the Ultimate superfood smoothie blog feature image

My go-to meal on the go!

We all know that we should eat better to live better! But when you’re busy and running around trying to check off all of your to-dos, the quality of the food you put into your “temple”, tends to suffer. I’ve found that a nutrient-dense superfood smoothie is a perfect antidote!

When it comes to making the most out of one meal, I’ve got this one beat! I came up with the ultimate superfood smoothie recipe, out of necessity. Working in healthcare is very stressful and truly is a labor of love. But when it comes to your own self-care, it’s far too easy to neglect your own needs. This is especially true as you tend to those who are sick and require your care. My goal was simple. Pack the most beneficial and powerful nutrients into a simple dense packet that can be quickly consumed on the go!

I did my research, found some of the most powerful superfoods needed to combat a high-stress and high-intensity lifestyle on the go, and tastes good! Voila! A powerhouse-nutrient dense superfood smoothie on the go folks! It tastes good, makes you feel rejuvenated, and helps bring those “fight-or-flight” hormones back into alignment.

For your ultimate superfood smoothie, you will need:

  1. 1/3 tsp of ashwagandha root powder.
  2. 1/2 Tsp of Moringa oleifera leaf powder
  3. 1 level tsp of spirulina
  4. 1 tsp (or 5grams) of Dr. Mercola’s fermented beet powder
  5. 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon
  6. 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  7. 1/2 cup frozen or fresh organic berry medley ( also available at trader joe’s)
  8. 8 fluid oz (or 29.57 grams) of almond milk

You can also make this smoothie the day before. I usually just blend the dry ingredients into my smoothie before I dash out at the start of my day.

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Here are some of the benefits of the main ingredient in my ultimate superfood smoothie:

  1. Ashwagandha-  known to be a highly prized, adaptogenic super root, used frequently in Ayurvedic medicine to increase vitality, relieve stress, and boost brain and cognitive function.
  2. Moringa oleifera leaf powder- the miracle leaf rich in calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin A as well as all the essential amino acids (comparable to wheatgrass, spiraling and chlorella. It’s also high in protein, vitamin A, calcium, and essential amino acids).
  3. Spirulina- has the highest protein and beta carotene levels of all green superfoods and also has naturally occurring GLA ( Gamma Linolenic Acid), a popular fatty acid with numerous health benefits.
  4. Turmeric- Is known to be an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

These are just a few of the benefits of incorporating a superfood smoothie into your daily selfcare routine! Also, if you want to find out more about the benefits of these and other spices, check out my recipe for anti-inflammatory detox beverage and more right here!


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quickly. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


The Ultimate Superfood Smoothie Recipe

Why Selfcare is difficult for women

I know how difficult it is to find time to actually practice self-care. Like most women around the world, each day is usually a constant balancing act of taking care of other people, their expectations, and a whole slew of obligations! Regardless of what corner of the world we live in, selfcare is difficult for women to varying degrees.


The daily reality for the average woman

There are few women in the real world, who can say they are always able to make time for their self-care needs and without the guilt and burden of constantly trying to live up to the expectations of others (including society). For every woman that has struggled to break free from that cycle of guilt around making time for their own self-care and their needs in general, it really is “all in your head!”.  Yes, selfcare is difficult for women-especially if you’re trying to first meet the needs and expectations of other people, etc.

What selfcare is not

Let’s be clear, doing for both family and community is something we should all aspire to but that is not to say that one should neglect one’s own wellbeing. Historically, women have had to choose between their own self-care and the needs of others. That’s in addition to the demands made by society and culture.

Why Selfcare is hard for women blog pin

A bit of history about the self-care movement 

The self-care movement was birthed during the anti-war and civil rights movements. It has it’s origins in the medical sphere as both physicians and academicians were looking at strategies to mitigate the effects of high-stress work environments on healthcare workers. Later on, it transformed into a broader movement as it became politicized during the civil rights and women’s movement of the ’60s and early ’70s.


