also a time when our stress and anxiety get elevated, seasonal affective disorder kicks in (colder and northern regions of the world), etc. As we get older, we can become more vulnerable to respiratory and other illness and injury. When you consider hormonal fluctuations, shifts in dietary needs, the potential for loss of mobility and a decline in over all health can increase dramatically.

Exercising and staying fit the right way

Yes, there is a right and a wrong way to exercise and you don’t need to be a fitness guru to figure it out either! First off, never abruptly jump into a vigorous and or high intensive workout program / routine. That is one of the best ways to get injured and completely sideline all of your fitness goals. Instead, consult your healthcare provider, fitness coach and get your fitness assessment. If you already have a good idea of your own fitness level, you’re already a quarter of the way to elevating your health and fitness.

One easy recommendation

As a women’s self-care and health coach for women over 40, I always recommend starting out light and slow to start. Once you’ve got your routine planned and in place, it’s easy to increase your intensity and amount of weight training.  You can read more about some of my favorite exercises for women over 40 when you click hereI always say, “let your body be your guide”! This is the main reason why I stress the importance of selfcare because self-care forces you to tune into the needs of your body. Self-care also teaches you body awareness and connectivity. If you’ve ever had the sense that “something” is “off” in your body, then you know what I’m talking about.

My 5 favorite tips for staying fit and fab this fall

1. If you’ve been off of your exercise routine for more than 2 weeks, don’t restart your program with high intensity/ high impact exercises. Instead, start light and focus on exercises that hone in on mobility and flexibility.

2. Always check in with your healthcare provider, health coach, or fitness coach after a long hiatus from working out. It will help you avoid injuries that can affect your long term health and mobility.

3. Get a workout / fitness plan that is geared toward taking advantage of the fall season. For instance, fall is the perfect time for long walks and hikes because it’s neither to hot or too cool.

Last but not least

4. Fall is also one of those times of the year, when you want to make sure you are taking the right supplements to help support your immune system and overall wellness. While supplements can never be a substitute for whole food, it is necessary to add natural supplements, herbs, spices, etc that support and optimise your body functions.

5. Never underestimate the power of a good stretching and mobility routine. Even as I say this to you, I’m always reminding myself to do the same. Frequent and constant stretching routines (i.e. yoga, pilates, etc) will save you from injury and misery. Not only that, one of the downsides of ageing (in general), is the loss of mobility and flexibility. You want to stay toned, avoid aches and pains associated with arthritis and so forth? Start your yoga and or Pilates practice in addition to weight training to maintain your active lifestyle!

Final thoughts

Start thinking of “ageing” as the “use it or lose it” principle on steroids, and less like it’s the twilight years of your life. I’m learning that we all have an expiration date that is unspecified and far from guaranteed. Every day in the news, I hear of some young person who’s been struck down in the prime of her/his/their life while others make it well past their 90s. Bottom line? We all live in the dash ”-“ of our time here on earth so why not live it fabulously and with purpose?

Self-care and self-love will help you achieve all of this and more, if you are willing to embrace the journey and gain the courage to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Plus, anything worth having is always worth the work to get there. As for the internalised socio-cultural patriarchy (and often misogyny) that women should learn to “age gracefully”, I call b.s. on that! We are all entitled to live life to the fullest and part of that means honouring your body, and giving it what it needs to thrive. You get to decide!

Please save and share this post with your community and follow for more tips and healthy lifestyle strategies.

Fall Fitness For Women Over 40

Recession proof self care strategies blog post feature image

Economic hardships

We’re in a recession folks and that means tightening our belts. It also means being resourceful and finding creative ways to self care on a tight budget.  That also means, getting recession proof self care strategies to help you weather the storm! While no one wants to get down in the dumps over the economy, the truth is that we need to adapt. A recession, economic hardship, etc means finding creative ways to stay healthy and keep your household in order.

Adaptation and resourcefulness is the key

I get it. Who wants to think about trying to workout or maintain a gym membership when we’re in the middle of a recession? Let’s not even add in the cost of transportation, fuel to keep our homes warm, etc? Well, when you understand that selfcare is critical to you staying healthy and getting through the tough times, your mindset shifts. Having recession proof self care strategies in place are like, having a “Go bag” during a crisis, national emergency etc. I know. It sounds dramatic but it’s so true! If you suffer from anxiety, PTSD, etc, you know how important it is to have the right tools in place to help you make it through your crisis.

In the case of recession proof self care strategies, these are crucial for both the short and long term. While humans are extremely adaptable, recent happenings around the globe have left many people struggling to cope. It’s a fight for them to address their physical, mental, and physical health. According to the WHO (world health Organization) and  US News & World Report, things a pretty grim for a lot of folks.

Recession proofing your self care

Focusing on the recession and other local and global crisis won’t offer solutions or make us feel any better. To borrow a quote from Tony Robins, “it’s not a lack of resources, but a lack of resourcefulness”, that’s the problem. To get beyond the paralysis of an economic or personal crisis, means getting out of that “headspace” that keeps you bound. Using your self care practice gives you the ability to weather storms in your life. Not only that, with these strategies you develop solution-based ways of thinking. This will help you to handle stress, anxiety, etc in healthy and productive ways. Also, It will help you stick to healthy activities (i.e. workout routines, etc). The mindful aspect of self care, helps sustain and support your health and overall well being.

After all, if you’re sick, stressed out and overwhelmed, your chances of navigating and surviving current happenings (both local and global), are slim! I’m not trying to freak you out, but depending on where you live in the world and your “resources” things are going to be very tough for a while.

Here a few tips

1. Manage your stress (i.e. EFT, meditation, breathing exercises, etc). You’d be amazed at how much better you’ll feel when you are able to control your stress level. Not only that, stress negatively impacts your immune system, mental health, etc.

2. Eat foods that support your immune system and energize the body). The quality of your food choices can not be over emphasized here. Realize that healthy food is both energy and medicine for your body.

3. Organize your physical and mental space. Get rid of overwhelm by pouring out your thoughts, feelings, etc, down on paper. A good brain dump gives you clarity and improves focus.

4. Create a weekly and monthly budget to keep track of, and organize,  your expenses to avoid overwhelm and anxiety

5. Set aside time (i.e. 30 mins, etc) each day to attend to your personal self care needs. This is separate from to-do lists and daily maintenance activities.

Final thoughts

Recession proof self care strategies will give you the endurance and mindset to make it though. Also, these strategies don’t work in a bubble. You have to consider your environment and prioritise your health and safety first. Then, in that context of self care, plug in these strategies so that you have a sustained plan of action. As always, you can read some more posts for budget friendly selfcare tips right here  and free resources too! Also, share this post with your community and be sure to subscribe.

Recession proof Self care Strategies

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