With that in mind here are a few quick tips to help you begin to break the cycle

1. Start saying “NO”! I know it sounds easy, but I also know how difficult it is to do this when you have been conditioned and silenced by society for so long. Like most women, I put my needs, desires, and health far below that of family and other obligations. I also watched women in my family and lineage suffer the same fate. Experience has shown me that the only way to break the cycle is to start with the word “NO”.  Believe it or not, this one word contains a lot of power and has the effect of shaking up the status quo and activates a place in your core that has long been silent and ineffectual.

2. Know what it means to have boundaries and create them (if you don’t know).  It starts with self-discovery and identifying what is in alignment with your inner self versus what is in violation of those core beliefs and or elements.

3. Stop asking for permission to self-care. Again, sounds pretty straight forward but it will surprise you to find out how much resistance you encounter when you begin to assert yourself and enforce your boundaries!

4. Take ownership of your entire self (i.e. self-acceptance) including the good, the bad and the ugly. After all, if you don’t accept yourself, you can not expect anyone else to do so either.

What you can expect on this journey:

As I mentioned earlier, be prepared for some push-back when you begin to use your voice and as you put your boundaries in place. That being said, the freedom and level of transformation are more than worth it!

What you will gain this journey:

One of the most meaningful gains from this process is empowerment. Freedom from self-sabotage and servitude to other people’s expectations is no small accomplishment. Especially when it means regaining your power and ability to speak your truth without the fear of being judged or shamed into silence. Click this link to find out more about how to break the cycle of O.P.E!

Before you go

At the end of the day, if you don’t value your health and wellbeing, no one else will. That’s the harsh truth of the matter. If you’re struggling to come up with good selfcare ideas in the midst of this global “lockdown, read  “14 Ways To Love Yourself 365 Days A Year”14 Ways To Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!

Why Selfcare is difficult For Women

Aging gracefully?

Very few women want to age gracefully these days and I’m one of them! Forget the old stereotypes of crows feet, ”dress your age”,  the 40-year slump, and so forth. I’m also a firm believer in self-care and self-love and THAT means doing those healthy ”things”, that stave off premature aging, weight gain, and the slowing down of my metabolism. There are a number of ways we can increase our strength and youthfulness and that’s through exercise, diet and excellent selfcare! I’ve got 5 exercises for women over 40 that are simple, straight forward and easy to do.

The fab 5 exercises

Today we’re talking about some of the top 5 exercises for women over the age of 40. The truth is, we’re ALL aging and breaking down-yes even the little ones! This is the natural life cycle in nature but that doesn’t mean we have no way to slow down the aging process and in some instances, reverse it. I’m all in for anything (healthy that is)that will help fight signs of aging on all fronts.

As you know, I’m also a skincare freak and I have a ton of helpful tips and tricks to help you get fit, get and maintain the best version of your skin, and more!  But this post isn’t about that! For some of my top secret anti-aging remedies read up on ”The 5 Skincare Ingredients You Need On Your DIY Face Masks”.

The reality of it all

Exercise, diet, detox and “de-stress” can both slow and reverse the effects of aging as well as combat the effects of the environment. I don’t know why so many women are afraid of lifting weights, but this is one of the surest ways to increase muscle tone, tighten the skin and increase bone density!

A combination of cardio and “real” weight training go a long way to increase your physical strength, silhouette and muscle tone. Want toned tight arms and legs? Weight training, baby! The realities of the aging process make it even more important to hone in on those workouts that get results. This is why I choose to highlight these top 5 exercises for women over 40 everywhere!

With that in mind, let’s get cracking! The first exercise that I call “pain in the butt” (because it works) is:

1. Squats. Squats help build your leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves), aids in burning more fat, as it is one of the most time-efficient ways to burn a lot of calories.

2. Planks. The plank is one of the better workouts for core conditioning but them too works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and ameliorates balance. As someone who hates doing crunches, planks are a godsend! Plus, your risk of injuring your neck is lower and this works more than just those core muscles. These are a great exercise for women over 40 who want well-defined abs and a strong core.

My all time favorites

3. Lunge. Before you start moaning girl, just let me tell you, lunges are a girl’s best friend! They’re not just for twenty-somethings, lunges are for every woman! The lunge aides in sculpting, strengthening and toning your legs and glutes. They also improve the flexibility of the hips. While they are uncomfortable, lunges will quickly get your butt lifted and sculpted if you’ll commit to it.

4. Burpees. These are a full body strength training exercise within every rep. Not only that you will work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles.

5. Dynamic plank.  Like the previous exercises, the dynamic plank is an excellent way to isolate the core area without crunches. I’m no fan of crunches (even though I do break down do them on occasion). I always recommend planks if you’ve got issues related to the neck area. Not only does this exercise strengthen your core, it also works your chest and shoulders.

What to keep in mind here

While there’s no magic pill to help sculpt the body you want, these 5 exercises will get you well on your way to looking better and looking better without the pressure.

Having said all of THAT, any good fitness guru will tell you that without a healthy diet, you still won’t get the results you want!

So for those who are still struggling with where to begin, grab my FREE Pantry Detox Gude GUIDE HERE

Also, to help you fill your fridge with produce that’s free of toxic chemicals get the complete Introductory Produce, Shopping Guide grab a copy HERE!!


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

5 exercises for women over 40: All Time Favorites That Really Work

Why I love it

This is my number 1 DIY all natural face mask because it helps fight lines, wrinkles and dark spots. It’s loaded with potent ingredients to help naturally fight against the effects of environmental pollution, aging, acne, and acne related scarring.

I can’t say enough about DIY anti-aging face masks and other skincare creations!

Why you need to add a face mask to your skincare routine

The environment does enough harm to our skin without using skincare products that are loaded with toxins and other mystery ingredients. While it’s all good to use skincare products that are all-natural, diet also matters! When I was in my teens and 20’s my mom always went on about making sure I eat healthy so that my skin will be healthy!

She was so spot on! This is especially important for women as we are constantly dealing with hormonal cycles. I really began to tune into this when I start led having some serious health and reproductive issues. Even to this day, I regret that I didn’t start early enough. I truly believe that I could have done more good for my reproductive health and fitness if I had played closer attention to the research that was coming out at the time. Live and learn right?

My skincare story

My DIY anti-aging face mask creations are based on my own experience and that of family and friends. I really encourage you to try your hand at making your own DIY anti-aging face mask and skincare so you know what works for you and with ingredients, you can trust.

The following DIY anti-aging mask uses fresh avocado as a base because of its unique properties. I’ve also used greek yogurt as a base in some of my other DIY skincare.

What you’ll need

This is the list of ingredients you will need for this DIY anti-aging face mask. It will also make enough for approximately three applications.

  1. Half of one ripe medium organic avocado
  2. One tablespoon of organic turmeric powder
  3. One teaspoon of Ceylon powder (this is the best variety to use)
  4. Half of one teaspoon of jojoba oil (use the cold-pressed organic variety)
  5. One and a half tablespoons of organic raw honey
  6. One glass mixing bowl (don’t use plastic)

How to make my DIY anti-aging face mask

Combine all of these ingredients using a hand mixer, processor or mash with a wish or clean wooden spoon. I prefer to use a stainless steel metal whisk to whip everything together and to make sure they are quickly incorporated into my DIY anti-aging face mask.

A quick note

Since this is handmade and has perishable ingredients, this recipe should be kept in the fridge until you’re ready to use it. I keep mine for about a week but no longer than a week and a half.  Remember that there are no preservatives in this mixture so you need to refrigerate your DIY mask. However, I’ve noticed that when I add a few drops of tea tree essential oil, my DIY face masks last longer since the tea tree oil is anti-microbial.

I have so many other recipes waiting to join this one but this is one of my favorite DIY anti-aging face masks. Whenever I make a new creation I always try to make sure I use my must-have ingredients included in most of my recipes.

About the author 

Tonye Tariah is a Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies”! For her, that means she helps each woman in a unique way; helping them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.

My DIY Anti-aging Face Mask

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Hello, goodness and all my fellow skincare freaks! I make no bones about splurging on skincare, especially when I come across a brand that’s all about eco-friendly, animal-friendly, and plant-based skincare. Today I’m sharing my new secret weapon from Benu Cosmetics.

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I know it can often be hard to see the forest for the trees in the world of cosmeceuticals, skincare and wellness industries, BUT I would be doing us all a huge disservice by not featuring this up and coming skin care gem. I hate when old favorites keep messing with their formulas in the name of “improvements” (it’s just reformulating and branding, seriously, who gives a flying fig?) to the point where my skin straight up lodges a serious rebellion and I’m forced to go a-hunting for a new line that’s all natural, loaded with anti-oxidants and won’t throw me into a tailspin. Well, enough of that! I recently got the opportunity to try out “Hello Skin” serum from ©Benu Cosmetics, and needless to say, I am a fan.

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 I love the feel and texture of Benu Cosmetics’ “Hello Skin” serum! It’s an awesome new line, founded by a millennial who’s serious about making changes in both the skincare industry and the environment! It’s vegan, organic and uses all natural ingredients that will nourish, moisturize and heal your skin. Additionally, if you’ve got sensitive skin like I do this is one item you won’t want to pass on. My love of organic and all-natural skincare is what fuels my interest in this particular brand.

Don’t take it from me though, grab yourself a bottle of Benu Cosmetics’ flagship serums, “Hello Skin” and try it out for yourself. It’s not every day that you encounter a product that is both simple and complex in one encounter. Boasting a short list of ingredients (no more than five ingredients) blended together in a unique proprietary formula, ©benucosmetics is my new bestie for my skincare needs. While it isn’t always the case that I fall in love with a particular skincare brand, I had to share my review of ©Benu Cosmetics “Hello Skin” serum ’cause I’m all about loving the skin I’m in!

Plus, since I’m also a great shopper I’m sharing my discount code with ALL of you>> RIGHT HERE!

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Benu Cosmetics Skincare Review

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Before you embark on that “fitness journey”, there are two things you need to ask yourself: 1. Why am I doing this? 2. What do I want to gain by the end of this process? (what’s your purpose). If you’re still scratching your heads on that one let me help you by giving you the definition of both “why” and “purpose”. The word why refers to a reason or explanation for carrying out a certain action, while the word purpose means a fixed design or outcome; a fixed intention.

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We’re all guilty of jumping into things without fully understanding or gathering enough information before we embark on a course of action.  This varies from person to person but my point is,  really think about why you need to do this otherwise, it just becomes an exercise in futility!

Two questions you need to ask yourself before you sign up for a personal trainer are:
1. Why am I doing this?
2. What is my purpose for taking this journey?

A lot of times we set ourselves up for failure because we either don’t ask the right questions or we don’t have an objective in mind. As the saying goes, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!”

Plus, are you doing all of “this” for the right reasons; in other words,  what’s the driving force behind this decision? Once, again this brings me back to the whole notion of digging deep inside to figure what it is that you really want for yourself and is it in alignment with your needs as an individual. For instance, if I say I’m going to lose weight simply because I’m tired of feeling judged by other “people”, is not going to keep me motivated or determined to achieve the end goal. As a matter of fact, it’s more likely to frustrate and depress me and ultimately leaving me worse off.

Also, if you’re struggling to find time for yourself (i.e. self-care ), you’re less likely to make informed decisions about your fitness and health. Afterall, when you put yourself at the bottom of your list of priorities, you’re out of gas by the time you get to figure out your own needs, a.k.a. clueless!


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Having said of all of that, there is nothing wrong with signing up for a gym membership or even going so far as to hire a personal trainer. This is especially true if you’re not sure where to start or you’ve  been off your routine for a long time (form trumps number reps every time). All of this ties into your needs and vision for this entire transformation process and why it’s so important that you ask yourself the hard questions.

At the end of the day, you can have all of the support, latest tech, and gadgets but if you are embarking on this journey for the wrong reasons you will fail. You will fail not because it was too hard or you lacked the will power, you will fail because you didn’t have a clearly defined why and purpose at the fore front of your path.


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Two Questions You Need to Ask yourself Before you sign up for a Personal Trainer

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The sun is shining, the temperature is rising and it’s time to switch up your skincare regime for a new season. We all have a tendency to lose track of the fact that our skin is an organ that requires a lot of care and in some instances, it too needs a good detox!

In addition to good nutrition and exercise, you can’t escape the fact that it’s also necessary to adopt a skincare regime that is tailored to your own skin type. You also need to account for any skincare sensitivities or issues that are unique to your own biology. In other words, if you’ve got finicky skin, you need to find those products that work best for your particular skin type.


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Experience has shown me that the fewer ingredients present in your skincare products, the better off your skin will be in the long run. Avoid products with a ridiculously long list of ingredients as well as chemicals (i.e. talc, hydroquinone, butyl paraben, propyl paraben, etc) which can have long-term damaging effects on your body systems.

While most if not all of those listed above have been banned in Europe, the U.S. has been slow to make significant progress towards protecting consumers from potentially harmful (i.e. carcinogens, immune system disruptors, etc) chemicals lurking in our skincare products.

I always advocate knowing what’s in your food as well as what’s in your skincare products. Why? YOUR SKIN is an organ and what you put on its surface eventually makes its way into other areas of your body (i.e. other organs, etc). REMEMBER: Your skin has pores and it’s permeable, in other words, don’t put toxic crap on your skin because it will be transported to your blood stream, etc.

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So to recap; it’s not enough to exercise, eat healthy nutrient-dense foods, and incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities. You also need to ensure that you minimize your exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals in your environment. The best place to start is with your food and personal care items and work your way outwards in terms of laundry detergents, household cleaning products, etc.

If you’re not sure how or where to get started you can grab a FREE copy of my Pantry Detox Guide right HERE and start with what’s in your kitchen pantry and refrigerator!

My passion and commitment to women’s health and fitness is personal and built on my own experiences and training in healthcare, my personal journey as well as a personal tragedy! I don’t take this fight lightly because it truly is a matter of life or death; knowledge is power!

Take the journey with me to fitness, balance, and empowerment when you book your FREE 30 min clarity session with me right HERE:

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Your Skin Is Your Canvas: Skin Care and Detox

boundaries not barriers

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Setting boundaries is something that is huge for me, moving into a new month! Lately, I find myself butting heads with the notion of setting boundaries versus barriers and knowing the difference between the two. Too often, we default to creating barriers to own success or growth out of fear or insecurity. We often deceive ourselves into thinking (and accepting) it was the former rather than the later.

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It’s never easy when you find you have to call yourself out on your own B.S., but there you go! Better to call it out at the onset than to find yourself stagnating in the quagmire of your own crap having missed on opportunities and life. So what’s the big deal? What does it even mean when we say, setting boundaries and not, barriers? First, let’s get the dictionary definition of “boundary” and “barrier” to get some clarity. According to the online edition of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, “a boundary is something that shows where an area ends and another area begins; a point or limit that indicates where two things become different.”

Making the distinction between setting boundaries versus boundaries

On the other hand, a barrier is defined as “something that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another; a law, rule, problem, etc., that makes something difficult or impossible.” Some might ask, why the exercise in definitions that seem relatively self-explanatory? I say, there’s a lot to be learned here; namely, your mindset plays a huge role in how you relate to other people, things, and ultimately, your lifestyle. I say this because our mindset often determines whether or not we see an opportunity before us or an obstacle or barrier.

In the context of health and wellness, the notion of self-care is seen as either an opportunity for personal renewal and growth or an obstacle to one’s achieving the completion of a set of tasks, to-do lists, etc. In this setting, your health will ALWAYS be the loser when it’s stacked against that venerable to-do list which always seems to take priority over everything else in our lives. This list I might add, that we often hide behind out of fear, uncertainty, doubt or inadequacy (at least in our own minds). This is where the shift in mindset needs to come into play!

When you realize and accept that those “tasks, to-do’s”, etc, will always be there (yes people, that’s the cycle of life; nothing ever really stops until it ceases to exist so get used to it) you can release yourself from that false sense of control that you’ve allowed yourself to be imprisoned by. The truth is, your health and fitness are central to manifesting your vision for your life because without them (a.k.a mind-body-spirit in balance) there is little hope of seeing that through to fruition.

Balance as a central feature to setting boundaries

Balance is one of the central features of a fit and healthy lifestyle and that’s why I never stop stressing the centrality of this phenomena to my clients. If you want true and sustainable health (i.e. mind-body-spirit) bringing all aspects of yourself needs to be brought into alignment. If you’re already at the point of tapping out and saying “enough is enough and time to get off the hamster wheel going nowhere” then, welcome to the beginning of your journey to self-discovery, fitness, and health! Too many times we say we’re too “busy” to “indulge” in self-care but that’s merely a choice (yes, you always have a choice) to continue down a path that has no good end or resolution. Bottom line? Setting boundaries is crucial to your overall health and wellbeing.

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When you say you’re “busy” it actually means that you don’t have “time” to take care of yourself and the things that really matter (i.e. living a full and healthy life, etc). The truth is that you are merely existing and not living! When you are out of alignment on all levels (mind, body, spirit), that manifests as a breakdown in both your physical and mental health; illness and disease begin to impact the whole.

This is at the crux of what it means in setting boundaries vs. barriers. It means making space for self-care and nourishing your mind and body and separating those destructive elements or forces that will take you and your health out of alignment. Realizing that this is not “selfish” but a necessity and indicates a level of growth few are willing to work at achieving (but that’s another topic for discussion). As women, we are constantly pushed and pulled in several directions as we strive to live up to the  ideas of other people and society; the freedom and growth comes when we release ourselves from this when we get “comfortable with being uncomfortable” as we address those internal issues and wounds that we have allowed to fester.

Growth and healing are not always comfortable or easy; in fact, they often require a level of exposure and examination that make uncomfortable seem like a cake walk but it’s necessary if you want to achieve your authentic self. The other alternative? Continue to merely exist and remain a slave to your fears and perceptions of the outside world. What a choice huh? For more on this read “why it’s so hard for women to self-care” right here.

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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Setting Boundaries Not, Barriers!

healthy food choices blog feature image

Healthy food choices and the struggle of sticking to them

When it comes to the holiday season, few people actively think about making healthy food choices. It’s that time of the year again and before you know it the  “Ides Of March” (my little Shakespeare reference,  hahaha) will be upon us and we’ll all be agonizing over those extra rolls we picked up over the winter months. Needless to say, that’s not all we picked up; less healthy eating, more of eating for comfort vs. eating for hunger, more sedentary vs. active, and the lists go on.

The reality for everyday people

So let’s not beat ourselves up over that stuff, rather, let’s focus on solutions that lead to results that can actually be sustained and maintained over time! When I first started my healthy lifestyle journey,  I remember being so TIRED of being sick and tired.  It seemed to be a constant battle between making healthy food choices and living! Rather than shifting my mindset, I was struggling to meet unrealistic expectations that were actually rooted in the “diet” myth After doing my own research, coaching, and personal development, I realized that a healthy lifestyle has to be sustainable!

Starting a healthy lifestyle also starts with your food choices

Making healthy food choices is actually not hard nor is it rocket science. You need a strategic plan that’s uniquely tailored to you and your lifestyle. It’s about getting educated about your food, breaking self-sabotaging behaviors, and valuing yourself enough to make the commitment.

A healthy mindset

I like to start a new season by detoxing my fridge so that I have the right “food” to go with the right “mindset” and that, equals success! Making the right nutritional choices for your health, are not that difficult to come up with nor are they unachievable. You simply have to change your mindset about what it means to be healthy and whether or not you value yourself enough to change your lifestyle. So what are some of the basic things you need to keep in mind when you’re shopping for foods that promote good health and a healthy waistline?


Getting rid of temptation and setting yourself up for success

Now some might say, “that’s easy for you to say”, and my response is, the following: guaranteed sickness, disease, and regret don’t constitute an acceptable alternative. If you want to be fit, healthy, and have a well-balanced lifestyle, you have to just do it and make the commitment, or else you will never have the energy or drive to pursue those things that make life meaningful-simple!

The pantry (and fridge) detox

It’s time to start digging through our pantries and fridges as we get into the business of throwing out those things we no longer need or want (a.k.a. detox). I’m a firm believer in keeping things simple and to the point. For any packaged food that lists ingredients I can’t pronounce (i.e. additives) or have been reduced to acronyms, I throw them out (or avoid buying them in the first place).

An easy hack for avoiding unhealthy foods in the grocery aisles

Another quick tip about labels; if you can’t pronounce the ingredient name then don’t buy it! As more research and awareness comes out, we’re finding that a lot of these “mystery” ingredients and additives are harmful. They often disrupt the bacteria in our guts or lead to unwanted reactions or side-effects. I see that as code for stuff that’s either been banned in Europe for its poor health risks or based on my own personal research about certain ingredients in our food system that are suspect (i.e. no nutritional value or haven’t been pulled by the Food and Drug Administration).

Making holiday favorites healthy

There are a lot of easy ways to make our holiday foods and recipes healthy (or healthier). We can swap out full-fat butter with olive oil (i.e. in some cake recipes) and bake instead of fry. You can also reduce the amount of processed sugar in baking by substituting this with natural alternative sweeteners. I’ve used honey, molasses, date paste, overripe bananas, etc as an alternative to processed sugar in my holiday baking recipes.

Using herbs and spices to fully season meats and veggies is a great way to cut down on salt. You get all of the flavors without the high salt content! I’m constantly experimenting with different herbs and spices in order to keep my recipes healthy without losing the traditional taste.

Before you go

I don’t know about you, but gumbo is a fall and winter favorite because it’s delicious, filling, and comforting! You can try my healthier Afro-fusion version right here. Also, here’s your FREE copy of my Pantry Detox guide and remember, “you are what you eat!” In the meantime, get educated about where your food comes from, get in theFitTribe Zone, and get moving!


About the author

Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog. She helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her belief is that “the cookie-cutter method only works for cookies”. This means that she helps each woman in a way that is unique to each woman. By doing this, she’s better able to help them transform their lives from the inside out. Her ultimate goal is to help women become healthy and empowered through the transformative self-care journey!


Healthy Food Choices: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

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Another week ends and the promise of another rolls around; that’s my definition of the weekend. It’s that time when I think about all the things I needed to get done but didn’t,  all that I was able to accomplish from my long list of to-dos, and just trying to get grounded to seriously STOP procrastinating about that box of stuff I’ve been avoiding opening up!  Don’t act like you don’t have one too! We’ve all got those “issues” and or “situations” we’ve put off dealing with out of fear, complacency, or just plain laziness.


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Well, today is the day I meditate, deliberate, and activate some REAL CHANGE in dealing with my “black box”! I don’t know what’s holding YOU back from moving forward, BUT by the time THIS WEEKEND is done I’ve vowed to myself that come Monday,  I WILL have a plan that I’ve put in motion and I WON’T STOP until I’m D. O. N. E. Getting fit and healthy IS MY VEHICLE for activating change in my life-21dayfix, Hammer & Chisel, it doesn’t matter what workout regime YOU choose to make that physical move; JUST MOOOVE!!!

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The reality is that we are own limitations! In other words, if you choose to remain in your current state regardless of what excuse you give yourself, nothing will change. It doesn’t matter what the mirror tells you or even what our warped media spews, it is ultimately about you and your vision for health, fitness, and purpose. Don’t give up your power rather, choose to embrace your truth and who you are as a human being!


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Tonye Tariah, Holistic Health Strategist and founder of Freedom at The Crossroads Blog, helps free women from inaction and unhealthy habits so they can get fit, healthy, and live free. Her approach is “the cookie cutter method only works for cookies,” meaning she helps each person in a unique way helps them transform their lives from the inside out. She’s not about helping you lose weight quick. She’s about changing your habits and helping you fall in love with yourself so you can live a life with pure joy.


Saturday getting grounded with the right mindset

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